Monthly Archives: December 2021

2021-12-11: News Headlines

WSWS (2021-12-11). UK High Court orders Assange extradited: A pseudo-legal travesty. The UK High Court is greenlighting a prosecution, in open defiance of the American constitution and international law, of a journalist for exposing monstrous criminal wrongdoing by the US government and military.

Editor (2021-12-11). The Maidan massacre in Ukraine: revelations from trials and investigations. The Maidan massacre trial and investigation produced overwhelming evidence that Maidan protesters were massacred by snipers at Maidan-controlled buildings, rather than by government snipers or Berkut policemen—who were nevertheless charged with the crime.

Iveta Cherneva (2021-12-11). The U.S. national security establishment needs a paradigm shift. Now. If you can sense one trend over the past weeks is that war is in the air, both on the Ukraine and the Taiwan fronts. That brings the world to a brink of war, and it seems like the US military establishment is interested in connecting the dots. They have been waiting for this for …

_____ (2021-12-11). The Fierce Determination Of Ordinary People To Build An Extraordinary World. United States President Joe Biden has suborned 111 countries to attend his Summit for Democracy on December 9—10, ending on Human Rights Day. 'We welcome all countries, organizations, and individuals to support the goals of the Summit', the US State Department wrote. However, there are 82 countries that have not been invited, including two large countries that are permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (the People's Republic of China and Russia) and two small countries from the Caribbean (Cuba and Haiti). In the name of democracy, the US government is pushing its own agenda to consolidate…

WSWS (2021-12-11). US State Department holds talks with Sri Lankan Tamil leaders. The TNA and the GTF are acting as quislings of US imperialism, seeking privileges for the Tamil elite.

Amjed Jaaved (2021-12-11). No focus on India on UN Genocide Day. Each year, on the ninth day of December, the United Nations observes the UN Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims and Crimes of Genocide. The day is also remembered as anniversary of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the "Genocide Convention). As usual, the Day came and passed …

WSWS (2021-12-11). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Indian ordnance factory workers hold national strike; Odisha state childcare workers demand higher wages; Australian plasterboard workers locked out; New Zealand rail union calls off strike.

Editor (2021-12-11). Systems thinking in COVID-19 recovery is urgently needed to deliver sustainable development for women and girls. Policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted the gendered aspect of pandemics; however, addressing the gendered implications of the COVID-19 pandemic comprehensively and effectively requires a planetary health perspective that embraces systems thinking to inequalities.

Martha Grevatt (2021-12-11). Rank-and-file democracy wins in the UAW. From Oct. 19 through Nov. 29, working and retired members of the United Auto Workers participated in a referendum vote on how they would elect their union's International Executive Board officers. The two choices were whether to continue the current delegate voting system, where the IEB is chosen by delegates . . . |

Martha Grevatt (2021-12-11). Baseball players union blasts owners for lockout. At midnight Dec. 2, immediately after the contract between Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association expired, team owners locked out all members of the MLBPA. The union issued the following statement on Twitter 20 minutes after the lockout was imposed. In two days the statement received . . . |

Dr. James M. Dorsey (2021-12-11). Saudi Arabia targets banned ultra-conservative proselytisers. Saudi Islamic affairs minister Abdullatif bin Abdulaziz al-Sheikh has ordered imams in the kingdom to identify one of the world's largest Muslim movements as misguided, deviant, dangerous, and a breeder of militancy. Mr. Al-Sheikh's offensive against Tablighi Jamaat or Society for Preaching, a secretive transnational ultra-conservative Sunni Muslim missionary movement of South Asian origin long …

Editor2 (2021-12-11). Iran Warns Against 'Dangerous' Acts of Piracy Targeting its Oil at Sea. An Iranian envoy to the United Nations has issued a stern warning against acts of piracy targeting tankers carrying Iran's oil cargos at sea, urging the international community to condemn such illegal measures that endanger freedom of navigation. | Zahra Ershadi, deputy permanent representative of Iran to the UN, made the remarks on Wednesday in an address to the UN General Assembly's meeting on oceans and the law of the sea. | She complained that the coronavirus pandemic and the US imposition of sanctions under the so-called maximum pressure campaign had disrupted freedom of movement for Iranian vessels and affe…

Newsroom (2021-12-11). Insect and Hydroponic Farming Could Boost Food Security and the Circular Economy. Insect and hydroponic crop farming, for both human food and animal feed, have the potential to increase access to nutritious food, while creating millions of jobs, improving the climate and the environment, and strengthening national economies, according to a new World Bank report 'Insect and Hydroponic Farming in Africa: The New Circular Food Economy'. "The …

Staff (2021-12-11). Venezuela: VP Delcy Rodríguez Presents 2022 Budget to National Assembly. The Executive Vice President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, emphasized this Friday, December 10, that 2022 will be the year of the recovery of the bolívar as Venezuela's national currency. | During the presentation of the budget and annual plan 2022 before the National Assembly (NA), Rodríguez affirmed that strengthening the bolívar as the national currency will be the center of the economic actions of the national government next year. In this regard, she pointed out that the government is refusing to dollarize the economy. | "We come from the year 2020, a year of pandemic, but 2021 has also been a year of pande…

Susan Lamont (2021-12-11). Kellogg strikers vote No! Say 'End two-tier wages'. MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Kellogg's workers on strike at the company's four cereal plants across the country overwhelmingly rejected the bosses' latest contract offer in a vote Dec. 5. The key issue is the company's demand to expand the number of "transitional" workers on its divisive two-tier wage and benefits system. | "The members have spoken. The strike continues," Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union President Anthony Shelton told the press. "Solidarity is critical to this fight." The company responded with threats. "The prolonged work stoppage has left us no choice but t…

Coral Wynter (2021-12-11). School strikers protest NAB's support for fossil fuel corporations. School students protested outside National Australia Bank headquarters calling on it to stop funding fossil fuels. Coral Wynter reports.

Coral Wynter (2021-12-11). Protesting BlackRock's support for Adani. A protest called on United States multinational investment management corporation BlackRock not to fund Adani. Coral Wynter reports.

WSWS (2021-12-11). January 6 committee releases documents detailing Trump's plot to overthrow election by declaring bogus "National Emergency" Prior to his public declaration to cease complying with the committee investigating the January 6 attack, former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows turned over the 36-slide coup presentation to Congress.

Marlee Kokotovic (2021-12-10). British court rules Assange can be extradited to US to face espionage charges. "Today is international human rights day, what a shame. How cynical to have this decision on this day."

Moderator (2021-12-10). Hedges: UK High Court Overturns Assange Win. By Chris Hedges / Original to ScheerPost | The British High Court in London today overturned an earlier lower court decision blocking the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States. The ruling sends the case back to Magistrate's Court with instructions to allow the extradition to be approved or denied by the British Home Secretary Prita Patel. The ruling, which included a decision to continue to hold Assange in a high security prison, is a severe blow to the Wikileaks co-founder's efforts to prevent his extradition to the United States to face charges under the Espionage Act. The extradition is now in…

Staff (2021-12-10). Headlines for December 10, 2021. U.K. Court Will Allow Extradition of Julian Assange to U.S. to Face Espionage Charges, Venezuela's Juan Guaidó, Who Led Failed Coup Efforts, Speaks at White House Democracy Summit, Federal Court Rejects Trump's Bid to Keep January 6 Records Secret, New York Attorney General Letitia James Ends Gubernatorial Bid, Will Subpoena Trump, National Guard Called Out as COVID-19 Cases Overwhelm U.S. Hospitals, WHO Warns Rich Countries Against Vaccine Hoarding as Omicron Variant Spreads , Truck Carrying Asylum Seekers Crashes in Mexico, Killing 54 and Injuring Over 100, Award-Winning Filipino Journalist Jesus Malabanan, Who…

Editor (2021-12-10). Biden's Summit for Democracy: International NGOs express concern that Summit will ignore India's descent to fascism. Groups extend offer to Biden to provide input to help make the summit a success.

Editor (2021-12-10). U.S. shouldn't be invited to Summit for Democracy, let alone be its host. In every one of the countries the United States has intervened in over the past decades, anti-democratic means are almost always used towards anti-democratic ends, all in the name of promoting democracy.

Alfred de Zayas (2021-12-10). Biden's Democracy Summit Is a PR Stunt. We Need Real International Democracy. President Joe Biden's ill-conceived virtual "Summit for Democracy" on December 9-10 is really a public relations extravaganza that's likely to backfire on the United States, because democracy is not a commodity, nor is it a Kalashnikov to be aimed at geopolitical rivals. President Biden is using an obsolete playbook, and his advisers should have told him that the stunt will convince only those who already believe in the myth of U.S. democracy. It will not gain the U.S. any new friends. | Accord…

Vijay Prashad (2021-12-10). The fierce determination of ordinary people to build an extraordinary world: The Forty-Ninth Newsletter (2021). United States President Joe Biden has suborned 111 countries to attend his Summit for Democracy on December 9—10, ending on Human Rights Day.

Ann Garrison, Ann Fitz-Gerald (2021-12-10). Biden Deploys National Guard: It's "Déjà Vu All Over Again" as Government Hawks and Corporate Media Play Up Ethiopian Atrocities in Tigray. Twelve days after a Bloomberg Nov. 11 Headline proclaimed that "Ethiopia's Civil War Is a Problem That U.S. Troops Can …

Caitlin A. Johnstone (2021-12-10). Super serious news reporting: notes from the Edge of The Narrative Matrix. Hi I'm a very serious news reporter. The Russians are controlling our thoughts with Facebook memes and scrambling our brains with invisible ray gun attacks. In other news, capitalism is working fine and our wars defend freedom and democracy. The government never lies. Here's Bob with the weather.

Peoples Dispatch (2021-12-10). Journalist Nada Homsi freed after 23 days of illegal detention in Lebanon. Homsi was in Lebanon working with US news outlet NPR (National Public Radio) when she was detained on November 16 after members of the Lebanese General Security Directorate raided her home…

Mark Gruenberg (2021-12-10). Starbucks Workers United scores first-ever union win at big coffee chain. BUFFALO, N.Y.—Starbucks Workers United broke a significant barrier on December 9 with the first-ever worker win at the big retail coffee chain. Workers at the Elmwood store in Buffalo voted 19-8 to unionize with Starbucks Workers United, the National Labor Relations Board officer announced. The union also won 15-9 at a second store, but there …

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2021-12-10). Washington Rewards Corruption of Popular Will Party. In an ironic maneuver displaying the White House's complete lack of political awareness, the Joe Biden administration claimed the right to declare who can be considered corrupt and who cannot, delivering an "award" within the framework of International Anti-Corruption Day, this December 9. | As expected, the White House took the opportunity to give a boost to its allies on the Venezuelan extreme right, by including one of the spokespersons of the Popular Will organization on the list of beneficiaries of Biden's recognition. Many Venezuelans refer to the Popular Will party as "Juan Guaidó and the 40 thieves" due t…

Moderator (2021-12-10). Obed Silva's Memoir Is a Transborder Story as Universal as Love and Loss. Obed Silva. [Dario Debora] | Click to subscribe on: Buy Obed Silva's memoir "

Moderator (2021-12-10). Will Omicron Finally End the Covid-19 Pandemic? [ By Stephen Londe, MD, FACC, FACS / Original to ScheerPost | In 1796 an English physician, Edward Jenner, observed that milkmaids who had gotten cowpox were immune to smallpox. He surmised, rightly, as we now know, that the disease was related. Smallpox, which has killed hundreds of millions of people dating all the way back to prehistory, is caused by the virus variola and is related to cowpox, catpox, and several other virus-caused "poxes (Orthopoxvirus family)." Our present day mandated vaccine a…

Peoples Dispatch (2021-12-10). 'People's Lawyer' Sudha Bharadwaj released after three years in jail. The activist-lawyer was granted default bail on December 1 following more than three years of her incarceration without trial in the Bhima Koregaon case in which a number of other activists were also implicated.

Ajamu Baraka (2021-12-10). People centered human rights and the Black radical tradition. International Human Rights Day is December 10. On that day in 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was promulgated as the first in a series of covenants, treaties, and legal interpretations that would make up…

_____ (2021-12-10). Have Professional Athletes Become the Canary in the Covid Coalmine? The sudden spate of on-field emergencies has raised questions among several seasoned veterans of the game, Robert Bridge writes. | Amid studies showing a link between some vaccines and heart problems, professional athletes appear to be collapsing on the field of dreams like never before. Are these incidences normal occurrences, coincidences or symptomatic of mandatory vaccine programs? | As more countries make vaccinations mandatory requirements for participating in many aspects of life, including that of sporting events, stadiums around the world have become something of testing grounds for determining the effic…

_____ (2021-12-10). How Can They Accept Extradition To A Country That Plotted To Kill Julian? I want to emphasize that the High Court accepted all the medical evidence and the conclusions of the magistrate that if Julian is extradited and placed under extreme conditions of isolation it will drive him to take his own life. That extradition is oppressive. | Yet the High Court decided against Julian on this occasion on the basis of political assurances—non-assurances—that the US has given to the UK government. I say non-assurances. Amnesty International says non-assurances. Amnesty International has analyzed these assurances and has said that they are inherently unreliable. They incorporate the p…

Matt Sedlar (2021-12-10). CEPR Spotlight: Special Drawing Rights. CEPR has played a leading role in educating policymakers and the general public on the importance of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) and in organizing a successful campaign for a major allocation of SDRs by the International Monetary Fund.

Staff (2021-12-10). Venezuela Incorporates 9 Urutu Armored Vehicles into its Defense System (Video). The Strategic Operational Command (CEOFANB) of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB), reported this Thursday, December 9, via its commander Domingo Hernández, that nine Urutu "wheeled tanks" joined its combat system. | Through a post published on Twitter, Hernández explained that they were added to increase the security of the Caribbean nation. The announcement follows reports that Colombia received 20 armored vehicles donated by the United States to continue their destabilization attempts against Venezuela. The US donation is part of a total of more than 140 armored vehicles to be received by Colombian mili…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-10). Iraq Announces End of US Combat Mission, but US Says Troops Not Leaving. Peoples Dispatch (Photo: Fazel Hawramy/Rudaw) The change in the nature of the US mission in Iraq first announced in July this year has been rejected by the Iraqi militias who are demanding a complete withdrawal of all foreign troops from the country Iraqi groups expressed dissatisfaction and opposition to the official announcement of the end…

_____ (2021-12-10). Trump and US Lawmakers Left a Time Bomb for Biden. Biden may not want to deal with Middle East issues, but they don't just disappear. Talking about International law is one thing, following it is another. A political position should have less to do with campaign funding and a political base. That is why the political process is so far removed from realty, and lacks …

Shawgi Tell (2021-12-10). Will Billions More Vaccination Shots Stop Continual Economic and Social Decline? Like the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and other imperialist organizations, the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) recently announced that the forecast for global economic recovery will be revised downward in light of the Omicron virus variant that emerged a few weeks ago .1 Predictably, the OECD claimed that "a swifter roll-out of …

Newsroom (2021-12-10). 35.8 million face lean season food crisis in West Africa and Sahel. Growing food insecurity that is already affecting tens of millions of people across West Africa and the Sahel, must not be ignored by the international community, UN humanitarians said on Tuesday. The alert comes as new data from the region indicated that almost 36 million people are expected to be acutely food insecure by the …

teleSUR (2021-12-10). On Human Rights Day, Venezuela Ratifies Defense of Human Rights. Venezuela ratified today its commitment to the defense and guarantee of human rights, on the occasion of the celebrations for the International Human Rights Day. | Every December 10, the world celebrates Human Rights Day, a date that recalls the rights that human beings enjoy without distinction of sex, race, culture, religion, political opinion or for any other reason.

splcenter (2021-12-10). SPLC President: Marking International Human Rights Day as U.S. democracy is under attack.

teleSUR (2021-12-10). US Court Rejects Trump's Bid To Conceal Records From House. On Thursday, the three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled to reject former President Donald Trump's bid to block the National Archives from turning over his administration's records to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. | RELATED: | "The central question in this case is whether, despite the exceptional and imperative circumstances underlying the Committee's re…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-10). Right-Wing Authoritarianism and the Crisis of Education. Henry Giroux In the age of nascent fascism, it is irresponsible to insist on a politically neutral world where pedagogy is a banal transmission of noncontroversial facts. Image: Truthout The future of democracy in the United States will not be determined by the malignant decisions made by a reactionary group of Supreme Court Justices. Nor…

2021-12-11 21:44 | 17:44 EST | jz | 48 | 0 | 28 | 18 | 0 

2021-12-10: News Headlines

Staff (2021-12-10). Headlines for December 10, 2021. U.K. Court Will Allow Extradition of Julian Assange to U.S. to Face Espionage Charges, Venezuela's Juan Guaidó, Who Led Failed Coup Efforts, Speaks at White House Democracy Summit, Federal Court Rejects Trump's Bid to Keep January 6 Records Secret, New York Attorney General Letitia James Ends Gubernatorial Bid, Will Subpoena Trump, National Guard Called Out as COVID-19 Cases Overwhelm U.S. Hospitals, WHO Warns Rich Countries Against Vaccine Hoarding as Omicron Variant Spreads , Truck Carrying Asylum Seekers Crashes in Mexico, Killing 54 and Injuring Over 100, Award-Winning Filipino Journalist Jesus Malabanan, Who…

Marlee Kokotovic (2021-12-10). British court rules Assange can be extradited to US to face espionage charges. "Today is international human rights day, what a shame. How cynical to have this decision on this day."

Editor (2021-12-10). Biden's Summit for Democracy: International NGOs express concern that Summit will ignore India's descent to fascism. Groups extend offer to Biden to provide input to help make the summit a success.

Editor (2021-12-10). U.S. shouldn't be invited to Summit for Democracy, let alone be its host. In every one of the countries the United States has intervened in over the past decades, anti-democratic means are almost always used towards anti-democratic ends, all in the name of promoting democracy.

Vijay Prashad (2021-12-10). The fierce determination of ordinary people to build an extraordinary world: The Forty-Ninth Newsletter (2021). United States President Joe Biden has suborned 111 countries to attend his Summit for Democracy on December 9—10, ending on Human Rights Day.

_____ (2021-12-10). The Fierce Determination of Ordinary People to Build an Extraordinary World. United States President Joe Biden has suborned 111 countries to attend his Summit for Democracy on December 9—10, ending on Human Rights Day. 'We welcome all countries, organizations, and individuals to support the goals of the Summit', the US State Department wrote. However, there are 82 countries that have not been invited, including two large countries that are permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (the People's Republic of China and Russia) and two small countries from the Caribbean (Cuba and Haiti). In the name of democracy, the US government is pushing its own agenda to consolidate…

Alfred de Zayas (2021-12-10). Biden's Democracy Summit Is a PR Stunt. We Need Real International Democracy. President Joe Biden's ill-conceived virtual "Summit for Democracy" on December 9-10 is really a public relations extravaganza that's likely to backfire on the United States, because democracy is not a commodity, nor is it a Kalashnikov to be aimed at geopolitical rivals. President Biden is using an obsolete playbook, and his advisers should have told him that the stunt will convince only those who already believe in the myth of U.S. democracy. It will not gain the U.S. any new friends. | Accord…

Ann Garrison, Ann Fitz-Gerald (2021-12-10). Biden Deploys National Guard: It's "Déjà Vu All Over Again" as Government Hawks and Corporate Media Play Up Ethiopian Atrocities in Tigray. Twelve days after a Bloomberg Nov. 11 Headline proclaimed that "Ethiopia's Civil War Is a Problem That U.S. Troops Can …

Caitlin A. Johnstone (2021-12-10). Super serious news reporting: notes from the Edge of The Narrative Matrix. Hi I'm a very serious news reporter. The Russians are controlling our thoughts with Facebook memes and scrambling our brains with invisible ray gun attacks. In other news, capitalism is working fine and our wars defend freedom and democracy. The government never lies. Here's Bob with the weather.

Peoples Dispatch (2021-12-10). Journalist Nada Homsi freed after 23 days of illegal detention in Lebanon. Homsi was in Lebanon working with US news outlet NPR (National Public Radio) when she was detained on November 16 after members of the Lebanese General Security Directorate raided her home…

Mark Gruenberg (2021-12-10). Starbucks Workers United scores first-ever union win at big coffee chain. BUFFALO, N.Y.—Starbucks Workers United broke a significant barrier on December 9 with the first-ever worker win at the big retail coffee chain. Workers at the Elmwood store in Buffalo voted 19-8 to unionize with Starbucks Workers United, the National Labor Relations Board officer announced. The union also won 15-9 at a second store, but there …

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2021-12-10). Washington Rewards Corruption of Popular Will Party. In an ironic maneuver displaying the White House's complete lack of political awareness, the Joe Biden administration claimed the right to declare who can be considered corrupt and who cannot, delivering an "award" within the framework of International Anti-Corruption Day, this December 9. | As expected, the White House took the opportunity to give a boost to its allies on the Venezuelan extreme right, by including one of the spokespersons of the Popular Will organization on the list of beneficiaries of Biden's recognition. Many Venezuelans refer to the Popular Will party as "Juan Guaidó and the 40 thieves" due t…

Newsroom (2021-12-10). Illegal bets add up to 1.7 trillion dollars each year. Up to $1.7 trillion is estimated to be wagered on illicit betting markets each year, according to a new report released on Thursday by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The publication, the first-ever Global Report on Corruption in Sport, asks for an urgent, unified and international response to fight malpractice and fraud across the sector. The ground-breaking new report was issued to coincide with …

Tridivesh Singh Maini (2021-12-10). How UAE became a key player in the Middle East. The signing of the Abraham Accords in September 2020, through which Bahrain and UAE normalised ties with Israel was a significant development which analysts believed had the potential of altering the geopolitical dynamics of the Middle East. In December 2020, Morocco also signed an agreement for normalising relations with Israel, while in January 2021, Sudan …

Ajamu Baraka (2021-12-10). People centered human rights and the Black radical tradition. International Human Rights Day is December 10. On that day in 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was promulgated as the first in a series of covenants, treaties, and legal interpretations that would make up…

Moderator (2021-12-10). Obed Silva's Memoir Is a Transborder Story as Universal as Love and Loss. Obed Silva. [Dario Debora] | Click to subscribe on: Buy Obed Silva's memoir "

Peoples Dispatch (2021-12-10). 'People's Lawyer' Sudha Bharadwaj released after three years in jail. The activist-lawyer was granted default bail on December 1 following more than three years of her incarceration without trial in the Bhima Koregaon case in which a number of other activists were also implicated.

_____ (2021-12-10). Have Professional Athletes Become the Canary in the Covid Coalmine? The sudden spate of on-field emergencies has raised questions among several seasoned veterans of the game, Robert Bridge writes. | Amid studies showing a link between some vaccines and heart problems, professional athletes appear to be collapsing on the field of dreams like never before. Are these incidences normal occurrences, coincidences or symptomatic of mandatory vaccine programs? | As more countries make vaccinations mandatory requirements for participating in many aspects of life, including that of sporting events, stadiums around the world have become something of testing grounds for determining the effic…

Moderator (2021-12-10). Will Omicron Finally End the Covid-19 Pandemic? [ By Stephen Londe, MD, FACC, FACS / Original to ScheerPost | In 1796 an English physician, Edward Jenner, observed that milkmaids who had gotten cowpox were immune to smallpox. He surmised, rightly, as we now know, that the disease was related. Smallpox, which has killed hundreds of millions of people dating all the way back to prehistory, is caused by the virus variola and is related to cowpox, catpox, and several other virus-caused "poxes (Orthopoxvirus family)." Our present day mandated vaccine a…

Matt Sedlar (2021-12-10). CEPR Spotlight: Special Drawing Rights. CEPR has played a leading role in educating policymakers and the general public on the importance of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) and in organizing a successful campaign for a major allocation of SDRs by the International Monetary Fund.

_____ (2021-12-10). "How Can They Accept An Extradition To The Country That Plotted To Kill Julian… "I want to emphasize that the High Court accepted all the medical evidence and the conclusions of the magistrate that if Julian is extradited and placed under extreme conditions of isolation it will drive him to take his own life. That extradition is oppressive. | Yet the High Court decided against Julian on this occasion on the basis of political assurances—non-assurances—that the US has given to the UK government. I say non-assurances. Amnesty International says non-assurances. Amnesty International has analyzed these assurances and has said that they are inherently unreliable. They incorporate the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-10). Iraq Announces End of US Combat Mission, but US Says Troops Not Leaving. Peoples Dispatch (Photo: Fazel Hawramy/Rudaw) The change in the nature of the US mission in Iraq first announced in July this year has been rejected by the Iraqi militias who are demanding a complete withdrawal of all foreign troops from the country Iraqi groups expressed dissatisfaction and opposition to the official announcement of the end…

Newsroom (2021-12-10). 35.8 million face lean season food crisis in West Africa and Sahel. Growing food insecurity that is already affecting tens of millions of people across West Africa and the Sahel, must not be ignored by the international community, UN humanitarians said on Tuesday. The alert comes as new data from the region indicated that almost 36 million people are expected to be acutely food insecure by the …

splcenter (2021-12-10). SPLC President: Marking International Human Rights Day as U.S. democracy is under attack.

Staff (2021-12-10). Venezuela Incorporates 9 Urutu Armored Vehicles into its Defense System (Video). The Strategic Operational Command (CEOFANB) of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB), reported this Thursday, December 9, via its commander Domingo Hernández, that nine Urutu "wheeled tanks" joined its combat system. | Through a post published on Twitter, Hernández explained that they were added to increase the security of the Caribbean nation. The announcement follows reports that Colombia received 20 armored vehicles donated by the United States to continue their destabilization attempts against Venezuela. The US donation is part of a total of more than 140 armored vehicles to be received by Colombian mili…

WSWS (2021-12-10). Three northeast states deploy National Guard amid nationwide pandemic surge. The governors of New York, Maine and New Hampshire have issued orders mobilizing teams of the National Guard to assist hospitals and other health care facilities with managing the present record surge of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.

WSWS (2021-12-10). Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa. Workers' strikes spread at Tiger Brands and Clover food manufacturers, South Africa as Sibanye-Stillwater gold miners close to strike over pay and work fatalities; national strike over three days by healthcare workers in Turkey over pay; sailors begin 48-hour pay strike in Greek ports; health and social care workers strike and demonstrate throughout France against exclusion from pay review…

teleSUR (2021-12-10). On Human Rights Day, Venezuela Ratifies Defense of Human Rights. Venezuela ratified today its commitment to the defense and guarantee of human rights, on the occasion of the celebrations for the International Human Rights Day. | Every December 10, the world celebrates Human Rights Day, a date that recalls the rights that human beings enjoy without distinction of sex, race, culture, religion, political opinion or for any other reason.

teleSUR (2021-12-10). US Court Rejects Trump's Bid To Conceal Records From House. On Thursday, the three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled to reject former President Donald Trump's bid to block the National Archives from turning over his administration's records to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. | RELATED: | "The central question in this case is whether, despite the exceptional and imperative circumstances underlying the Committee's re…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-09). Ukraine: The Danger is NATO. Fabrizio Casari Putin-Biden summit focuses on Ukraine. Image: TASS The West had better abandon the war it has opened against Russia, China, India, Iran and others for absolute domination of the planet by a superpower that loses wars, markets and leadership every day. To think that the world will stand by while a decadent empire…

Brasil de Fato (2021-12-09). The US gathers allies against China in "Summit for Democracy" The United States, with an event dubbed "Summit for Democracy" to take place on December 9 and 10, claims to promote a celebration of democracy. According to the US government, the objective is to discuss with government authorities, civil society actors, and the private sector, three "key topics": countering authoritarianism, fighting against corruption, and advancing respect for human rights at home and abroad. In 2022, the goal is to hold the same meeting, but in person. | The summit has been widely criticized and is considered controversial because only the White House decides who gets in and who is kept outs…

teleSUR (2021-12-09). China, Russia: 'Summit For Democracy' Is US Propaganda As Usual. On Thursday, China and Russia denounced that President Joe Biden's "Summit for Democracy" is a propaganda event that only serves the U.S. own interests. | RELATED: | China's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin slammed the virtual meeting, saying that it has nothing to do with international justice or democracy, but rather about serving the U.S. own selfish gains and maintaining its hegemony. | "This is another example…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-09). Ethiopans March Against TPLF and US Intervention in Their Country. Thousands of Tigrayans residing in Addis Ababa held a rally in support of the federal government and against the US-backed Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF). Demonstrators raised the slogan, "Tigrayans and the TPLF are not the same" and called on the Ethiopian gov't to liberate Tigray from the TPLF. Globally, resistance to US intervention is…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-09). Biden Deploys National Guard as Government Hawks and Corporate Media Play Up Ethiopian Atrocities in Tigray. Ann Garrison and Ann Fitz-Gerald A protester holds a banner denouncing USAID chief Samantha Power during a rally against TPLF rebels in Addis Ababa forces on August 08, 2021. [Source:] Twelve days after a Bloomberg Nov. 11 Headline proclaimed that "Ethiopia's Civil War Is a Problem That U.S. Troops Can Help Solve," President Joe…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-09). Britain's Legacy of Brutal Slavery in Barbados. Jacqueline Luqman An artist's depiction of Bussa's Rebellion — an enslaved African uprising against British rule in Barbados. Yes, the British Empire is indeed one colony smaller as Barbados formally declared itself independent of its colonial rulers after 400 years yesterday in a big ole fancy ceremony attended by all kinds of dignitaries. England's Prince…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-09). Secret 'CIA-Funded' Right-Wing Group Linked to UK Ministers. MATT KENNARD and MARK CURTIS Business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng was funded by Le Cercle in 2019. (Photo: Dan Kitwood / Getty) The group, known as Le Cercle, was described by former Conservative minister Alan Clark in his diaries as "a right-wing think (or rather thought) tank, funded by the CIA, which churns Cold War concepts…

People's World (2021-12-09). People's World takes home wins at 2021 Labor Media Awards. The International Labor Communications Association has announced the winners for the 2021 Labor Media Awards. People's World was honored this year with six awards. The articles below took home prizes in various categories. ILCA will present the awards at its convention on Dec. 9, 2021. Seeking justice for Breonna Taylor: Essential health worker killed …

Staff (2021-12-09). Headlines for December 9, 2021. As Coronavirus Cases Surge, Study Finds World Dangerously Unprepared for Next Pandemic, Senate Approves Bill to Reverse Vaccine Mandate for Large Employers, Olaf Scholz Sworn In as German Chancellor, Ending Angela Merkel Era, Canada, U.K. and Australia Join U.S. Diplomatic Boycott of Beijing Winter Olympics, Western Sahara Activists Accuse Moroccan Authorities of Brutality and Sexual Assault, India's Military Chief Among 13 Killed in Helicopter Crash, Biden Orders Transition to Renewable Energy for Federal Buildings and Vehicles, Lawmakers Grill Instagram Head over App's Damaging Effects on Children, Mark Meadows…

Shiney Varghese (2021-12-09). After a Year-Long Strike, Indian Farmers Score a Big Win. The country's prime minister has agreed to roll back laws that threatened to corporatize agriculture, jeopardizing the food security of more than 800 million people and further enriching the ultra-rich…

Badri Raina (2021-12-09). The All-Knowing Narendra Modi Ought Not to Ridicule Red. The prime minister's alarm at the colour of the Samajwadi Party's headgear is out of step with the all-encompassing significance of red in the natural, religious, cultural, and political lives of evolved human beings…

Editor (2021-12-09). 'Why are you acting the Marxist?' Frédéric Lordon on Thomas Piketty's 'Capital and Ideology'. On 31 January, at the Bourse du travail in Paris, Frédéric Lordon debated with Thomas Piketty on his book 'Capital and Ideology', at the invitation of Les Amis de L'Humanité. The following text is Frédéric Lordon's opening speech, with minimal revisions.

Alan MacLeod (2021-12-09). OTF — The "independent" internet freedom organization that makes all your favorite privacy apps—is staffed full of spies. While the OTF presents itself as independent internet freedom activists, their funding, staff, history and choice of targets all point to the conclusion that they are a digital weapon being used against Washington's enemies.

Anis Chowdhury (2021-12-09). Climate change: Adapt for the future, not the past. Funding for developing countries to address global warming is grossly inadequate. Very little finance is for adaptation to climate change, the urgent need of countries most adversely affected. Also, adaptation needs to be forward-looking rather than only addressing accumulated problems.

Editor (2021-12-09). GM 'designer babies': breakthrough or nightmare? Only a global ban on human genetic engineering can prevent a new era of eugenics from emerging, writes Dave King.

Editor (2021-12-09). COVID Omicron: The case for vaccine justice. Britain is one of the main countries to have blocked the global dropping of patents for coronavirus vaccines. If there is a major outbreak of the new Omicron variant in Britain, it will be directly due to the racist and profiteering policy of the Tory government, writes rs21 member Graham Checkley.

Binoy Kampmark (2021-12-09). Backing horses: Australia's Solomon Islands intervention. The history of "humanitarian" or policing missions is one of taking sides, argues Binoy Kampmark.

Binoy Kampmark (2021-12-09). Ineffectual Boycotts: The Beijing Winter Olympics. Making moral statements in the blood and gristle of international relations can often come across as feeble. In doing so, the maker serves the worst of all worlds: to reveal a false sense of assurance that something was done while serving no actual purpose other than to provoke. Anger, and impotence, follow. The Biden administration …

_____ (2021-12-09). Students Rally To Support Prison Moratorium. Massachusetts – Smith College students marched through the streets of downtown Northampton backed by a chorus of honking cars as they chanted, "We don't want a prison nation, stop mass incarceration!" on Saturday, Dec. 4. | This march was in support of a moratorium on prison and jail construction within Massachusetts that was introduced in the Massachusetts state legislature. The bill was written by Families for Justice and Healing and the National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls, who, along with Massachusetts Peace Action, sponsored the walk. Smith students and volunteers from…

Isheka N. Harrison (2021-12-09). After America Pissed Away Over $2 Trillion In Afghanistan, Biden, Pelosi And Democrats Approve $768 Billion Military Budget. The U.S. House of Representatives passed a $768 billion military budget on Tuesday, Dec. 7, with overwhelming bipartisan support. Officially named the National Defense Authorization Act, the compromise bill passed 363-70, with 169 Democrats joining 194 Republicans in approving the 2,000 page legislation. The bill — which increases military spending at a historic rate — …

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2021-12-09). Are the Candidacies of Jorge Arreaza and Claudio Fermín Legal? As the January 9 elections in the state of Barinas approach, the temperature of the political debate in Venezuela is heating up between the four opposition candidates and the candidate for the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV)/Great Patriotic Pole (GPP), Jorge Arreaza. | Within both the right-wing groups and the Chavistas, a debate was opened regarding the various options that are on the table. This political landscape was formed after the inconclusive elections of November 21 in Barinas, and the National Electoral Council's (CNE) announcement of a re-election process. | The present candidates now includ…

2021-12-10 22:47 | 18:47 EST | jz | 52 | 0 | 21 | 29 | 0 

2021-12-09: News Headlines

Divyanshu Jindal (2021-12-09). India and the 'Summit for Democracy': Behind the Silent Acceptance. US president Joe Biden's 'Summit for Democracy' has raised questions over the legitimacy of the American leadership in global geopolitics. The summit is planned for 9-10 December and will be attended by a 'confusing' list of 110 countries. Among the invitees are EU (sans Hungary), Ukraine, Philippines, Pakistan, and India. Some major exclusions are Russia, …

Jubeda Chowdhury (2021-12-09). Fifty Years OF India-Bangladesh Ties: Sky's The Limit. Bangladesh and India are two neighboring countries of South Asia and these two countries have historically had very close relations. After the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, present day Bangladesh was part of the Republic of Pakistan as East Pakistan. The people of Bengal will never forget the assistance rendered by the late …

WSWS (2021-12-09). As Omicron begins to spread in India, school reopenings put tens of millions of children at risk of infection. The Indian ruling elite's insistence on reopening schools for in-class instruction threatens to produce mass infection and death, compounding an already dire social crisis decades in the making.

Shiney Varghese (2021-12-09). After a Year-Long Strike, Indian Farmers Score a Big Win. The country's prime minister has agreed to roll back laws that threatened to corporatize agriculture, jeopardizing the food security of more than 800 million people and further enriching the ultra-rich…

Staff (2021-12-09). Headlines for December 9, 2021. As Coronavirus Cases Surge, Study Finds World Dangerously Unprepared for Next Pandemic, Senate Approves Bill to Reverse Vaccine Mandate for Large Employers, Olaf Scholz Sworn In as German Chancellor, Ending Angela Merkel Era, Canada, U.K. and Australia Join U.S. Diplomatic Boycott of Beijing Winter Olympics, Western Sahara Activists Accuse Moroccan Authorities of Brutality and Sexual Assault, India's Military Chief Among 13 Killed in Helicopter Crash, Biden Orders Transition to Renewable Energy for Federal Buildings and Vehicles, Lawmakers Grill Instagram Head over App's Damaging Effects on Children, Mark Meadows…

Badri Raina (2021-12-09). The All-Knowing Narendra Modi Ought Not to Ridicule Red. The prime minister's alarm at the colour of the Samajwadi Party's headgear is out of step with the all-encompassing significance of red in the natural, religious, cultural, and political lives of evolved human beings…

Alan MacLeod (2021-12-09). OTF — The "independent" internet freedom organization that makes all your favorite privacy apps—is staffed full of spies. While the OTF presents itself as independent internet freedom activists, their funding, staff, history and choice of targets all point to the conclusion that they are a digital weapon being used against Washington's enemies.

Anis Chowdhury (2021-12-09). Climate change: Adapt for the future, not the past. Funding for developing countries to address global warming is grossly inadequate. Very little finance is for adaptation to climate change, the urgent need of countries most adversely affected. Also, adaptation needs to be forward-looking rather than only addressing accumulated problems.

Binoy Kampmark (2021-12-09). Backing horses: Australia's Solomon Islands intervention. The history of "humanitarian" or policing missions is one of taking sides, argues Binoy Kampmark.

_____ (2021-12-09). Students Rally To Support Prison Moratorium. Massachusetts – Smith College students marched through the streets of downtown Northampton backed by a chorus of honking cars as they chanted, "We don't want a prison nation, stop mass incarceration!" on Saturday, Dec. 4. | This march was in support of a moratorium on prison and jail construction within Massachusetts that was introduced in the Massachusetts state legislature. The bill was written by Families for Justice and Healing and the National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls, who, along with Massachusetts Peace Action, sponsored the walk. Smith students and volunteers from…

Binoy Kampmark (2021-12-09). Ineffectual Boycotts: The Beijing Winter Olympics. Making moral statements in the blood and gristle of international relations can often come across as feeble. In doing so, the maker serves the worst of all worlds: to reveal a false sense of assurance that something was done while serving no actual purpose other than to provoke. Anger, and impotence, follow. The Biden administration …

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2021-12-09). Are the Candidacies of Jorge Arreaza and Claudio Fermín Legal? As the January 9 elections in the state of Barinas approach, the temperature of the political debate in Venezuela is heating up between the four opposition candidates and the candidate for the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV)/Great Patriotic Pole (GPP), Jorge Arreaza. | Within both the right-wing groups and the Chavistas, a debate was opened regarding the various options that are on the table. This political landscape was formed after the inconclusive elections of November 21 in Barinas, and the National Electoral Council's (CNE) announcement of a re-election process. | The present candidates now includ…

Pavan Kulkarni (2021-12-09). UN and AU endorse Sudan's coup government, the streets do not. Protesters are not convinced by the UN and AU's position that democracy can be won by accepting a government where the real levers of power are held by the military while a cabinet of technocrats is paraded before the international community to maintain the facade of 'joint military-civilian rule'

Staff (2021-12-09). Bolton Admits that 'Unity' of Venezuela's Opposition Depends on US Position. Former White House national security adviser and one of the main promoters of the maximum pressure policy against Venezuela, John Bolton, assured that the absence of "a solid position" from the United States puts the "unity of the opposition" at risk, in terms of the so-called "interim government," "Without stronger American support, how long could the opposition hold together?" asked Bolton, as quo…

_____ (2021-12-09). Does the Deepening Crisis in Turkey Manifest an End to the Erdogan Era? Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is experiencing his worst moments as head of state today. Social and political tensions in the country are becoming increasingly evident. The economy is collapsing, the value of the national currency is relentlessly falling, and the number of poor people is skyrocketing. According to recently published data, the nation's citizens …

WSWS (2021-12-09). Bank for International Settlements raises concerns over financial system. The BIS managing director pointed to one of the fundamental contradictions of all capitalist markets: what may be rational behaviour for an individual participant can be irrational for the system as a whole.

WSWS (2021-12-09). New York Times sponsors a debate on the racial authenticity of West Side Story. Racialists and nationalists oppose the progressive views defended by this classic musical.

Peoples Dispatch (2021-12-09). Sri Lankan public section workers stage strike seeking salary hike. After teachers and health workers, public sector workers in Sri Lanka struck working demanding higher wages in the face of repeated price hikes and an economic crisis…

Moderator (2021-12-08). House Approves $778 Billion Military Budget. By Jake Johnson / Common Dreams In bipartisan fashion, the U.S. House of Representatives late Tuesday passed a sprawling military policy bill that contains nearly twice as much funding on an annual basis as Democrats' flagship social spending and climate bill. That reality led Stephen Miles, executive director of Win Without War, to slam the $778 billion National …

Vijay Prashad (2021-12-08). There's a nonsensical propaganda campaign to make China look bad in Uganda. Despite strident denials by both Ugandan and Chinese officials, an misinformation campaign is being carried out which alleges that Chinese authorities are going to take control of the Entebbe International Airport due to a loan default…

Gilbert Doctorow (2021-12-08). The United States pushes Russia to the brink of war, then cries "wolf" The Russians have plainly said that they deem the Ukrainian government to be U.S-controlled, not a free agent, and they hold Washington directly responsible for whatever may happen on the ground in their neighborhood.

Jason Hickel (2021-12-08). The age of imperialism is not over—but we can end it. Capitalist accumulation has always depended on cheap labor and resources extracted from the Global South. To end this violence we need a post-capitalist transition—otherwise, as climate breakdown accelerates, the ceaseless search for profit will drive us further into barbarism.

Candice Bernd (2021-12-08). Baristas in Buffalo Are Poised to Unionize Using Starbucks's Own PR Against It. Baristas with Starbucks Workers United's organizing committee are cautiously optimistic one or more stores will soon become the first of the corporation's locations to unionize in the United States. Results are expected tomorrow for three of six Starbucks stores in the Buffalo, New York, area that have filed for union elections with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). | On Tuesday, the NLRB dismissed Starbucks's request to impound ballots already cast in the union election and stop th…

Martha Grevatt (2021-12-08). Hondurans reject coup regime — °Xiomara presidente! On January 27, after nearly 13 years under a "narcodictatorship" responsible for thousands of assassinations, kidnappings and imprisonments, the people of Honduras will witness the inauguration of President-elect Xiomara Castro de Zelaya. She was the candidate of the Libre (Freedom and Refoundation) Party and is the spouse of former President . . . |

Progressive International Observatory (2021-12-08). Honduras rises up to reclaim its democracy. Delegates from the Progressive International Observatory witnessed the election of Xiomara Castro in Honduras on November 28.

A Guest Author (2021-12-08). Honduras: La victoria de Xiomara Castro y los grandes desafíos. Por Carlos Aznárez Después de la victoria electoral por el Partido Libre y Xiomara Castro en las elecciones en Honduras en noviembre, el redactor de Resumen Latinoamericano escribió esta entrevista. Xiomara Castro recibió más votos que ningún otro candidato en la historia de Honduras. Quién es Xiomara Castro Nos vamos . . . |

Amjed Jaaved (2021-12-08). Quaid-e-Azam: The Protector-General of minorities. Lynching and setting people was a phenomenon peculiar to India under Modi. But, in a shocking incident , a Sri Lankan factory manager in Sialkot was lynched and later burnt alive. Not only the Pakistan government but also the religiously-oriented parties condemned the incident. Government announced to confer Tamgha-e-Shujaat to the lone voice who tried …

WSWS (2021-12-08). Eighteen coal miners and villagers massacred by Indian army in Nagaland. The security forces' killing spree began late afternoon Saturday, when an Indian Army Special Forces unit ambushed a pick-up truck that was conveying coal miners to their homes after a day of hard work.

Peter Certo (2021-12-08). In OtherWords: December 8, 2021. If you're feeling low this holiday season, you're hardly alone. Record numbers of Americans are seeking treatment for mental health care. | But as Katie Prout writes this week in OtherWords, record numbers are also struggling to get it — especially if you're on Medicaid. Psychiatrists were in short supply even before the pandemic, and the number of practices who take Medicaid is declining. A year in a half into a pandemic that's seen massive deaths, unemployment, and mental illness, she asks: should we really still be tying health care to people's employers? | Also this week, Farrah Hassen calls for a bipar…

Farrah Hassen (2021-12-08). Stop Normalizing Islamophobia. In her latest act of demonizing Muslims, Rep. Lauren Boebert This might be business as usual for the Colorado Republican.

Katie Prout (2021-12-08). Mental Health Care Is Hard to Come By — Especially If You're Low-Income. During the first wave of the pandemic in April 2020, my boyfriend asked, not unkindly, if I've ever been diagnosed with anything besides generalized anxiety disorder. | I was relieved that somebody had finally asked about my mental health. | All spring and summer 2020, I kicked the ball of my fritzing brain down the field to some imaginary goal of "things" getting better in the world, or at least more stable. Plainly, that didn't happen. | And so, like many others, I went back to therapy. Or tried to. | I'm on Medicaid, and while the insurance I receive through the program is accepted by many dentists and primary…

Khalil Bendib (2021-12-08). Five Minutes to Midnight for U.S. Democracy. Get a full-res version

Peter Gilbert (2021-12-08). U.S. caravan brings solidarity to Cuba. Ricardo Perez (center), head of International Relations for the Finlay Vaccine Institute (Instituto Finlay de Vacunas), meets with members of the Workers World Party contingent (from left to right) Chris Hollis, Peter Gilbert, Loan Tran and Elena Everett, in Havana, Nov. 16. Gilbert was a member of the 31st IFCO/Pastors . . . |

Editor (2021-12-08). Watch "Marx is Back", Episode 1: Bourgeois and Proletarians. "Marx is Back" a mini-series about the Communist Manifesto is now on youtube. Subtitles available.

Editor (2021-12-08). Unapologetic support for abortion rights must be a pillar of the Left. This week the Supreme Court began hearing oral arguments on Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization—the case that will determine the fate of Mississippi's 15-week abortion ban, and more broadly, the fate of Roe v. Wade.

Editor (2021-12-08). Why Amazon is terrified of Its U.S. workers unionizing. Amazon continues to abuse its warehouse workers, both in its day-to-day treatment of them and in its thuggish, law-breaking campaign to prevent unionization in the U.S.

Editor (2021-12-08). Cornel West on Frantz Fanon, one of the great revolutionary intellectuals of the 20th century. "Decolonization implies the urgent need to thoroughly challenge the colonial situation."

The Tricontinental (2021-12-08). Dossier No. 47: New clothes, old threads: the dangerous right-wing offensive in Latin America. The Western world lives in discontent. Progressive models have failed to maintain the levels of politicisation, mystique, capacity to question, transformative purpose, and possibilities of concrete changes for the masses.

Staff (2021-12-08). Compassion Is Not a Crime: Animal Rights Activist Avoids Jail After Conviction for Baby Goat Rescue. Animal rights activist Wayne Hsiung has been convicted on felony charges of burglary and larceny for removing a sick baby goat from a goat meat farm in North Carolina in 2018. Hsiung is the co-founder of the animal rights organization Direct Action Everywhere. He was given a suspended sentence and 24 months probation. He describes how the prosecutor in the case hugged him at the end of the trial and says the case revolves around a simple question: "Are the living creatures of this Earth property or are they living creatures that deserve some form of dignity and respect?"

Ann Brown (2021-12-08). 5 Things to Know About Lovett Fort-Whiteman: The Black Communist Who Was Taken To The Gulag in Russia. Lovett Fort-Whiteman was considered the first American-born Black Communist and first African American to receive training at Communist International in Moscow. Communist International (also known as Comintern) was an international organization founded in 1919 that advocated global communism. Despite his devotion to communism, Fort-Whiteman, a political and civil rights activist, spent the end of his …

_____ (2021-12-08). Kellogg Workers Reject Temporary Agreement, Continue Strike. The strike that began at four Kellogg Company plants on October 5 will continue. This morning, the 1,400 striking workers rejected a temporary agreement (TA) that had been negotiated by their union, the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco, and Grain Milling Workers International Union. The strike had encompassed workers at plants in Omaha, Nebraska, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Memphis, Tennessee, and the company's flagship facility in Battle Creek, Michigan.

WSWS (2021-12-08). Australian government defies the law to block access to "National Cabinet" documents. Prime Minister Scott Morrison's government is defying a legal ruling that the self-titled National Cabinet is not exempt from the Freedom of Information Act.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-08). Seun Kuti: "The Oppressed People of the World Need to Organize Themselves for Political Power" Seun Kuti talks to Vijay Prashad about the EndSARS movement in Nigeria, the need for broadening the movement and building popular resistance in the country, Seun's father Fela Kuti and his party the Movement of the People (MOP), and more.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-08). Uganda: A Nonsensical Campaign to Tarnish China's Image. Vijay Prashad The Entebbe International Airport in 2009. Photo: By PetterLundkvist — Own work, CC BY 3.0, Despite strident denials by both Ugandan and Chinese officials, an misinformation campaign is being carried out which alleges that Chinese authorities are going to take control of the Entebbe International Airport due to a loan default On…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-08). Supreme Council of Libyan Tribes: The Candidacy of Dr. Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi Exposed the Falsehood of February "Democracy" Sheikh Misbah Abu Sbeiha The head of the Supreme Council of Tribes and Cities of Fezzan, Sheikh Ali Misbah Abu Sbeiha, said that Dr. Saif al-Islam Muammar Qaddafi's candidacy for the presidential elections exposed the falsehood of February democracy and the peaceful transfer of power and its civil state, commenting on the incident of storming…

WSWS (2021-12-08). Author Peter Ross Range discusses his new book, The Unfathomable Ascent: How Hitler came to Power, with David North. In this video, Peter Ross Range speaks with WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North about his new book on Hitler's rise to power and its contemporary relevance.

John Feffer (2021-12-08). The Far Right Continues to Build Its International. What alt-right guru Steve Bannon failed to create, German taxpayers have just stepped in to revive: a Nationalist International. Thanks to the German government, the far right is about to get its own well-heeled global think tank, complete with the sort of political academy that was so dear to Bannon's Germany's gift to the far right is the Desiderius Erasmus Foundation, the public-policy arm of the country's most prominent extremist party, the Alternative fàºr Deutschland (AfD). Era…

WSWS (2021-12-08). The COVID-19 pandemic, the return of the class struggle and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party in Germany. The Socialist Equality Party, the German section of the International Committee of the Fourth International, held its party congress November 19—22. We publish here the resolution unanimously adopted by the delegates.

Giancarlo Elia Valori (2021-12-08). The crisis of international law. The idea of promoting the human rights agenda in the image and likeness of the Western countries' principles — as the repositories of Absolute Truth — is counterproductive and directly harmful in the Near and Middle East and Central Asia, as it does not consider the historical experience of these geopolitical regions. Moreover, many experts …

Fight Back (2021-12-08). Organizers against police crimes meet: "We have nothing to lose but our chains" Chicago, IL – Two years after the refounding of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR) in November 2019, over 125 NAARPR members and affiliates from around the country convened for the second NAARPR conference in Chicago starting on Saturday, December 4. They shared updates about their work fighting against police crimes and for community control of the police, among other areas of struggle, then voted on resolutions and new leadership for the next two years. | Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic the conference was attended only by delegates from NAARPR chapters and affiliated org…

2021-12-09 22:55 | 16:55 EST | jz | 52 | 0 | 32 | 18 | 0 

2021-12-08: News Headlines

Gilbert Doctorow (2021-12-08). The United States pushes Russia to the brink of war, then cries "wolf" The Russians have plainly said that they deem the Ukrainian government to be U.S-controlled, not a free agent, and they hold Washington directly responsible for whatever may happen on the ground in their neighborhood.

Jason Hickel (2021-12-08). The age of imperialism is not over—but we can end it. Capitalist accumulation has always depended on cheap labor and resources extracted from the Global South. To end this violence we need a post-capitalist transition—otherwise, as climate breakdown accelerates, the ceaseless search for profit will drive us further into barbarism.

Candice Bernd (2021-12-08). Baristas in Buffalo Are Poised to Unionize Using Starbucks's Own PR Against It. Baristas with Starbucks Workers United's organizing committee are cautiously optimistic one or more stores will soon become the first of the corporation's locations to unionize in the United States. Results are expected tomorrow for three of six Starbucks stores in the Buffalo, New York, area that have filed for union elections with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). | On Tuesday, the NLRB dismissed Starbucks's request to impound ballots already cast in the union election and stop th…

Martha Grevatt (2021-12-08). Hondurans reject coup regime — °Xiomara presidente! On January 27, after nearly 13 years under a "narcodictatorship" responsible for thousands of assassinations, kidnappings and imprisonments, the people of Honduras will witness the inauguration of President-elect Xiomara Castro de Zelaya. She was the candidate of the Libre (Freedom and Refoundation) Party and is the spouse of former President . . . |

Progressive International Observatory (2021-12-08). Honduras rises up to reclaim its democracy. Delegates from the Progressive International Observatory witnessed the election of Xiomara Castro in Honduras on November 28.

A Guest Author (2021-12-08). Honduras: La victoria de Xiomara Castro y los grandes desafíos. Por Carlos Aznárez Después de la victoria electoral por el Partido Libre y Xiomara Castro en las elecciones en Honduras en noviembre, el redactor de Resumen Latinoamericano escribió esta entrevista. Xiomara Castro recibió más votos que ningún otro candidato en la historia de Honduras. Quién es Xiomara Castro Nos vamos . . . |

WSWS (2021-12-08). Eighteen coal miners and villagers massacred by Indian army in Nagaland. The security forces' killing spree began late afternoon Saturday, when an Indian Army Special Forces unit ambushed a pick-up truck that was conveying coal miners to their homes after a day of hard work.

Amjed Jaaved (2021-12-08). Quaid-e-Azam: The Protector-General of minorities. Lynching and setting people was a phenomenon peculiar to India under Modi. But, in a shocking incident , a Sri Lankan factory manager in Sialkot was lynched and later burnt alive. Not only the Pakistan government but also the religiously-oriented parties condemned the incident. Government announced to confer Tamgha-e-Shujaat to the lone voice who tried …

Sarah Anderson (2021-12-08). After a Year-Long Strike, Indian Farmers Score a Big Win.

Peter Certo (2021-12-08). In OtherWords: December 8, 2021. If you're feeling low this holiday season, you're hardly alone. Record numbers of Americans are seeking treatment for mental health care. | But as Katie Prout writes this week in OtherWords, record numbers are also struggling to get it — especially if you're on Medicaid. Psychiatrists were in short supply even before the pandemic, and the number of practices who take Medicaid is declining. A year in a half into a pandemic that's seen massive deaths, unemployment, and mental illness, she asks: should we really still be tying health care to people's employers? | Also this week, Farrah Hassen calls for a bipar…

Farrah Hassen (2021-12-08). Stop Normalizing Islamophobia. In her latest act of demonizing Muslims, Rep. Lauren Boebert This might be business as usual for the Colorado Republican.

Katie Prout (2021-12-08). Mental Health Care Is Hard to Come By — Especially If You're Low-Income. During the first wave of the pandemic in April 2020, my boyfriend asked, not unkindly, if I've ever been diagnosed with anything besides generalized anxiety disorder. | I was relieved that somebody had finally asked about my mental health. | All spring and summer 2020, I kicked the ball of my fritzing brain down the field to some imaginary goal of "things" getting better in the world, or at least more stable. Plainly, that didn't happen. | And so, like many others, I went back to therapy. Or tried to. | I'm on Medicaid, and while the insurance I receive through the program is accepted by many dentists and primary…

Khalil Bendib (2021-12-08). Five Minutes to Midnight for U.S. Democracy. Get a full-res version

Editor (2021-12-08). Unapologetic support for abortion rights must be a pillar of the Left. This week the Supreme Court began hearing oral arguments on Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization—the case that will determine the fate of Mississippi's 15-week abortion ban, and more broadly, the fate of Roe v. Wade.

The Tricontinental (2021-12-08). Dossier No. 47: New clothes, old threads: the dangerous right-wing offensive in Latin America. The Western world lives in discontent. Progressive models have failed to maintain the levels of politicisation, mystique, capacity to question, transformative purpose, and possibilities of concrete changes for the masses.

Editor (2021-12-08). Watch "Marx is Back", Episode 1: Bourgeois and Proletarians. "Marx is Back" a mini-series about the Communist Manifesto is now on youtube. Subtitles available.

Editor (2021-12-08). Why Amazon is terrified of Its U.S. workers unionizing. Amazon continues to abuse its warehouse workers, both in its day-to-day treatment of them and in its thuggish, law-breaking campaign to prevent unionization in the U.S.

Editor (2021-12-08). Cornel West on Frantz Fanon, one of the great revolutionary intellectuals of the 20th century. "Decolonization implies the urgent need to thoroughly challenge the colonial situation."

Moderator (2021-12-08). House Approves $778 Billion Military Budget. By Jake Johnson / Common Dreams In bipartisan fashion, the U.S. House of Representatives late Tuesday passed a sprawling military policy bill that contains nearly twice as much funding on an annual basis as Democrats' flagship social spending and climate bill. That reality led Stephen Miles, executive director of Win Without War, to slam the $778 billion National …

Staff (2021-12-08). Compassion Is Not a Crime: Animal Rights Activist Avoids Jail After Conviction for Baby Goat Rescue. Animal rights activist Wayne Hsiung has been convicted on felony charges of burglary and larceny for removing a sick baby goat from a goat meat farm in North Carolina in 2018. Hsiung is the co-founder of the animal rights organization Direct Action Everywhere. He was given a suspended sentence and 24 months probation. He describes how the prosecutor in the case hugged him at the end of the trial and says the case revolves around a simple question: "Are the living creatures of this Earth property or are they living creatures that deserve some form of dignity and respect?"

Ann Brown (2021-12-08). 5 Things to Know About Lovett Fort-Whiteman: The Black Communist Who Was Taken To The Gulag in Russia. Lovett Fort-Whiteman was considered the first American-born Black Communist and first African American to receive training at Communist International in Moscow. Communist International (also known as Comintern) was an international organization founded in 1919 that advocated global communism. Despite his devotion to communism, Fort-Whiteman, a political and civil rights activist, spent the end of his …

_____ (2021-12-08). Kellogg Workers Reject Temporary Agreement, Continue Strike. The strike that began at four Kellogg Company plants on October 5 will continue. This morning, the 1,400 striking workers rejected a temporary agreement (TA) that had been negotiated by their union, the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco, and Grain Milling Workers International Union. The strike had encompassed workers at plants in Omaha, Nebraska, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Memphis, Tennessee, and the company's flagship facility in Battle Creek, Michigan.

Peoples Dispatch (2021-12-08). Israel delays massive settlement project in occupied East Jerusalem after international pressure. While the 9,000-unit settlement plan in Atarot was put on hold on Monday, another settlement plan inside East Jerusalem to build 473 homes near two Palestinian neighborhoods was announced on the same day…

Vijay Prashad (2021-12-08). There's a nonsensical propaganda campaign to make China look bad in Uganda. Despite strident denials by both Ugandan and Chinese officials, an misinformation campaign is being carried out which alleges that Chinese authorities are going to take control of the Entebbe International Airport due to a loan default…

Peoples Dispatch (2021-12-08). Understanding Germany's 'traffic light' coalition. Germany's new coalition government is set to be voted in today. Pawel Wargan, organizer, researcher, and coordinator of the International Secretariat of the Progressive International, speaks on the contradictions of the coalition…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-08). Seun Kuti: "The Oppressed People of the World Need to Organize Themselves for Political Power" Seun Kuti talks to Vijay Prashad about the EndSARS movement in Nigeria, the need for broadening the movement and building popular resistance in the country, Seun's father Fela Kuti and his party the Movement of the People (MOP), and more.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-08). Uganda: A Nonsensical Campaign to Tarnish China's Image. Vijay Prashad The Entebbe International Airport in 2009. Photo: By PetterLundkvist — Own work, CC BY 3.0, Despite strident denials by both Ugandan and Chinese officials, an misinformation campaign is being carried out which alleges that Chinese authorities are going to take control of the Entebbe International Airport due to a loan default On…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-08). Libya: The Muslim Brotherhood Escalates Campaign Against Elections. The Brotherhood in Libya escalates against the elections with a sit-in in front of the headquarters of the Commission Tripoli — A group of demonstrators affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya began a sit-in in front of the headquarters of the Electoral Commission in the capital, Tripoli, to demand…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-08). Supreme Council of Libyan Tribes: The Candidacy of Dr. Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi Exposed the Falsehood of February "Democracy" Sheikh Misbah Abu Sbeiha The head of the Supreme Council of Tribes and Cities of Fezzan, Sheikh Ali Misbah Abu Sbeiha, said that Dr. Saif al-Islam Muammar Qaddafi's candidacy for the presidential elections exposed the falsehood of February democracy and the peaceful transfer of power and its civil state, commenting on the incident of storming…

Giancarlo Elia Valori (2021-12-08). The crisis of international law. The idea of promoting the human rights agenda in the image and likeness of the Western countries' principles — as the repositories of Absolute Truth — is counterproductive and directly harmful in the Near and Middle East and Central Asia, as it does not consider the historical experience of these geopolitical regions. Moreover, many experts …

John Feffer (2021-12-08). The Far Right Continues to Build Its International. What alt-right guru Steve Bannon failed to create, German taxpayers have just stepped in to revive: a Nationalist International. Thanks to the German government, the far right is about to get its own well-heeled global think tank, complete with the sort of political academy that was so dear to Bannon's Germany's gift to the far right is the Desiderius Erasmus Foundation, the public-policy arm of the country's most prominent extremist party, the Alternative fàºr Deutschland (AfD). Era…

Fight Back (2021-12-08). Organizers against police crimes meet: "We have nothing to lose but our chains" Chicago, IL – Two years after the refounding of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR) in November 2019, over 125 NAARPR members and affiliates from around the country convened for the second NAARPR conference in Chicago starting on Saturday, December 4. They shared updates about their work fighting against police crimes and for community control of the police, among other areas of struggle, then voted on resolutions and new leadership for the next two years. | Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic the conference was attended only by delegates from NAARPR chapters and affiliated org…

Sidney Luckett (2021-12-08). RIP Comrade Ebrahim Ebrahim (July 1, 1937- December 6, 2021). Ebrahim Ebrehim was an exemplary comrade in the South African struggle for freedom, who until his death was a committed internationalist, writes Sidney Luckett.

The Canary (2021-12-08). Legality, safety, and rationality of 'pushing back' migrant boats questioned by Lords committee. The legality of Priti Patel's plans to turn back migrant boats at sea has been called into question by peers including senior lawyers and a former judge. | "Concerns": | The Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee has written to the home secretary expressing "concerns" over the legal basis for the so-called 'pushbacks'. The letter adds to "growing concern both in and outside Parliament" over the policy proposed in a bid to curb Channel crossings, peers said. | It comes as the Nationality and Borders Bill is being considered by MPs in the Commons. It's at report stage for a second day before it gets a…

Dr. James M. Dorsey (2021-12-08). Pakistan slips on a slippery slope of religious militancy. Pakistani political and military leaders have vowed to eradicate ultra-conservative religious extremism that drove a mob to torture, brutally lynch a Sri Lankan national, and burn his body in the eastern city of Sialkot. Some 900 cases have been filed with police and 235 people arrested in connection with the killing. "Let me make this …

WSWS (2021-12-08). The COVID-19 pandemic, the return of the class struggle and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party in Germany. The Socialist Equality Party, the German section of the International Committee of the Fourth International, held its party congress November 19—22. We publish here the resolution unanimously adopted by the delegates.

WSWS (2021-12-08). Author Peter Ross Range discusses his new book, The Unfathomable Ascent: How Hitler came to Power, with David North. In this video, Peter Ross Range speaks with WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North about his new book on Hitler's rise to power and its contemporary relevance.

WSWS (2021-12-08). Australian government defies the law to block access to "National Cabinet" documents. Prime Minister Scott Morrison's government is defying a legal ruling that the self-titled National Cabinet is not exempt from the Freedom of Information Act.

WSWS (2021-12-08). Sri Lankan educators defend Lisa Diaz. The Teachers-Students-Parents Safety Committee (TSPSC) in Sri Lanka condemns the threatening of Lisa Diaz in Britain with prosecution and the Family Court over her daughter's school attendance. These actions must be denounced by parents, teachers and students all over the world as they are a major attack on fundamental democratic rights and the basic parental instinct to protect one's children.

Staff (2021-12-07). Ukraine asks for weapons meant to fight Taliban — report. Ukraine has requested a supply of American military equipment that was originally intended to go to Afghanistan, before the American-backed government fell to the Taliban earlier this year. | Minister of Defense Alexey Reznikov made the request during a visit to Washington last month, according to a report published in Foreign Policy magazine on Monday. He had flown to the US to ask for assistance in a number of military matters, including support for air and naval defense, as well as electronic warfare. | An unnamed Ukrainian defense official reportedly told Foreign Policy that Reznikov's list of requests fea…

Staff (2021-12-07). Headlines for December 7, 2021. Justice Department Sues Texas Over Political Maps That Diminish Power of Voters of Color, New York City Announces First-in-Nation Vaccine Mandate For Private Employers, Biden Meets Putin as Russian Troops Mass on Ukraine Border, Russia and India Agree to Deepen Military Ties, Haitian Kidnappers Release 3 More Missionaries, 12 Remain Hostages, Civil Rights Office's Warnings Over Haiti Deportations Went Ignored by DHS and ICE , Biden Administration Reinstates and Expands Trump-Era "Remain in Mexico" Policy, Trump-era Oil & Gas Drilling Boom Continues Under Biden, Despite Campaign Pledge , Top Mike Pence Aide Will C…

Editor (2021-12-07). The Ukraine: The USA is responsible of the escalation, and must stop it before provoking a world war. Today, the Ukraine is not only the epicenter of a new cold war, but also one of the three most dangerous points on Earth, along with Iran and Taiwan, where a nuclear conflict could be ignited, leading to the end of mankind.

_____ (2021-12-07). New Study Finds The US Military Is Spreading Disease Around The World. A new study out of York University in Toronto, Canada finds that the US military plays a large role in the spread of diseases globally, including past and present pandemics. Clearing the FOG speaks with one of the lead authors, K J Noh, an expert analyst on the geopolitics of the Asian-Pacific region and health, about the study. Important factors in the spread of disease are Status Agreements that the US military makes with local and national governments that exempt members of the military from being required to follow public health measures and a culture of impunity within the military that leads to members defy…

teleSUR (2021-12-07). Iran Says US Seeks a New Crisis In Region After ISIS Fall. On Tuesday, Iran's Supreme National Security Council secretary Ali Shamkhani accused the United States of seeking "a new crisis" in the region after the fall of the Islamic State (ISIS) militant group. | RELATED: | "The United States is very angry about the collapse of ISIS in Syria and Iraq as well as the victory of the resistance front… and is looking for a new crisis," Shamkhani said at a meeting with visiting Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal…

Staff (2021-12-07). ECHR rules on Poland refugee pushbacks. Asylum seekers who successfully made it across the Belarusian border and into Poland must not be expelled and cannot legally be returned, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled, following a complaint by 198 migrants. | The ruling follows last month's massive growth in the number of refugees on the Belarus-Poland border. The migrant crisis began earlier this year, with people, mainly from the Middle East, flocking to Minsk in an attempt to cross over into the EU. The situation escalated on November 6, when several thousand asylum seekers marched together to the border. Some of them tried to enter P…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-07). Civil War in Northern Ethiopia Turns in Favor of Federal Government, Reversing Last Month's Advances by TPLF. Pavan Kulkarni Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed. (Photo: Abiy Ahmed Ali/Twitter) Following their victories in the western and eastern front, the joint forces of the federal government and the Amharan militias have recaptured the strategically important towns of Dessie and Kombolcha The civil war in northern Ethiopia has taken a decisive turn in favor of…

_____ (2021-12-07). US Empire Seizes UK's National Health Service. One of the recent roles of the Parliamentary Healthcare Committee has been to reassure the British public that any claims regarding the 'Americanization' of the National Health Service (NHS) were wildly overstated, "creating a climate that risks blocking the joining up of services in the interests of patients." | In fact, the penetration of the healthcare system by the giant U.S. insurer UnitedHealth reveals the opposite to be true, with the full extent of its influence capable of surprising even seasoned NHS watchers. | The Health and Care Bill making its way through official channels simply reinforces this, wit…

Editor (2021-12-07). Vaccine imperialism: a global threat. Leaving a vast section of the world's population unvaccinated can only create the basis for the virus to spread and mutate, argues John Clarke…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-07). US Still Strong Arming "Democracy" Onto Libya. Netfa Freeman The Western imperialist forces responsible for the overthrow and assassination of Muammar Gaddafi, as well as the destruction of Libya, are now trying to force elections and so-called "democracy" onto the country. If US imperialism could only be said to be one thing, it is audacious. Recently US rulers have been making a fuss…

_____ (2021-12-07). Eritrea Versus AFRICOM: Defending Sovereignty From Imperialist Aggression. The U.S. has built military-to-military relations with 53 out of the 54 African countries that include agreements to cede operational command to AFRICOM, the U.S. Africa Command. The broad network of AFRICOM military bases, as well as those from France and other world powers, are examples of how African states are surrendering their sovereignty through neocolonial relationships with Western countries. African self-determination and national sovereignty are impossible as long as the U.S. and its European allies are allowed to use military power to control African land, labor, and resources. As Netfa Freeman pointe…

2021-12-09 03:07 | 21:07 EST | jz | 52 | 0 | 11 | 39 | 0 

2021-12-07: News Headlines

Editor (2021-12-07). The Ukraine: The USA is responsible of the escalation, and must stop it before provoking a world war. Today, the Ukraine is not only the epicenter of a new cold war, but also one of the three most dangerous points on Earth, along with Iran and Taiwan, where a nuclear conflict could be ignited, leading to the end of mankind.

_____ (2021-12-07). New Study Finds The US Military Is Spreading Disease Around The World. A new study out of York University in Toronto, Canada finds that the US military plays a large role in the spread of diseases globally, including past and present pandemics. Clearing the FOG speaks with one of the lead authors, K J Noh, an expert analyst on the geopolitics of the Asian-Pacific region and health, about the study. Important factors in the spread of disease are Status Agreements that the US military makes with local and national governments that exempt members of the military from being required to follow public health measures and a culture of impunity within the military that leads to members defy…

teleSUR (2021-12-07). Iran Says US Seeks a New Crisis In Region After ISIS Fall. On Tuesday, Iran's Supreme National Security Council secretary Ali Shamkhani accused the United States of seeking "a new crisis" in the region after the fall of the Islamic State (ISIS) militant group. | RELATED: | "The United States is very angry about the collapse of ISIS in Syria and Iraq as well as the victory of the resistance front… and is looking for a new crisis," Shamkhani said at a meeting with visiting Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal…

_____ (2021-12-07). US Empire Seizes UK's National Health Service. One of the recent roles of the Parliamentary Healthcare Committee has been to reassure the British public that any claims regarding the 'Americanization' of the National Health Service (NHS) were wildly overstated, "creating a climate that risks blocking the joining up of services in the interests of patients." | In fact, the penetration of the healthcare system by the giant U.S. insurer UnitedHealth reveals the opposite to be true, with the full extent of its influence capable of surprising even seasoned NHS watchers. | The Health and Care Bill making its way through official channels simply reinforces this, wit…

Editor (2021-12-07). Vaccine imperialism: a global threat. Leaving a vast section of the world's population unvaccinated can only create the basis for the virus to spread and mutate, argues John Clarke…

_____ (2021-12-07). Eritrea Versus AFRICOM: Defending Sovereignty From Imperialist Aggression. The U.S. has built military-to-military relations with 53 out of the 54 African countries that include agreements to cede operational command to AFRICOM, the U.S. Africa Command. The broad network of AFRICOM military bases, as well as those from France and other world powers, are examples of how African states are surrendering their sovereignty through neocolonial relationships with Western countries. African self-determination and national sovereignty are impossible as long as the U.S. and its European allies are allowed to use military power to control African land, labor, and resources. As Netfa Freeman pointe…

_____ (2021-12-07). Kellogg's Union Workers Reject New Contract. Hundreds of striking union workers at four Kellogg's cereal plants in the US have overwhelmingly voted to reject a tentative agreement on a five-year contract negotiated between the union and the company, extending a strike that started in early October. | Roughly 1,400 members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union "have spoken", union president Anthony Shelton said in a statement on 7 December. "The strike continues." | The union is "grateful for the outpouring of fraternal support we received from across the labor movement for our striking members at Kellogg's," he…

WSWS (2021-12-07). Australian Labor Party leader makes pro-business election pitch. With the Liberal-National government disintegrating, Albanese presented Labor and the unions as the force that could best enforce the requirements of the Australian capitalist class.

Editor (2021-12-07). #NoMore censorship of Africa's roving digital Army of Peace. The removal of Twitter accounts advocating for peace in the Horn of Africa shows the connection between the state and big tech companies. Freedom of speech is an illusion when communications are controlled by corporations which follow governmental dictates.

Editor (2021-12-07). 'Any bystander is a coward or a traitor' — Frantz Fanon's revolutionary challenge. From the end of May until a few days before Remembrance Day (November 11) flags at Canadian public buildings were flown at half-mast. This unusual occurrence was in recognition of the discovery of hundreds of unmarked graves containing the remains of Indigenous children on the sites of former Indian Residential Schools.

Staff (2021-12-07). Headlines for December 7, 2021. Justice Department Sues Texas Over Political Maps That Diminish Power of Voters of Color, New York City Announces First-in-Nation Vaccine Mandate For Private Employers, Biden Meets Putin as Russian Troops Mass on Ukraine Border, Russia and India Agree to Deepen Military Ties, Haitian Kidnappers Release 3 More Missionaries, 12 Remain Hostages, Civil Rights Office's Warnings Over Haiti Deportations Went Ignored by DHS and ICE , Biden Administration Reinstates and Expands Trump-Era "Remain in Mexico" Policy, Trump-era Oil & Gas Drilling Boom Continues Under Biden, Despite Campaign Pledge , Top Mike Pence Aide Will C…

WSWS (2021-12-07). Medical authorities warn of disaster as Omicron variant found in India. Indian national and state authorities are indicating they will take no new action to halt the spread of a more vaccine-resistant variant of the virus that has devastated the country.

Shriya Singh (2021-12-07). Solidarity march shows rising strength of student movement in Pakistan. The annual Student Solidarity March, which was held on November 26, sought the withdrawal of the ban against student unions, as well as the reversal of fee hikes and an increase in the education budget…

Edward Yudelovich (2021-12-07). Protest demands full access, equal rights on International Day of People with Disabilities. New York City The worldwide struggle by people with disabilities for equal rights led the United Nations to establish the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on Dec. 3, 1992. The IDPD website stresses that this holiday in 2021 should be used to recognize that people with disabilities are amongst . . . |

Joe Piette (2021-12-07). Philadelphia rally defends abortion justice. On Dec. 1 as the U.S. Supreme Court was hearing arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization — the most consequential abortion rights case since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 — women, other gender-oppressed people and allies rallied at Temple University in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Dec. 1. WW . . . |

Moderator (2021-12-07). Richest 1% Took 38% of New Global Wealth Since 1995. The Bottom Half Got Just 2%. By Jake Johnson / Common Dreams In the nearly three decades since 1995, members of the global 1% have captured 38% of all new wealth while the poorest half of humanity has benefited from just 2%, a finding that spotlights the stark and worsening gulf between the very rich and everyone else. That's according to the …

A Guest Author (2021-12-07). Washington, D.C./ 'Fight for Reproductive Justice!'. Rallies to support reproductive justice and the right to abortion were held throughout the U.S. on Dec. 1. Monica Simpson, Executive Director of SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective, gave a rousing talk at the rally in Washington, D.C., to cheers. Below are excerpts from her talk. (Access video . . . |

A Guest Author (2021-12-07). World Federation of Trade Unions/ Solidarity on Day of Persons with Disabilities. This statement was issued Dec. 2 by the World Federation of Trade Unions, representing over 105 million workers internationally. Today more than 1 billion people, or approximately 15% of the world's population, live with some form of disability, while 80% of them live in developing countries. We can all understand . . . |

WSWS (2021-12-07). Solomon Islands' government defeats parliamentary no confidence motion. Earlier violent rioting was the culmination of a US-supported campaign against the country's diplomatic recognition of China.

_____ (2021-12-07). The Fate of Russian Literature in the Arab World. Russia recently took part in the Sharjah International Book Fair, the largest one in UAE. The exposition featured books published in the Russian Federation, which included Arabic. Russian representatives held talks with the Emiratis to launch a major joint project, translating and publishing a series of Russian classical and modern literature into Arabic. There was …

_____ (2021-12-07). Nicaragua's Evidence-Based Democracy Threatens US Oppression. Despite Washington's best effort to derail Nicaragua's electoral process through hybrid warfare, strong voter turnout resulted in a decisive victory by the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), and the reelection of President Daniel Ortega with 75.92% of the votes cast. Nicaragua's non-partisan, independent Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) reported on Monday, November 8th that 65.23% of 4.4 million eligible voters (16 years and older) participated in Sunday's election. Supporters attribute the FSLN's success to its ability to ensure peace and achieve socioeconomic & political objectives that strengthen…

Ann Brown (2021-12-07). Where is Marcus Garvey's Pardon? Garvey's Family Takes Case to President Joe Biden. Descendants of Pan-African activist Marcus Garvey want President Joe Biden to issue a posthumous pardon for Garvey. The bold and vibrant leader led a Black nationalist movement that spanned the globe. Garvey spearheaded a "back to Africa" movement in the U.S. in 1923. His son, Julius Garvey, is leading the call for the presidential pardon. …

Brittani Banks (2021-12-07). There's a Nonsensical Propaganda Campaign to Make China Look Bad in Uganda. On November 25, 2021, an article appeared in Uganda's national newspaper the Daily Monitor with the headline: "Uganda surrenders airport for China cash." The article pointed to "toxic clauses" in the loan agreement signed by the Ugandan government with the Export-Import (Exim) Bank of China on March 31, 2015. The loan—worth $207 million at 2 …

Claudia Andrade (2021-12-07). Korean workers struggle for democracy: Eyewitness report from a PSL delegate to the People's Democracy Party. International solidarity can help force the United States out of Korea. The conditions that South Korean workers face are similar to the conditions that workers suffer around the world and particularly in the United States.

Dr.Nadia Helmy (2021-12-07). Israeli competition against Egypt in the energy and natural gas sector. Since the success of the (June 30th revolution and the departure of the Muslim Brotherhood's rule in Egypt), then the establishment of the (new republic in Egypt), then to the changes brought about by the policy of building and construction, and then the international conferences that the Egyptian leadership is keen to attend or host, …

IGD Worldwide (2021-12-07). International Call For New Year's Eve Noise Demonstrations — in English, Español, Português, ŒïŒªŒªŒ∑ŒΩŒπŒ∫Œ¨, Franàßais & Deutsch. English — Español — Português — Ελληνικά — Français — Deutsch Call from New York City Anarchist Black Cross for yearly New Year's Eve noise demonstrations outside of jails, detention centers and prisons. This is a call for a night of strong solidarity with those imprisoned by the state. Historically, New Year's Eve is…

Jesús Rodríguez-Espinoza (2021-12-07). MUD and Democratic Alliance Announce Candidates for Barinas Re-Election. Caracas, December 6, 2021 (Special for—Opposition politician Freddy Superlano announced today that the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) has registered Sergio Garrido as its candidate for the governorship of the state of Barinas in the controversial re-election scheduled for January 9. | Superlano's recent electoral victory was declared invalid by a Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) ruling last week. The TSJ did acknowledge that he received the most votes, but declared Superlano ineligible for the public position, despite the fact that he was recognized as candidate by the National Electora…

Peoples Dispatch (2021-12-07). Trade unions in Turkey call for demonstrations demanding revision in minimum wage. The Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey has said that the current national minimum wage is not sufficient for workers to meet their basic needs amid rising prices and an economic crisis intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic…

WSWS (2021-12-07). Delta spreads as New Zealand government ends Auckland lockdown. The Ardern government has lifted Auckland's lockdown, despite the presence of 6,000 cases of COVID-19 and the threat posed by the more infectious Omicron variant internationally.

teleSUR (2021-12-07). Tougher COVID-19 Testing Rules Take Effect For US Entry. As the Omicron variant was found in more U.S. states, tighter rules for entry into the country for international travelers went into effect on Monday — all incoming travelers will need to show proof of a negative test taken within a day of their departure, regardless of vaccination status. | RELATED: | The time span for all international air travelers to take a pre-departure coronavirus test is shortened from three days to one…

WSWS (2021-12-07). Ex-D.C. Guard officer accuses Army generals of lying to Congress about Pentagon actions during January 6 coup. Colonel Earl Matthews, the legal adviser to then D.C. National Guard Commander William Walker, accused senior military leadership of falsifying timelines in order to cover for their deliberate delay in sending reinforcements to the besieged Capitol.

teleSUR (2021-12-07). Venezuela: Five Candidates Run For Governor In Barinas State. As of Tuesday morning, five Venezuelan parties had registered candidates to run in the elections for governor to be held in the Barinas state on January 9, 2022. | RELATED: | Previously, the National Electoral Council (CNE) annulled the results of the elections held in that territory given that the winning candidate in the Nov. 21 elections, Freddy Superlano, should not have participated in the democratic process because pre…

Peoples Dispatch (2021-12-07). Rally held in Sydney against Morrison government's push to dilute LGBT+ rights. Activists have opposed the conservative Liberal-National coalition government's attempts to push through the Religious Discrimination Bill that dilutes the existing anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ individuals in faith-based schools and institutions…

teleSUR (2021-12-07). 'Keep Politics Out Of Olympics' International Community Demands. As China is to welcome with open arms athletes from all over the world to the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, the White House announced a so-called "diplomatic boycott" of the Games on Monday under the pretext of human rights. | RELATED: | The move is a pure political provocation. Underneath Washington's groundless accusation against China is its intention to serve its self-interests at the expense of the athletes. Such a plot g…

Editor (2021-12-06). The ecosocialist imperative. Thirty years ago, climate modeling scientists predicted exactly the global events—massive wildfires, intensified tropical storms, flooding and droughts—that we're seeing right now.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-06). Nicaragua's Evidence-Based Democracy Threatens U.S. Oppression Domestically and Abroad. Lauren Smith President Daniel Ortega shown dancing with musicians and supporters at the first public event after his and Vice President, Rosario Murillo's reelection on November 8th. [Source: photo by Lauren Smith] Despite Washington's best effort to derail Nicaragua's electoral process through hybrid warfare, strong voter turnout resulted in a decisive victory by the Sandinista…

Yader R. Lanuza (2021-12-06). Sandinistas won a landslide victory not through fraud but because they uplifted Nicaragua's poor. Do not believe them when they tell you the left is divided. There is no division. The (anti-imperialist) Left is standing with the Sandinista victory in Nicaragua. The rest are either confused or advocating an imperialist political project.

Tanya Wadhwa (2021-12-06). Over 1.5 Million Bolivians March in Defense of Democracy. Over 1.5 million workers, women, students and peasants from across Bolivia joined the rally in the capital and expressed their approval of the national government of the ruling Movement Towards Socialism party…

Margaret Kimberley (2021-12-06). China is not colonizing Africa. International media cannot be trusted to give accurate information. Skepticism is especially warranted when China is the topic and allegations of colonizing Africa make headlines.

Moderator (2021-12-06). Ralph Nader: Critical Exposés Everywhere as the Corporate State Worsens. [ By Ralph Nader | Within a span of five years, there were three books in th…

WSWS (2021-12-06). DSA National Political Committee rejects calls to expel Jamaal Bowman for supporting Israeli war crimes. The entire episode exposes the real character and political function of the DSA as a faction of the Democratic Party.

Rick Rozoff (2021-12-06). NATO threat to redeploy nuclear arms led to Belarus to moot basing Russian nuclear weapons — analyst. Lukashenko's suggestion to host Russian nuclear weapons seen as response to Western threats By suggesting to host Russian nuclear weapons Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has responded to the West's threats to deploy its nuclear capabilities in Poland and the Baltic countries, editor-in-chief of the Russian magazine Natsionalnaya Oborona [National Defense] and military expert Igor Korotchenko …

W.T. Whitney Jr. (2021-12-06). Libre Party and Presidential Candidate Xiomara Castro Win Big in Honduras Elections. By W.T. Whitney — Dec 2, 2021 | Xiomara Castro, candidate of the Freedom and Refoundation Party ("Libre") prevailed in presidential elections in Honduras on November 28. Her term begins in January, 2022; she replaces two-term president Juan Orlando Hernández, who with ex-President Porfirio Lobo (2010-2014), account for 12 years of National Party rule following the June 2009 military coup that removed progressive President Manuel Zelaya. He is Xiomara Castro's husband. | With a 70 percent voter turnout, Castro accumulated almost 54 percent of the total, leaving National Party candidate Nasry Asfura with 34 pe…

Brinda Karat (2021-12-06). Lesson from India farmers' victory: United mass struggle can win. The historic victory of the Indian farmers' (Kisan) struggle in forcing the Narendra Modi government to roll back its three anti-farmer, pro-corporate farm laws underlines the importance of the politics of mass struggle. The strength of the farmers' united movements under the leadership of the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM—"United Farmers' Front") put the government on …

Staff (2021-12-06). Headlines for December 6, 2021. International Travelers Face Tightened Restrictions as Omicron Variant Spreads Worldwide, More Protests Erupt as European Countries Tighten Vaccine Mandates, Parents of Michigan High School Shooting Suspect Arrested After Manhunt, Burmese Court Sentences Deposed Leader Aung San Suu Kyi to 4 Years in Prison, Biden Expected to Announce U.S. Diplomatic Boycott of Beijing Winter Olympics, 15 Dead, Dozens Missing as Indonesian Volcano Erupts, Funerals Held for 15 Civilians Killed by Security Forces in India's Nagaland State, Pope Francis Voices Support for Refugees in Trip to Greek Island of Lesbos, Voters in The Gamb…

Peoples Dispatch (2021-12-06). Protests in Nagaland after Indian forces kill at least 15 civilians and other stories. Today we look at protests against civilian killings by Indian armed forces in Nagaland, a brutal mob lynching of a Sri Lankan man in Pakistan, and more…

Editor (2021-12-06). Omicron variant exposes danger of global vaccine apartheid. A new, heavily mutated Coronavirus variant, Omicron, is causing alarm around the world as scientists race to discover more about this new type of the virus and its potential resistance to vaccines.

a guest author (2021-12-06). In Nicaragua, a Sandinista's view on autonomy. By Johnny Hodgson The following is a presentation given by Johnny Hodgson, Sandinista National Liberation Front's Political Secretary for the Autonomous Region of the South Caribbean (RACCS), on Oct. 6, 2021 in Managua, Nicaragua, to a U.S. delegation comprised of Coleen Littlejohn, Sara Flounders, Monica Moorehead, Joav Elinevsky and Stan . . . |

Moderator (2021-12-06). Hedges: American Satyricon. By Chris Hedges / Original to ScheerPost | The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell which began this week in Manhattan will not hold to account the powerful and wealthy men who are also complicit in the sexual assaults of girls as young as twelve Maxwell allegedly procured for billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. | Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, hedge-fund billionaire Glenn Dubin, former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, former Secretary of the Treasury and former president of Harvard Larry Summers, Stephen Pinker, Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz, billionaire Victoria's Secret CEO Les Wexner, the J.P Morgan banker Jes St…

Jonah Furman (2021-12-06). Auto Workers win direct Democracy in referendum. It's a historic win for reformers in one of the nation's most important unions, where members have pushed for this change for decades.

2021-12-08 02:15 | 22:15 EST | jz | 52 | 0 | 16 | 34 | 0 

2021-12-06: News Headlines

Editor (2021-12-06). The ecosocialist imperative. Thirty years ago, climate modeling scientists predicted exactly the global events—massive wildfires, intensified tropical storms, flooding and droughts—that we're seeing right now.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-06). Nicaragua's Evidence-Based Democracy Threatens U.S. Oppression Domestically and Abroad. Lauren Smith President Daniel Ortega shown dancing with musicians and supporters at the first public event after his and Vice President, Rosario Murillo's reelection on November 8th. [Source: photo by Lauren Smith] Despite Washington's best effort to derail Nicaragua's electoral process through hybrid warfare, strong voter turnout resulted in a decisive victory by the Sandinista…

Yader R. Lanuza (2021-12-06). Sandinistas won a landslide victory not through fraud but because they uplifted Nicaragua's poor. Do not believe them when they tell you the left is divided. There is no division. The (anti-imperialist) Left is standing with the Sandinista victory in Nicaragua. The rest are either confused or advocating an imperialist political project.

Tanya Wadhwa (2021-12-06). Over 1.5 Million Bolivians March in Defense of Democracy. Over 1.5 million workers, women, students and peasants from across Bolivia joined the rally in the capital and expressed their approval of the national government of the ruling Movement Towards Socialism party…

Margaret Kimberley (2021-12-06). China is not colonizing Africa. International media cannot be trusted to give accurate information. Skepticism is especially warranted when China is the topic and allegations of colonizing Africa make headlines.

Moderator (2021-12-06). Ralph Nader: Critical Exposés Everywhere as the Corporate State Worsens. [ By Ralph Nader | Within a span of five years, there were three books in th…

WSWS (2021-12-06). DSA National Political Committee rejects calls to expel Jamaal Bowman for supporting Israeli war crimes. The entire episode exposes the real character and political function of the DSA as a faction of the Democratic Party.

Editor (2021-12-06). Omicron variant exposes danger of global vaccine apartheid. A new, heavily mutated Coronavirus variant, Omicron, is causing alarm around the world as scientists race to discover more about this new type of the virus and its potential resistance to vaccines.

WSWS (2021-12-06). Sri Lankan government eases COVID-19 restrictions ignoring scientists' warnings about Omicron. The working class must oppose the murderous policy of the government and the entire ruling class, which has let the coronavirus run rampant, taking the lives of tens of thousands and infecting hundreds of thousands.

Staff (2021-12-06). Headlines for December 6, 2021. International Travelers Face Tightened Restrictions as Omicron Variant Spreads Worldwide, More Protests Erupt as European Countries Tighten Vaccine Mandates, Parents of Michigan High School Shooting Suspect Arrested After Manhunt, Burmese Court Sentences Deposed Leader Aung San Suu Kyi to 4 Years in Prison, Biden Expected to Announce U.S. Diplomatic Boycott of Beijing Winter Olympics, 15 Dead, Dozens Missing as Indonesian Volcano Erupts, Funerals Held for 15 Civilians Killed by Security Forces in India's Nagaland State, Pope Francis Voices Support for Refugees in Trip to Greek Island of Lesbos, Voters in The Gamb…

Rick Rozoff (2021-12-06). NATO threat to redeploy nuclear arms led to Belarus to moot basing Russian nuclear weapons — analyst. Lukashenko's suggestion to host Russian nuclear weapons seen as response to Western threats By suggesting to host Russian nuclear weapons Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has responded to the West's threats to deploy its nuclear capabilities in Poland and the Baltic countries, editor-in-chief of the Russian magazine Natsionalnaya Oborona [National Defense] and military expert Igor Korotchenko …

W.T. Whitney Jr. (2021-12-06). Libre Party and Presidential Candidate Xiomara Castro Win Big in Honduras Elections. By W.T. Whitney — Dec 2, 2021 | Xiomara Castro, candidate of the Freedom and Refoundation Party ("Libre") prevailed in presidential elections in Honduras on November 28. Her term begins in January, 2022; she replaces two-term president Juan Orlando Hernández, who with ex-President Porfirio Lobo (2010-2014), account for 12 years of National Party rule following the June 2009 military coup that removed progressive President Manuel Zelaya. He is Xiomara Castro's husband. | With a 70 percent voter turnout, Castro accumulated almost 54 percent of the total, leaving National Party candidate Nasry Asfura with 34 pe…

WSWS (2021-12-06). US District Court issues wrist slap fine for serious environmental pollution at BP refinery in northwest Indiana. The US District Court of Hammond, Indiana has ordered BP to pay a mere $500,000 for emissions violations at its refinery in Whiting, Indiana.

Editor (2021-12-06). SVR — United States push Ukraine to relaunch Donbass conflict, while accusing Russia of wanting to attack. The head of the SVR, Sergey Naryshkin, told a journalist from the Rossia 1 channel that behind the reports that Russia is preparing to invade Ukraine lies Washington's desire to push Kiev to attack the Donbass.

Jonah Furman (2021-12-06). Auto Workers win direct Democracy in referendum. It's a historic win for reformers in one of the nation's most important unions, where members have pushed for this change for decades.

Moderator (2021-12-06). Hedges: American Satyricon. By Chris Hedges / Original to ScheerPost | The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell which began this week in Manhattan will not hold to account the powerful and wealthy men who are also complicit in the sexual assaults of girls as young as twelve Maxwell allegedly procured for billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. | Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, hedge-fund billionaire Glenn Dubin, former New Mexico Bill Richardson, former Secretary of the Treasury and former president of Harvard Larry Summers, Stephen Pinker, Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz, billionaire Victoria's Secret CEO Les Wexner, the, J.P Morgan banker Jes Staley…

WSWS (2021-12-06). New Zealand troops join imperialist intervention in the Solomon Islands. Australia and New Zealand are using the Solomon Islands crisis to boost their position in the Pacific amid the growing US-led confrontation with China.

Staff (2021-12-06). Jorge Arreaza PSUV Candidate for Barinas Re-Election. With the battle-cry "Long live Chávez!", Jorge Arreaza Montserrat assumed, on Sunday, December 5, the candidacy for governorship in Barinas state, after being so designated by the national leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). | Arreaza declared that he was moved, and thanked, from the heart, President Nicolás Maduro, for the confidence in him to undertake this new battle in the state where Hugo Chávez was born and that has great ideological significance for the Bolivarian Revolution. | "If you trust this son of Chávez, this brother of Nicolás Maduro, to lead the reins of Barinas for the n…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-06). Unmasking the "Orient's" White Masks: Remembering Fanon. Karim Sharara Colonialism perpetuates itself by keeping the colonials on an inferior basis, ever-striving to "rise" to the level of the colonizers. Frantz Fanon's life was transformed due to the damaging effect of French colonialism on his home country and on Algeria, which led him to conduct a psychoanalytical study on its effects, and how…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-06). The Quetzal and the Condor Will Fly Together. Ollantay Itzamná Assembly of the Xinca people. Jutiapa. Receives the delegation of the Andean peoples. … we are witnessing the dawn in which, sooner rather than later, the indomitable Quetzal will fly together and in complicity with the majestic Condor in search of plurinational freedom. And these two will unite with the Eagle… And then,…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-06). China Deepens Cooperation with CELAC States. Kawsachun News Foreign Minister of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard and President of China Xi Jinping. December 3, 2021. Chinese President Xi Jinping made a call to promote cooperation between China and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, in a speech via video conference during the third Meeting of Ministers of the China-CELAC Forum. The…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-06). Covid and Social Engineering: The Impact of Fear and Anxiety on the Human Immune System. Carina Harkin "The enemy is fear. We think it is hate, but it is really fear". ‚ÄçGandhi (1) We live in the age of anxiety. We who see, see clearly this is a pandemic of fear. One of the central emotional responses during a pandemic is fear. Fear comprises both an emotional and physical response…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-06). Josu Landa: National Autonomous University of Mexico Reactivates the Simón Bolívar Chair. Yoselina Guevara The reactivation of the Simón Bolívar Chair at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) was a precise moment to talk to the Venezuelan philosopher Josu Landa, professor at that university, who together with Dr. Ambrosio Velasco, a Mexican academic with a distinguished career, have taken on the task of resuming the study…

Rick Rozoff (2021-12-06). U.S., Ukrainian armies train for treating combat casualties. U.S. and Ukrainian Medics Train Together During Combined Resolve XVI During Combined Resolve XVI (CBR XVI), a United States Army Europe-Africa directed, 7th Army Training Command conducted, Joint Multinational Readiness Center hosted multinational training event involving 1st Infantry Division's 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team (1/1ID), U.S. and Ukrainian soldiers compared emergency medical procedures to find …

WSWS (2021-12-06). Union bureaucrats sell out Mississippi shipyard workers, force through contract extension. Facing resistance from the rank and file, the Metal Trades Council and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers released a leaflet threatening workers with dire consequences if they rejected the contract extension.

Mnar Adley (2021-12-05). Camila Saab Speaks Out: Wife of Venezuelan Diplomat "Kidnapped" by US Gov't Talks to MintPress. While Washington cannot choose the president of Venezuela, it can make life impossible for officials, such as Alex Saab, who attempt to defy its sanctions regime. | On Wednesday, November 24, MintPress News Editor in Chief Mnar Adley sat down to speak with Camila Saab, the wife of imprisoned Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab. | Saab was on a diplomatic mission to Iran in June 2020, where he was tasked with securing deals for food, medicine and personal protective equipment. His plane stopped off in Cabo Verde — a group of islands off the west coast of Africa — for a routine refueling. | He would never fin…

_____ (2021-12-05). Why Unionizing Efforts Terrify Amazon. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has just ruled that a historic union vote held earlier this year among Amazon warehouse workers in Bessemer, Alabama, by the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) was not valid. The highly publicized vote, which took place over several weeks in February and March 2021, resulted in a resounding defeat for the union, with more than 70 percent of those voting choosing against union membership. Stuart Appelbaum, president of RWDSU, accused Amazon of engaging in "efforts to gaslight its own employees," and filed a petition in April to nullify the vote. After inv…

_____ (2021-12-05). 'Summit For Democracy' — The Apex Of Hypocrisy. President Biden's December 9-10 "Summit for Democracy" has already stirred up a storm. The White House says the summit will have "three principal themes: defending against authoritarianism, fighting corruption, and promoting respect for human rights" — clearly targeting Washington's chosen "autocratic states," China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua. | The government of Taiwan is among the 100-plus invitees, prompting suspicions that a key goal is de facto recognition of the island as a sovereign state. This continues the systematic gutting of the 1972 Shanghai Communiqué, signed by Richard Nixo…

John Bellamy Foster (2021-12-05). Marxism, Ecology and the Climate Crisis—John Bellamy Foster. In the week before the COP26 international summit, John Bellamy Foster analyzed the climate emergency and how we can achieve climate justice.

_____ (2021-12-05). Save Sinjajevina Fighting To Stop Military Training On Pastoral Land. Given this position of the Ministry and the Government of Montenegro, and in anticipation of the abolition of the decision on the military range in Sinjajevina made in September 2019, Save Sinjajevina insists that the installation of a military training ground in this area would violate an international UNESCO protected area. This is even more striking taking into account that it was inaugurated without any environmental impact assessment, nor a social impact assessment. While the environmental values of the Biosphere Reserve are in great part assured by the continued traditional uses of local communities dwellin…

2021-12-06 22:40 | 18:40 EST | jz | 32 | 0 | 5 | 25 | 0 

2021-12-05: News Headlines

Staff (2021-12-05). Fauci assesses Omicron strain's 'degree of severity'. Even as President Joe Biden's administration has banned travel from eight African nations because of the Omicron variant of Covid-19, White House medical adviser Anthony Fauci has apparently downplayed the new strain's virulence. | "Though it's too early to really make any definitive statements about it thus far, it does not look like there's a great degree of severity to it," Fauci said on Sunday in a CNN interview. He added that more review is needed to confirm that Omicron causes less illness than other variants, such as Delta, "but thus far, the signals are a bit encouraging." | Dr. Anthony Fauci cautions…

TASS (2021-12-05). Ukraine's military attache in Belarus receives protest note over border violation. The Belarusian side conveyed to the military attache that "the Ukrainian side avoids dialogue to resolve controversial issues both along the lines of international military cooperation and of arms control which is very alarming"

Mnar Adley (2021-12-05). Camila Saab Speaks Out: Wife of Venezuelan Diplomat "Kidnapped" by US Gov't Talks to MintPress. While Washington cannot choose the president of Venezuela, it can make life impossible for officials, such as Alex Saab, who attempt to defy its sanctions regime. | On Wednesday, November 24, MintPress News Editor in Chief Mnar Adley sat down to speak with Camila Saab, the wife of imprisoned Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab. | Saab was on a diplomatic mission to Iran in June 2020, where he was tasked with securing deals for food, medicine and personal protective equipment. His plane stopped off in Cabo Verde — a group of islands off the west coast of Africa — for a routine refueling. | He would never fin…

Staff (2021-12-05). Major economy falls short of banning crypto. India wants to regulate the cryptocurrencies rather than ban them outright, NDTV has reported. Last month, New Delhi sent the domestic digital market plummeting as it announced plans to ban private virtual currencies. | India's television network NDTV says the government circulated a note on the proposed bill, which says private cryptocurrencies will be regulated and will not be recognized as legal currency in India. The legislation is also reported to describe cryptocurrencies as crypto assets that will be overseen by the country's market watchdog, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). | Citizens… (2021-12-05). Chelsea players celebrate with the trophy after the Vitality Women's FA Cup final at Wembley Stadium, London.

Staff (2021-12-05). Apple strikes back, taking Russia's market regulator to court. US technology giant Apple has brought legal action against Russia's Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) in an effort to challenge the request to "stop abuse in the market" submitted by that body earlier this year. | Apple is seeking a judicial review of a warning, which is forcing the iPhone maker to allow app developers to tell customers about alternative payment options when using its App Store platform. | The warning, delivered by the government body in August, gave Apple a September 30 deadline to resolve the issue. Back then, the regulator warned that the Cupertino-based multinational could face a fine tha…

Staff (2021-12-05). Five die after officers ram SUV into crowd (VIDEOS). Five people have been killed after security forces in Myanmar rammed an SUV into a crowd of anti-coup protesters in the Southeast Asian country's largest city Yangon, local media have reported. | Dozens took part in the march early on Sunday, with people chanting slogans, carrying portraits of Myanmar's deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi and a large red banner that read: "Freedom from fear." | The crowd occupied a road, blocking traffic on it, and security forces then used the harshest means to disperse the unsanctioned rally.Shocking videos uploaded to social media have shown a speeding car ramming into the demo…

Staff (2021-12-05). Anti-vaxxers are society's grumbling 'appendix', German comedian claims. A comedian has landed in hot water after joking that right-wingers and anti-vaxxers are the "appendix" of society, so can be removed without issue. However, she's been accused of rhetoric straight out of the "Nazi playbook." | Sarah Bosetti, who hosts a satirical podcast on German public broadcast network ZDF, made the controversial remarks in the latest episode on Friday, before doubling down on them on her Twitter. In the clip, she

Staff (2021-12-05). WATCH: Water cannon, tear gas deployed amid chaotic Covid-19 protests in Brussels. Thousands of people marched through the streets of Belgium's capital Brussels on Sunday, protesting new Covid-19 restrictions. A group of demonstrators clashed with police, who responded with tear gas and water cannon. | Some 8,000 people took park in the street protests in Brussels on Sunday, according to police estimates. The participants condemned the government's Covid-19 policies, including vaccination and the rollout of a coronavirus health pass, which they claim infringes on human rights and freedoms. | üáßüá™ The Brussels firefighter and care worker p…

Staff (2021-12-05). Who is fighting who in Ukraine? Fierce battles and political tensions have been swirling around Eastern Ukraine in recent weeks. But at times, it's not even clear who is party to the conflict, and the confusion is at the heart of a growing information war. | A lack of clarity is understandable, given Ukraine is a divided country in a divided Europe. Is this a conflict between Kiev and Donbass, between Ukraine and Russia, between Ukraine and NATO, or between NATO and Russia? The UN-approved Minsk agreement for settling the conflict only identifies the two domestic conflicting parties — Kiev and the two self-proclaimed breakaway Donbass R…

Staff (2021-12-05). Ukraine warns EU about 5 million refugees. Ukraine's defense minister has decided to raise the specter of one of the European Union's major concerns — large scale migration — amid American-driven claims that Russia is planning an invasion of his country. | Alexey Reznikov, who took charge of Kiev's Defense Ministry in November, warns that up to five million of his country men and women could flee to the EU in the event of a full-scale war. A similar number are believed to have already left since 2014, about two million to Russia, and the rest to other European countries. | Writing for pro-NATO lobby group the Atlantic Council, Reznikov said…

Staff (2021-12-05). Covid-free Dana White thanks 'Dr. Joe Rogan' (VIDEO). Dana White says that he has tested negative for Covid-19 just days after revealing his diagnosis, and has thanked controversial podcast host Joe Rogan for recommending a cocktail of drugs which he says aided his recovery. | White revealed last week that he and his family had been struck down by the virus after visiting Maine for Thanksgiving, but speaking to

Staff (2021-12-05). Chaos as runaway echidna somehow avoids getting squashed by racecars (VIDEO). An uncooperative echidna was nearly responsible for an accident at Sunday's Bathurst 1000, the annual 1,000km touring car race held in Australia, after the critter wandered on the track and was almost hit by several cars. | The animal, which to an untrained eye closely resembles a hedgehog, was responsible for "madness" on the circuit after it was spotted crossing the track. | The race was promptly yellow flagged and a safety car was rushed out but not before it came close to be squashed by more than a few cars, amid concerns that it could potentially lead to a serious accident if one of the various racers swe…

Staff (2021-12-05). Rangnick's first game at Man Utd: What's the verdict?

Staff (2021-12-05). Chess champ Carlsen inches closer to retaining title after Russian rival's 'blunder'. Norway's Magnus Carlsen moved closer to winning another chess world championship after he capitalized on an error from Russia's Ian Nepomniachtchi to extend his lead in the eighth game of their ‚Ǩ2 million clash in Dubai. | A middlegame mistake from Nepomniachtchi saw him lose a pawn to the Norwegian Grandmaster on Sunday, allowing the 31-year-old reigning champion an advantage which he made the most of in the game which extended past four hours and which only ended with the Russian's resignation. | The error affords Carlsen a telling 5-3 advantage in the best-of-14 series, something which ex…

Staff (2021-12-05). White supremacists left out in the cold in DC, literally. A hundred-strong group of white supremacists has stomped through downtown Washington, DC, with unexpected logistical issues ultimately raining on their parade. | Donning uniform of white neck gaiters, sunglasses and khaki pants, and holding plastic shields, members of the 'Patriot Front' marched in the US capital on Saturday evening, under the motto "reclaim America." The demonstrators were carrying American flags and banners, with drummers setting the rhythm to the procession. Some social media users have also claimed the group set off a smoke bomb at one point, with photos appearing to show the aftermath. A…

Staff (2021-12-05). Covid outbreak on cruise ship with over 3,000 passengers. Ten people have tested positive for Covid on board a Norwegian Cruise Line ship bound for New Orleans, despite the strict rules in place that required that all passengers and crew be vaccinated. | The vessel had departed the same city on November 28, and was scheduled to return there this weekend. On its route, the Norwegian Breakaway called at a number of ports in Belize, Honduras, and Mexico, according to the Louisiana Department of Health. More than 3,200 people are believed to be on board. Officials said in a statement that the cruise line "has been adhering to appropriate quarantine and isolation protocol…

Staff (2021-12-05). Is this one of the most suspicious goals ever scored? (VIDEO). Colombian legend Juan Cuadrado has called into question two suspicious late goals which secured promotion for Union Magdalena in what is being called "an embarrassment for Colombian football". | The Colombian soccer players' association are crying foul and calling for an investigation after late goals scored in the 95th and 96th minute in Union Magdalena's fixture with Llaneros FC meant that El Union, who are based in the Santa Marta region of Magdalena in Colombia, confirmed their promotion to next season's Dimayor league. Llaneros were leading 1-0 deep into injury time before the dramatic late twist. | Foota…

Staff (2021-12-05). Tattooed Italian MMA wildman shuns glove-touch to KO rival in 7 seconds (VIDEO). Italian brawler Walter Pugliesi, a former drug dealer-turned-MMA fighter, certainly didn't waste any time in at Saturday's 'Golden Cage' event in Italy, dispatching his opponent early with a stunning flying knee KO. | Heavily tattooed Italian MMA stalwart Pugliesi, known to some as 'Kraken', took a page from UFC star Jorge Masvidal's book to launch the 'super necessary' technique in the fight's opening seconds, turning down opponent Konstantin Linnik's request to touch gloves and instead launching his knee directly into the Ukrainian fighter's dome. | The knee landed squarely to the left side of Linnik's skull…

Staff (2021-12-05). Why speaker wants sniffer dogs in UK Parliament. The Speaker of the House of Commons is said to be considering bringing in sniffer dogs, amid reports there's an allegedly rampant drug problem on Parliament grounds, including the use of cocaine. | Read more | | Speaker Lindsay Hoyle has reportedly vowed to call in the police after traces of cocaine and other drugs were detected in Westminster, the Sunday Times said on Sunday. The problem is said to be so serious, it will be discussed by the House of Commons Commission next week. | "It may b…

Staff (2021-12-05). Maskless LeBron triggers debate after saying high school policy makes 'zero sense'. LeBron James has courted further controversy after he opted not to wear a mask while watching his son play in a basketball tournament – days after commenting on high school players wearing face masks under their chins. | Los Angeles Lakers star James was accused of disregarding Los Angeles County Covid-19 rules which state that people are obliged to wear the protective gear in all indoor public areas and regardless of their vaccination status while watching his son Bronny playing for his high school team in the Staples Center. | However, the same guidelines state that people are given permission to remove thei…

Staff (2021-12-05). Republican icon and former Clinton opponent dies. Bob Dole, a former US Senate majority leader and the GOP presidential nominee who failed to block Bill Clinton's re-election in 1996, has died aged 98. | The Kansas native and former World War II hero died in his sleep on Sunday morning, according to an announcement by the charitable foundation of his wife, Elizabeth Dole. "At his death, at age 98, he had served the United States of America for 79 years," the foundation said. | #RememberingBobDole— Elizabeth Dole Foundation (@DoleFoundation) John Bellamy Foster (2021-12-05). Marxism, Ecology and the Climate Crisis—John Bellamy Foster. In the week before the COP26 international summit, John Bellamy Foster analyzed the climate emergency and how we can achieve climate justice. (2021-12-05). Cooperation with IMF to be deepened. China attaches great importance to its ties with the International Monetary Fund, and hopes to further deepen bilateral cooperation over issues including debt and climate change, Premier Li Keqiang said when meeting with IMF head Kristalina Georgieva via video link in Beijing on Friday. (2021-12-05). UNSAFE: A member of the Afghan national boxing team trains during a session at a gym in Serbia.

Juan Cole (2021-12-05). We do it to Ourselves: 30 Gun Homicides in England in 2020 (167 US Equiv.), vs. 13,620 in US. Revised The murders by a high school student in Oxford, Michigan, who was given a gun by his parents even though he was making death threats and the school called them to conferences out of concern, have shaken the state and become national news. That is because the parents are being charged with criminal negligence …

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2021-12-05). UAE national security advisor to visit Tehran Monday. TEHRAN, Dec. 05 (MNA) — The National Security Advisor of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed Al Nahyan is scheduled to visit Iran on Monday.

sputniknews (2021-12-05). Sniffer Dogs Could Be Deployed in UK Parliament as Cocaine Found Near PM's Office, Report Says. The news comes amid reports that the government will unveil a new strategy to combat drug crime, which has drastically increased in recent years. Last year's report by the Office of National Statistics said three million people used illicit drugs in the UK, including cocaine.

Staff (2021-12-05). Call for works in Mashhad International Urban Arts Festival. TEHRAN, Dec. 5 (MNA) — In the 14th year of the "Mashhad International Urban Arts Festival" in addition to domestic works of art, it has also hosted international works of art.

R.R. (2021-12-05). SF Rally: Mobilizing for Bodily Autonomy. On December 1 members of the San Francisco chapter of National Mobilization for Reproductive Justice and allies spoke out to oppose draconian moves threatening the right to bodily autonomy.

National Organization of Women (2021-12-05). Tuesday 1/18: Justice at Our Border: Addressing the Hazards of Living as Undocumented Women. Online via Zoom…

Bureau of Land Management (2021-12-05). BLM and Partners Break Ground on Cotoni-coast Dairies Recreational Trails. SANTA CRUZ, Calif. — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Central Coast Field Office and the Santa Cruz Mountains Trail Stewardship (SCMTS) have begun developing the initial 19 miles of multiple-use trails in the Cotoni-Coast Dairies unit of the California Coastal National Monument north of Santa Cruz in Santa Cruz County.

Anonymous103 (2021-12-05). Gaddafi Can Run For Libya's Presidency. Coup De Theatre In Tripoli. Click to see full-size image | Written by Pierro Messina | Coup de theatre in Tripoli. The judiciary changes the decisions of the electoral commission. Thus, Saif Al Islam Gaddafi will be able to participate in the December 24 elections for the presidency of Libya. The incumbent prime minister, Abdul Hamid Dbeibah will also be able to compete. Nothing to do, however, for General Haftar. Three weeks after the vote in Libya, the courts of the courts partially overturned the decisions of the High National electi…

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2021-12-05). International Day of Disabled Persons marked in Iran. TEHRAN, Dec. 05 (MNA) — International Day of Disabled Persons was marked in a ceremony in the presence of Tehran Mayor Alireza Zakani on Saturday evening.

California Nurses Association (2021-12-05). Watsonville Community Hospital nurses to hold press conference to demand hospital remain open. Nurses who work at Watsonville Community Hospital will hold a press conference on Friday, Dec. 3, to demand that the hospital remain open, announced California Nurses Association/National Nurses United (CNA/NNU) today. The event is being held in response to a recent letter from the hospital to employees citing plans to sell the facility as part of a Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization process.

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2021-12-05). Drone crashed in central Iran (+VIDEO). TEHRAN, Dec. 05 (MNA) — Hours ago, a drone crashed in Kuhrang County, in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province in central Iran.

Editor2 (2021-12-04). Russian Foreign Ministry Statement on the Planned US 'Summit for Democracy'. In connection with the so called summit for democracy to be held on December 9-10 at the initiative of the US administration, we consider it necessary to make the following statement. | The organisers and enthusiasts behind this strange event claim to lead the world in advancing the cause of democracy and human rights. However, the track record and reputation of the United States, Great Britain, and the EU member states in terms of respecting democratic rights and freedoms at home, as well as in the international arena, are, to put it mildly, far from ideal. | The evidence suggests that the United States and its…

Editor (2021-12-04). White supremacy, Nazism and fascism R U.S. Despite many criticisms, white supremacy remains not only well and strong, but is also recognized and hailed by the United States on the world stage as an acceptable and legitimate ideology.

Staff (2021-12-04). Bitcoin drops nearly $10,000 in an hour. The world's crypto pioneer, bitcoin, saw a sharp decline of nearly $10,000 in roughly an hour to as low as $42,000 before bouncing back to $45,000, extending the latest downtrend amid the emergence of the Omicron Covid-19 strain. | The price of bitcoin has dropped around $15,000 over the past 24 hours. It was trading at nearly $47,580 as of 08: 16 GMT, down 16.14% day over day, having dropped by 31.6% from the year's high of $69,000, which it reached on November 10. | Read more | | Meanwhile, ether, the sec…

WSWS (2021-12-04). Video: Workers must oppose Australian ruling elite's homicidal response to Omicron variant. SEP Assistant National Secretary Max Boddy warns: "There is no viable way to stop the pandemic and save lives, other than a strategy of global elimination."

Sharmila Devi (2021-12-04). [World Report] Calls for international solutions to EU—Belarus border crisis. Humanitarian organisations warn that thousands of migrants are stuck, with many unable to access medical care, food, and water. Sharmila Devi reports.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-04). The Supreme Council of Libyan Tribes Calls for Continued Protests in Sebha. The head of the Supreme Council of Tribes and Cities of Fezzan in Libya, Abu Sbeiha, called on the people of the south to demonstrate tomorrow, Sunday, in front of the headquarters of the High Electoral Commission in Sebha. In his Facebook post, Abu Sbeiha urged citizens to demonstrate to demand "the impartiality of the…

Seth Galinsky (2021-12-04). Fidel Castro: How Cuban working people made a socialist revolution. U.S. imperialism will never forgive working people in Cuba for overthrowing the U.S.-backed dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista, replacing capitalist rule with a government of workers and farmers, nationalizing U.S. and Cuban companies and opening the first socialist revolution in the Americas. | That revolution was a product of the operations of capitalism, but it could not have charted a path to victory without the political leadership of Fidel Castro. The U.S. rulers hoped when he died Nov. 25, 2016, the revolution would die with him. But five years later, his ideas and example are looked to by millions in Cuba…

_____ (2021-12-04). How To Picket Stores That Sell Your Employer's Products. Picketing stores that sell an employer's products can publicize a strike and hurt earnings. It is also a good way to generate community support. Although the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) usually bars unions from picketing secondary (i.e., "neutral") employers, a narrow legal exception applies to retail stores and distributors—provided the union does not interfere with operations, only asks the public not to buy struck products, does not ask customers to stop doing all business with the retailer (unless the store only sells struck products), and does not demand that the store stop buying products from…

Editor2 (2021-12-04). Backed by AFRICOM, Corporations Plunder DR Congo for "Climate-Friendly" Materials and Blame China. By T.J. Coles — Nov 30, 2021 | Cobalt, a key metallic element used in lithium batteries and other "green" technology, is sourced from slave labor in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As the West points the finger at China, the US Africa Command is indirectly policing mining operations that profit US corporations. | Ever since Belgium's King Leopold II (1835-1909) established the Congo Free State in 1885, international powers have exploited the region's vast resources. Leading a regime that went on to kill an

WSWS (2021-12-04). Australian government in "chaos" as pandemic intensifies political disarray. The Liberal-National government is in tatters, yet there is low popular support for the Labor Party and rising distrust in the entire parliamentary establishment.

scorinoco (2021-12-04). Xiomara Castro and the Rebirth of Honduras. By Ilka Oliva Corado — Nov 29, 2021 | The humiliations suffered by undocumented Central American migrants who try to cross Mexico to reach the United States, seeking to save themselves from the institutional violence of the narco-state, in the case of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, have hurt a lot. The famous northern triangle that is so much present here and there in discourses of politicians, in the discourse of transnational corporations that in exchange for a crumb that they throw from the rocking chair where they rock, placid and pompous; they take the entrails of the land that they are drying, be…

WSWS (2021-12-04). Indian courts continue to sanction open-ended imprisonment without trial. The 15 surviving victims of the Indian state's Elgar Parishad terrorism frame-up case are being subjected to cruel and life-threatening punishment. They have been imprisoned for years without trial.

WSWS (2021-12-04). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and New Zealand. India: State transport workers' still on strike in Maharashtra; Doctors walk out in Karnataka and Gujarat; Australia: Sydney bus drivers hold three days of strike action; New Zealand port workers vote to strike…

Staff (2021-12-04). China wants its casino paradise to become tech Mecca. The Chinese government plans to transform its largest casino den, Macau, into a regional technology hub, the South China Morning Post reported, citing technology industry executives and officials. | This comes as the Venetian Macao Convention and Exhibition Centre this week hosted a big technology-themed trade fair, which is expected to give rise to new industries and revitalize the regional economy. | The event's website portrayed Macau as "the new centre of international technologies" to connect the Asia Pacific tech ecosystem with the rest of the world. | "The Guangdong-Macau in-depth cooperation zone in He…

2021-12-05 23:06 | 19:06 EST | jz | 52 | 0 | 15 | 36 | 0 

2021-12-04: News Headlines

Editor2 (2021-12-04). Russian Foreign Ministry Statement on the Planned US 'Summit for Democracy'. In connection with the so called summit for democracy to be held on December 9-10 at the initiative of the US administration, we consider it necessary to make the following statement. | The organisers and enthusiasts behind this strange event claim to lead the world in advancing the cause of democracy and human rights. However, the track record and reputation of the United States, Great Britain, and the EU member states in terms of respecting democratic rights and freedoms at home, as well as in the international arena, are, to put it mildly, far from ideal. | The evidence suggests that the United States and its…

Editor (2021-12-04). White supremacy, Nazism and fascism R U.S. Despite many criticisms, white supremacy remains not only well and strong, but is also recognized and hailed by the United States on the world stage as an acceptable and legitimate ideology.

Staff (2021-12-04). Bitcoin drops nearly $10,000 in an hour. The world's crypto pioneer, bitcoin, saw a sharp decline of nearly $10,000 in roughly an hour to as low as $42,000 before bouncing back to $45,000, extending the latest downtrend amid the emergence of the Omicron Covid-19 strain. | The price of bitcoin has dropped around $15,000 over the past 24 hours. It was trading at nearly $47,580 as of 08: 16 GMT, down 16.14% day over day, having dropped by 31.6% from the year's high of $69,000, which it reached on November 10. | Read more | | Meanwhile, ether, the sec…

WSWS (2021-12-04). Video: Workers must oppose Australian ruling elite's homicidal response to Omicron variant. SEP Assistant National Secretary Max Boddy warns: "There is no viable way to stop the pandemic and save lives, other than a strategy of global elimination."

Sharmila Devi (2021-12-04). [World Report] Calls for international solutions to EU—Belarus border crisis. Humanitarian organisations warn that thousands of migrants are stuck, with many unable to access medical care, food, and water. Sharmila Devi reports.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-04). The Supreme Council of Libyan Tribes Calls for Continued Protests in Sebha. The head of the Supreme Council of Tribes and Cities of Fezzan in Libya, Abu Sbeiha, called on the people of the south to demonstrate tomorrow, Sunday, in front of the headquarters of the High Electoral Commission in Sebha. In his Facebook post, Abu Sbeiha urged citizens to demonstrate to demand "the impartiality of the…

_____ (2021-12-04). How To Picket Stores That Sell Your Employer's Products. Picketing stores that sell an employer's products can publicize a strike and hurt earnings. It is also a good way to generate community support. Although the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) usually bars unions from picketing secondary (i.e., "neutral") employers, a narrow legal exception applies to retail stores and distributors—provided the union does not interfere with operations, only asks the public not to buy struck products, does not ask customers to stop doing all business with the retailer (unless the store only sells struck products), and does not demand that the store stop buying products from…

WSWS (2021-12-04). Australian government in "chaos" as pandemic intensifies political disarray. The Liberal-National government is in tatters, yet there is low popular support for the Labor Party and rising distrust in the entire parliamentary establishment.

Editor2 (2021-12-04). Backed by AFRICOM, Corporations Plunder DR Congo for "Climate-Friendly" Materials and Blame China. By T.J. Coles — Nov 30, 2021 | Cobalt, a key metallic element used in lithium batteries and other "green" technology, is sourced from slave labor in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As the West points the finger at China, the US Africa Command is indirectly policing mining operations that profit US corporations. | Ever since Belgium's King Leopold II (1835-1909) established the Congo Free State in 1885, international powers have exploited the region's vast resources. Leading a regime that went on to kill an

scorinoco (2021-12-04). Xiomara Castro and the Rebirth of Honduras. By Ilka Oliva Corado — Nov 29, 2021 | The humiliations suffered by undocumented Central American migrants who try to cross Mexico to reach the United States, seeking to save themselves from the institutional violence of the narco-state, in the case of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, have hurt a lot. The famous northern triangle that is so much present here and there in discourses of politicians, in the discourse of transnational corporations that in exchange for a crumb that they throw from the rocking chair where they rock, placid and pompous; they take the entrails of the land that they are drying, be…

WSWS (2021-12-04). Indian courts continue to sanction open-ended imprisonment without trial. The 15 surviving victims of the Indian state's Elgar Parishad terrorism frame-up case are being subjected to cruel and life-threatening punishment. They have been imprisoned for years without trial.

WSWS (2021-12-04). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and New Zealand. India: State transport workers' still on strike in Maharashtra; Doctors walk out in Karnataka and Gujarat; Australia: Sydney bus drivers hold three days of strike action; New Zealand port workers vote to strike…

Editor (2021-12-04). 'They want us dead': another year of devastating overdoses in Baltimore. Little legislative movement in Maryland over the past two years has left people who use drugs more vulnerable and even less safe.

Staff (2021-12-04). China wants its casino paradise to become tech Mecca. The Chinese government plans to transform its largest casino den, Macau, into a regional technology hub, the South China Morning Post reported, citing technology industry executives and officials. | This comes as the Venetian Macao Convention and Exhibition Centre this week hosted a big technology-themed trade fair, which is expected to give rise to new industries and revitalize the regional economy. | The event's website portrayed Macau as "the new centre of international technologies" to connect the Asia Pacific tech ecosystem with the rest of the world. | "The Guangdong-Macau in-depth cooperation zone in He…

Staff (2021-12-04). US strike may have killed Syrian civilians, Pentagon says. The US military said it would open an investigation into the possibility a recent drone strike caused civilian casualties, with Pentagon officials claiming the attack had been intended to target a "senior al-Qaeda leader." | US Central Command (CENTCOM), which oversees military operations across the Middle East, announced the upcoming probe on Friday, hours after an MQ-9 Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle bombed an unspecified location in Idlib province in what CENTCOM described as a "precision strike." | "We abhor the loss of innocent life and take all possible measures to prevent them. The possibility of a civil…

Staff (2021-12-04). Twitter's new censorship policy backfires. A new policy on personal information has apparently backfired, with the platform claiming it had resulted in a large number of "malicious" and "coordinated" reports against users, some of whom were suspended by "accident." | Twitter spokesman Trenton Kennedy said a new rule barring "the misuse of media" such as photos and videos "to harass or intimidate private individuals" had led it to suspend accounts in error, the Washington Post reported on Friday night. | Read more | | The platform ha…

Farooque Chowdhury (2021-12-04). Environment, human rights and class power. Environment is human right, said and resolved a recent UN meet. It's a reiteration of an already discussed issue—essential to all of the human society.

Staff (2021-12-04). 'Crisis of astronomical proportions' over Pearl Harbor contamination. The US Navy has confirmed that the water used by military families near Hawaii's Pearl Harbor is contaminated with "volatile petroleum products," forcing a shutdown that may leave taps dry for over a week. | Tests on the system that supplies drinking water to homes at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam showed "pretty conclusive indications that there are volatile petroleum products in the well," Rear Admiral Blake Converse told reporters on Thursday, referring to the Red Hill well servicing hundreds of military families. The well has been shut down since Sunday and will remain closed as the Navy purges the dangero…

The Lancet (2021-12-04). [Editorial] Reinstating universal health coverage on the global agenda. Who remembers universal health coverage (UHC)? The World Health Organization defines UHC as all individuals and communities receiving the health services they need without suffering financial hardship. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, achieving this target was a top priority in global health, as it underpins Sustainable Development Goal 3: to ensure health and wellbeing for all. But as countries focused on the pandemic, the world's health community has neglected to sustain the momentum needed to achieve UHC.

Binoy Kampmark (2021-12-04). Backing Horses: Australia's Solomon Islands Intervention. The history of humanitarian or policing missions is a history of taking sides, disruptive partiality and the forfeiture of the very object powers claim when intervening in another country. Things become particularly absurd when the individual or government pleading for such help to an outside force is struggling to survive yet making grand statements about …

Ana Perdigón (2021-12-04). Washington Cartel: Clíver Alcalá No Longer a Drug Trafficker According to OFAC. This Thursday, December 2, the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) withdrew from its list of drug traffickers the name of Clíver Alcalá Cordones, fugitive from Venezuelan justice, despite the fact that he is allegedly detained in the US on charges related to drug trafficking. | Clíver Alcalá was inserted into the OFAC list in 2011, after being accused of abusing his position in the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) to exchange arms for drugs with Colombian paramilitary and drug traficking gangs. | The US government had offered $10 million for the capture of Alcalá, who finally had to turn h…

Staff (2021-12-04). CNE Discusses Procedure to Include Venezuelan Migrants in Electoral Registry. Ahead of the 2024 presidential elections, the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela has started to discuss how to incorporate Venezuela's migrant population into the electoral registry. | At a conference held on Friday, December 3, CNE rector Roberto Picón explained that the incorporation of migrants into the registry involves a series of technical and political procedures ranging from the normalization of consular relations with some countries, and the updating of host country immigration records, to an actual voter registration. | In his opinion, the first step need to be taken within the political a…

_____ (2021-12-04). Nick Estes In Conversation With Jorge Arreaza. Jorge Arreaza is the Minister of Industries and National Production in Venezuela. Red Nation Podcast co-host Nick Estes spoke to him in Caracas in late November 2021.

Peoples Dispatch (2021-12-04). Moroccans protest normalization of ties with Israel. On November 29, the the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, protests were held in Rabat against the normalization of relations with Israel and an agreement that was signed between the countries a few days before…

WSWS (2021-12-04). Chile's election: Boric and pseudo-left offer no defense against threat of fascism. International and historical experience demonstrates that once in power, the pseudo-left abandons all pretense of reform, bowing to the international financial and corporate elite.

National Organization of Women (2021-12-04). Tuesday 1/18: Justice at Our Border: Addressing the Hazards of Living as Undocumented Women. Online via Zoom…

Bureau of Land Management (2021-12-04). BLM and Partners Break Ground on Cotoni-coast Dairies Recreational Trails. SANTA CRUZ, Calif. — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Central Coast Field Office and the Santa Cruz Mountains Trail Stewardship (SCMTS) have begun developing the initial 19 miles of multiple-use trails in the Cotoni-Coast Dairies unit of the California Coastal National Monument north of Santa Cruz in Santa Cruz County.

California Nurses Association (2021-12-04). Watsonville Community Hospital nurses to hold press conference to demand hospital remain open. Nurses who work at Watsonville Community Hospital will hold a press conference on Friday, Dec. 3, to demand that the hospital remain open, announced California Nurses Association/National Nurses United (CNA/NNU) today. The event is being held in response to a recent letter from the hospital to employees citing plans to sell the facility as part of a Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization process.

Aarathi Prasad (2021-12-04). [Perspectives] Martin Griffiths: serving communities affected by violence. In 2019, Martin Griffiths, consultant trauma surgeon at Barts Health NHS Trust in London, UK, was appointed the NHS's first Clinical Director for Violence Reduction in London and then National Clinical Director for Violence Reduction for NHS England and NHS Improvement. In both roles, Griffiths leads and coordinates the strategy and delivery of health-led programmes to reduce interpersonal violence. In part, his insights come from his own early life experiences. He describes his younger self as "a very naive but streetwise south London boy" who grew up on a council estate in Lewisham with a single mother who was…

sputniknews (2021-12-04). World Must Not Blame Africa for Undervaccination While Denying Continent Shots – Expert. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The international community should not be blaming African nations for being undervaccinated while at the same time limiting their access to vaccines, South African expert Solly Moeng told Sputnik.

WSWS (2021-12-04). The lessons of the International Committee's 1995 global struggle to defend jobs at Kellogg's. As workers at Kellogg's plants in the US prepare to vote on the rotten tentative contract agreement being pushed by the BCTGM they should take note of the critical effort to organize workers internationally in defense of jobs and conditions at Kellogg's that was launched by the International Committee in 1995.

Varsha Gandikota-Nellutla (2021-12-04). Carers of the World vs. Covid-19 Criminals. The Progressive International is mobilizing nurses unions around the world to take on Big Pharma and the governments they have captured…

WSWS (2021-12-04). Two more Minnesota teachers die of COVID-19 as cases approach record highs. The measures necessary to stop the spread of the virus—and put a halt to the deaths of teachers and students—can only come through workers developing rank-and-file committees in every workplace and factory in the US and internationally to enforce the shutdown of unsafe facilities and the closure of schools to in-person learning.

Newsclick (2021-12-03). 'Omicron' the new Covid-19 variant: What is it all about? Immunologist Dr. Satyajit Rath and NewClick's Editor-in-Chief Prabir Purkayastha discuss the new variant, Omicron. They talk about its origin and the possible spread in the world, threats it poses to the people of the world and whether it can this lead to a third wave in India and other waves in other countries of the world. They also discuss the precautions to contain the new variant.

Jerry Goldberg (2021-12-03). Strikers at John Deere win COLA adjustments. One of the most significant gains by United Auto Workers members at John Deere as a result of their five-week strike against this multinational corporation was the restoration of quarterly cost of living adjustments (COLA) to their wages.

teleSUR (2021-12-03). Puebla Group Rejects US Harsh Policy Against Cuba. On Thursday, Cuba's Foreign Affairs Minister Bruno Rodriguez welcomed that the Puebla Group condemned the U.S. smear campaign and economic blockade against his country. | RELATED: | "We appreciate the solidarity of the Puebla Group with our people, who suffer the consequences of coercive policies that go against international conventions and obey the anachronistic logic of the Cold War," Rodriguez stated. | The forum also condemned th…

Brittani Banks (2021-12-03). Why Amazon Is Terrified of Its U.S. Workers Unionizing. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has just ruled that a historic union vote held earlier this year among Amazon warehouse workers in Bessemer, Alabama, by the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) was not valid. The highly publicized vote, which took place over several weeks in February and March 2021, resulted in a …

_____ (2021-12-03). It's Time To Free Leonard Peltier, America's Longest Serving Political Prisoner. Too few have heard of Leonard Peltier, an American Indian Movement activist who has been imprisoned for 44 years based on accusations that were never proven and a trial that was appallingly mishandled. Based on his mere presence in South Dakota's 1975 Pine Ridge Reservation shoot-out, where one Native American activist and two FBI agents were killed, Peltier has spent the better part of his life behind bars. As the website points out, this gross miscarriage of justice has been condemned by everyone from by Amnesty International and the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights to Archbish…

_____ (2021-12-03). It's Time To Free Leonard Peltier, Longest Serving Political Prisoner. Too few have heard of Leonard Peltier, an American Indian Movement activist who has been imprisoned for 44 years based on accusations that were never proven and a trial that was appallingly mishandled. Based on his mere presence in South Dakota's 1975 Pine Ridge Reservation shoot-out, where one Native American activist and two FBI agents were killed, Peltier has spent the better part of his life behind bars. As the website points out, this gross miscarriage of justice has been condemned by everyone from by Amnesty International and the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights to Archbish…

_____ (2021-12-03). Russian-Indian Relations amid the "Radical Transformation of the World Order" The visit of the Russian President Vladimir Putin to India scheduled for December 6, is poised to become a significant event which will undoubtedly have a serious impact not only on the development of the bilateral relations, but also on the ongoing "radical transformation of the world order." Such an assessment of the upcoming trip …

Editor (2021-12-03). Kevin Sharp: It's Time to Free Leonard Peltier, America's Longest Serving Political Prisoner. Leonard Peltier. [Gary Stevens] | Click to subscribe on: Too few have heard of Leonard Peltier, an American Indian Movement activist who has been imprisoned for 44 years based on accusations that were never proven and a trial that was appallingly mishandled. Based on his mere presence in South Dakota's 1975 Pine Ridge Reservation shoot-out, where one Native Ameri…

Mario Gaona (2021-12-03). Muncie, Indiana, students protest censorship of BLM in school. Students at Muncie Central High School marched from the school to Muncie City Hall Nov. 23 after their school's administration commanded a class to take down student posters that mention the Black Lives Matter social movement…

Martha Grevatt (2021-12-03). Progressives sweep Teamsters election ‚àí time to organize! In a major setback for top-down, corporate-model business unionism, Teamsters United candidate Sean O'Brien defeated Steve Vairma — the chosen successor to Teamsters President James Hoffa Jr. — by a two-to-one margin. The results were announced Nov. 18, with Fred Zuckerman, Teamsters United candidate for Secretary-Treasurer, and the entire "OZ" . . . |

Staff (2021-12-03). Biden administration refuses to ban killer robots. US President Joe Biden has refused to sign a binding international agreement tightly regulating the use of "killer robots." Campaigners fear such devices will launch an unstoppable arms race toward "digital dehumanization." | The US prefers a "non-binding code of conduct" regarding Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS, aka killer robots), State Department official Joshua Dorosin said at a meeting in Geneva on Thursday. | His insistence on leaving the Pentagon's hands free to produce autonomous killer robots stands in line with years of US policy, which has long opposed a global moratorium on LAWS, denouncin…

Staff (2021-12-03). Voters don't care about corporations' woke efforts — study. Most Americans, across political lines, do not want companies speaking out on wider social issues, according to a recent survey that found "out of step" corporate executives "vastly overestimate" the importance of taking a stand. | The poll results, released on Monday in a

Staff (2021-12-03). Parents of Michigan school shooting suspect charged. Prosecutors have filed involuntary manslaughter charges against the parents of the suspect in a Michigan high school shooting that left four dead. A fugitive warrant was issued for the couple hours after charges were filed. | The charges were announced by Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald on Friday. The parents of the suspect, James and Jennifer Crumbley, have each been charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter. | "While the shooter was the one who entered the high school and pulled the trigger, there are other individuals who contributed to the events on November 30 and it's my intention to…

Vijay Prashad (2021-12-03). We have to stand on our ground, the best ground from which to reach the stars: The Forty-Eighth Newsletter (2021). During the pandemic, socialist projects—such as those of LDF government in Kerala, the Cuban educational programmes, and the MST literacy campaign—are flourishing, while other governments cut their educational funding. 'It's always time to learn', says the MST literacy programme, but this adage is not in use everywhere.

Staff (2021-12-03). 'Be deaf & dumb': Epstein's ex-housekeeper recalls what he saw. A man who worked for late financier, convicted sex abuser and pedophiliac Jeffrey Epstein said alleged Epstein accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell often stayed at his Florida mansion and gave "degrading" obedience instructions. | Juan Alessi, 71, looked after one of Epstein's homes, having worked for him in Palm Beach for around a decade in the 1990s. On Thursday, he spoke about who and what he witnessed at the luxurious mansion during testimony in Maxwell's sex-trafficking trial. | The now 59-year-old socialite accompanied Epstein at his Florida residence "95% of the time," the man told the jury in Manhattan federal…

Editor (2021-12-03). The American prison system's war on reading. This April, the Iowa Department of Corrections issued a ban on charities, family members, and other outside parties donating books to prisoners.

Staff (2021-12-03). Here's how many times Jeffrey Epstein visited the White House. Infamous pedophile Jeffrey Epstein visited then-President Bill Clinton's White House a whopping 17 times during his first term, according to visitor logs obtained by the Daily Mail. On some days, he visited three times. | Epstein mostly visited the West Wing, according to visitor logs acquired through a Freedom of Information Act by the Daily Mail, implying he primarily came to see President Clinton. Their relationship dates back to at least the start of Clinton's presidency, with logs placing Epstein and his alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell at the White House just a month after Clinton's inauguration in Februa…

2021-12-04 21:55 | 17:55 EST | jz | 52 | 0 | 17 | 33 | 0 

2021-12-03: News Headlines

teleSUR (2021-12-03). Puebla Group Rejects US Harsh Policy Against Cuba. On Thursday, Cuba's Foreign Affairs Minister Bruno Rodriguez welcomed that the Puebla Group condemned the U.S. smear campaign and economic blockade against his country. | RELATED: | "We appreciate the solidarity of the Puebla Group with our people, who suffer the consequences of coercive policies that go against international conventions and obey the anachronistic logic of the Cold War," Rodriguez stated. | The forum also condemned th…

Editor (2021-12-03). The American prison system's war on reading. This April, the Iowa Department of Corrections issued a ban on charities, family members, and other outside parties donating books to prisoners.

Newsclick (2021-12-03). 'Omicron' the new Covid-19 variant: What is it all about? Immunologist Dr. Satyajit Rath and NewClick's Editor-in-Chief Prabir Purkayastha discuss the new variant, Omicron. They talk about its origin and the possible spread in the world, threats it poses to the people of the world and whether it can this lead to a third wave in India and other waves in other countries of the world. They also discuss the precautions to contain the new variant.

_____ (2021-12-03). Russian-Indian Relations amid the "Radical Transformation of the World Order" The visit of the Russian President Vladimir Putin to India scheduled for December 6, is poised to become a significant event which will undoubtedly have a serious impact not only on the development of the bilateral relations, but also on the ongoing "radical transformation of the world order." Such an assessment of the upcoming trip …

_____ (2021-12-03). It's Time To Free Leonard Peltier, America's Longest Serving Political Prisoner. Too few have heard of Leonard Peltier, an American Indian Movement activist who has been imprisoned for 44 years based on accusations that were never proven and a trial that was appallingly mishandled. Based on his mere presence in South Dakota's 1975 Pine Ridge Reservation shoot-out, where one Native American activist and two FBI agents were killed, Peltier has spent the better part of his life behind bars. As the website points out, this gross miscarriage of justice has been condemned by everyone from by Amnesty International and the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights to Archbish…

Editor (2021-12-03). Kevin Sharp: It's Time to Free Leonard Peltier, America's Longest Serving Political Prisoner. Leonard Peltier. [Gary Stevens] | Click to subscribe on: Too few have heard of Leonard Peltier, an American Indian Movement activist who has been imprisoned for 44 years based on accusations that were never proven and a trial that was appallingly mishandled. Based on his mere presence in South Dakota's 1975 Pine Ridge Reservation shoot-out, where one Native Ameri…

Mario Gaona (2021-12-03). Muncie, Indiana, students protest censorship of BLM in school. Students at Muncie Central High School marched from the school to Muncie City Hall Nov. 23 after their school's administration commanded a class to take down student posters that mention the Black Lives Matter social movement…

David L. Wilson (2021-12-03). Media don't factcheck right-wing migration myths. Increases and declines in unauthorized immigration mostly correlate with changes in job opportunities and other economic conditions in the United States and in nearby countries.

Editor (2021-12-03). Supreme Court launches frontal assault on right to abortion. Two generations of Americans have no experience of the world before Roe v. Wade, during which obtaining an abortion was a surreptitious, often criminalized process, sometimes ending in physical mutilation and even death, and the right of women to make such decisions was subordinated to the reactionary ministrations of police, priests and politicians.

Martha Grevatt (2021-12-03). Progressives sweep Teamsters election ‚àí time to organize! In a major setback for top-down, corporate-model business unionism, Teamsters United candidate Sean O'Brien defeated Steve Vairma — the chosen successor to Teamsters President James Hoffa Jr. — by a two-to-one margin. The results were announced Nov. 18, with Fred Zuckerman, Teamsters United candidate for Secretary-Treasurer, and the entire "OZ" . . . |

Vijay Prashad (2021-12-03). We have to stand on our ground, the best ground from which to reach the stars: The Forty-Eighth Newsletter (2021). During the pandemic, socialist projects—such as those of LDF government in Kerala, the Cuban educational programmes, and the MST literacy campaign—are flourishing, while other governments cut their educational funding. 'It's always time to learn', says the MST literacy programme, but this adage is not in use everywhere.

Editor (2021-12-03). British Columbia floods reveal our system's skewed priorities. This recent disaster is just a hint of the climate-related challenges to come.

_____ (2021-12-03). China is Not Colonizing Africa. International media are reporting that the Ugandan government has turned over Entebbe airport to a Chinese bank in order to make payment on a loan. "Museveni to surrender Uganda's only international airport over Chinese loan," claimed The Guardian . Similar headlines have appeared widely and all repeat as fact an allegation that Uganda will lose its airport to Exim bank. Uganda has not defaulted on the $200 million loan yet the false bad news continues to be reported. Despite denials from China and Uganda the story continues to circulate and is now accepted as being true.

_____ (2021-12-03). International Call For New Year's Eve Noise Demonstrations. This is a call for a night of strong solidarity with those imprisoned by the state. Historically, New Year's Eve is one of the noisiest nights of the year. This year, most of which has been consumed by a global pandemic, we encourage folks to take whatever measures are necessary to insure individual and community well-being, in response to both the virus and the state, understanding the balance each of us must strike for ourselves. Given our current reality, on New Year's Eve gather your crew, collective, community, organization, or just yourself to raise a racket and remind those on the inside that they are not…

Ana Perdigón (2021-12-03). 21N Elections: Scrutiny of Vote Count for Indigenous Representatives Concludes. This Thursday, December 2, Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) announced that it had concluded the tabulation of the voting minutes issued in the elections to choose Indigenous representatives for legislative councils and municipal councils. | The voting minutes were issued in each of the 74 authorized voting centers in eight states of the country. | "The Ad Hoc commission for the 2021 elections…

Anonymous (2021-12-03). Palestine in Pictures: November 2021. A monthly roundup of photographs documenting Palestine, Palestinian life, politics and culture, and international solidarity with Palestine.

Editor2 (2021-12-03). Libya: Protesters Gather in Sebha in Support of Saif Gaddafi, Demanding Free and Fair Elections and an Impartial Judiciary. The people of Ghat confirmed that there are those who want to occupy the country and restore colonialism again, and who threaten to divide the country according to the interests of the international powers. | This came during a protest organized by the people of the city of Ghat in front of the Sebha Court of First Instance to support the demonstrators against the closure of the court by force. The people added that it is the duty of all of us to unite to save the country from division and refraction, and what is happening in front of the court complex in Sebha, and to prevent them from considering the appeals su…

Ivan Stoiljkovic (2021-12-03). 'It was once our home': Socialist Yugoslavia before the breakup. On November 29, 1943, in the midst of the Second World War, a beautiful, big, and strong socialist Yugoslavia was established in the town of Jajce in central Bosnia. It was established by the Anti-fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia (AVNOJ), at its second session, as a state of equal nations and peoples …

Staff (2021-12-03). Opposition Deputy José Brito Asks CNE to Repeat Elections in Pariaguán, Anzoategui State. This Thursday, December 2, José Brito, a deputy representing Justice First in Venezuela's National Assembly, asked the National Electoral Council (CNE) to repeat the regional and municipal elections in Pariaguán (Anzoátegui State) after the disqualification of the victor Tomás Bello. | In the company of the candidate for the Democratic Alliance for mayor of the Miranda municipality of Pariaguán, Tomás Bello, Brito went to the headquarters of the CNE to challenge the electoral process of that jurisdiction. He denounced that, following the disqualification of the elected candidate, a substitution of candidates was…

Staff (2021-12-03). Opposition's Presumed Candidate for Barinas State Re-election. With the opening of the new electoral process in the state of Barinas, following the controversial decision issued by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) that confirmed the disqualification of Freddy Superlano as the opposition (MUD) candidate—even when Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) forecast his victory—it is presumed that they will nominate his wife, Aurora Silva de Superlano, to run as candidate for governor. | The CNE authorities have already announced that the period for political organizations to present their offers is underway. For their part, regional media reported on the possib…

teleSUR (2021-12-03). Gunmen Attack Four Libyan Election Centers. On Thursday, the Libyan High National Elections Commission (HNEC) said that four of its election centers have been attacked by a group of gunmen. | RELATED: | Said Al-Qasabi, head of the main operations chamber of the HNEC, said that gunmen in civilian clothes launched the attacks on Wednesday, taking away 2,312 voter cards and damaging 69 others. Interior Minister Khaled Mazen on Tuesday warned that obstructing the…

WSWS (2021-12-03). New Zealand rail union enters talks ahead of national strike. Driven by the rising cost of living and stagnant wages, Kiwirail workers have voted overwhelmingly for a nationwide strike. The RMTU, however, has resumed talks with management.

WSWS (2021-12-03). Sri Lankan public sector workers hold nationwide protests to demand higher wages. The island-wide actions, held on consecutive days beginning Monday, are another indication of mounting working-class opposition to the Rajapakse government's austerity measures and its escalating anti-democratic attacks.

WSWS (2021-12-02). National Labor Relations Board orders new union election at Amazon warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama. The Biden administration is intervening not to defend workers' democratic rights, but to impose a labor police force over this decisive section of the working class…

teleSUR (2021-12-02). Humanity Demands The Abolition of Modern Slavery Every Dec. 2. On the International Day for The Abolition of Slavery, the United Nations (UN) recalled that over 40 million people across the globe are victims of modern slavery, a practice that includes forced labor, debt bondage, forced marriage, and human trafficking. | RELATED: | "These forms of slavery are the result of long-standing discrimination against vulnerable social sectors such as undocumented immigrants, LGBT people, and Indi…

_____ (2021-12-02). Hondurans Break The US-Imposed Narco Siege Of Their Government. Brian Nichols, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, visited Honduras the week before the presidential elections. His stated purpose was to "encourage the peaceful, transparent conduct of free and fair national elections." He did not meet with the de facto President, Juan Orlando Hernández. | The gesture was clear and illuminating on two levels. | First, it showed that the U.S. government had already accepted the irrefutable truth that the center-left coalition led by Xiomara Castro would earn the votes of the Honduran people (as we go to publication, she was in the lead with 53.6%). Hondur…

Editor2 (2021-12-02). Honduras: 12 Years Later, Defeat of the Coup d'état Regime. By Ollantay Itzamná — Nov 29, 2021 | According to the preliminary computation of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal on the results of the 2021 general elections, after 40% of the vote tallies, Xiomara Castro, candidate of the Libre party, obtained more than 53% of the votes, followed by Nasry Asfura, of the National party, with 34%. Nearly 20 points difference that will be very difficult to reverse. | More than 5 million Hondurans were eligible to elect the President and 3 presidential appointees (vice presidents), 120 deputies, 20 representatives to PARLACEN and 298 municipal governments. More than 3 million Ho…

WSWS (2021-12-02). Washington hails victory of Honduran opposition candidate. The victory of Xiomara Castro brings to an end a dozen years of rule by the National Party, which consolidated its grip on power through a US-backed coup in 2009.

_____ (2021-12-02). SCOTUS Upholds Oklahoma's McGirt Decision: Governor And Big Oil Lose. On Monday, November 29, anti-Indigenous Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt's futile attempts to undermine and destroy tribal sovereignty through legal avenues ended for good when the US Supreme Court refused his request to reexamine their 2020 McGirt ruling. | That decision declared that Oklahoma rightfully remains Indian Territory for criminal jurisdiction, and ever since, Governor Kevin Stitt and his pro-oil "Commission on Cooperative Sovereignty" have fought desperately to overturn it in every legal space available. Chaired by Devon Energy CEO's Larry Nichols, the commission also includes Continental Resources' Har…

Gauri Gandbhir (2021-12-02). India: Victory for farmers protesting fascist farm laws. The Indian farmer's movement is a demonstration that people power can preserve the public sector and has become an inspiration for labourers around the world to take on neoliberalism and fascism, writes Gauri Gandbhir.

Editor (2021-12-02). How to picket stores that sell your employer's products. Note: Consumer picketing can be directed against all products that a struck employer manufactures, processes, distributes, transports, or otherwise enhances in value.

Robert W. McChesney (2021-12-02). The Local Journalism Initiative: a proposal to protect and extend democracy. What remains less appreciated is that the founders of the United States regarded creating a free press a policy issue of the greatest possible importance.

Editor (2021-12-02). Neoliberal apotheosisCOP26 creates the global fire market and offers it to capitalist arsonists, at the expense of the people. The balance sheet is clear: on paper, Glasgow clarifies the ambiguous Paris goal by making it more radical (1.5 ∞C is now the target) and mentions the responsibility of fossil fuels; but in practice, the conference did not take any steps to stop the catastrophe.

Anis Chowdhury (2021-12-02). Profiting from the carbon offset distraction. Carbon offset markets allow the rich to emit as financial intermediaries profit. By fostering the fiction that others can be paid to cut greenhouse gases (GHGs) instead, it undermines efforts to do so.

Martin Hart-Landsberg (2021-12-02). The dollar costs of inequality: they are greater than you think. Pretty much everyone accepts that inequality is a big problem in the U.S. But it is doubtful that most people truly grasp how successfully U.S. elites have captured the benefits of economic growth and, as a result, how much the resulting inequality has cost them.

teleSUR (2021-12-02). Rio De Janeiro Extends Requirement Of 'Vaccination Passport'. On Thursday, Rio de Janeiro Municipality decided that the control of COVID-19 vaccination certificates will be mandatory for several establishments that provide services to citizens. | RELATED: | People over 12 years of age must present the "vaccination passport" to enter places such as stadiums, gyms, swimming pools, training centers, clubs, museums, exhibitions, aquariums, amusement parks, conference sites, fairs, bars, re…

Matthew Brown, Janet McConnaughey (2021-12-02). Millions of acres of Gulf of Mexico could be given to fossil fuel industry. NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Energy companies including Shell, BP, Chevron, and ExxonMobil offered a combined $192 million for drilling rights on federal oil and gas reserves in the Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday, as the first government lease auction under President Joe Biden laid bare the hurdles he faces to reach climate goals dependent on …

WSWS (2021-12-02). US-backed forces in Solomon Islands continue campaign to remove government after anti-Chinese riots. Washington's support for the anti-government forces is being suppressed in the Australian and Western media in the aftermath of last week's violent coup attempt.

_____ (2021-12-02). Union, Kellogg's Reach Tentative Deal To End Strike. Battle Creek, MI — Kellogg workers' nearly two-month strike in Cereal City may be over soon. | In a Wednesday update to members, the Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union said it had reached a tentative agreement with The Kellogg Company after additional negotiations in Chicago. | The five-year deal would deliver 3% raises while maintaining current worker health benefits. Cost of living adjustments would be tacked on starting in the second year of the contract, according to an overview provided by The Kellogg Company. | The tentative agreement also addresses another st…

Ana Perdigón (2021-12-02). CNE's Roberto Picón Issues Statement on Electoral Ruling in Barinas. One of the five rectors of Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE), Roberto Picón, issued a statement regarding the ruling that ordered new elections to be held in the state of Barinas. According to Picón, the electoral authority was not made aware of the disqualification of the opposition candidate Freddy Superlano at the time of his registration. | Through a statement published on his Twitter account, Picón wrote that the CNE was unaware of Freddy Superlano's ineligibility condition, pursuant to a resolution of the comptroller general dated August 17, 2021. | "I put on record that the disqualification of c…

Ann Brown (2021-12-02). The Sneaky And Hidden Tax: How High Inflation Can Heavily Tax Your Cash. There's more to inflation than just rising prices. Some economists say inflation is actually another way to tax your dollars. Back in February, Larry Summers, former director of the National Economic Council and an alumnus of both the Clinton and Obama administrations, warned President Joe Biden that more spending could easily trigger a spike in …

It's Going Down (2021-12-02). Calling All Antifascist Bands! Call for submissions from antifascist bands for a compilation record benefiting prisoners and the Torch network. Do you dream of creating a culture of resistance to fascism — in the streets and every day? The Torch Antifascist Network is with you! We are a national network of antifascist crews in the US who have been…

Johanna Kichton (2021-12-02). People's Action: Bloated Military Budget Proves Congress Needs a Reality Check on Priorities. Contact: Johanna Kichton,, 202.660.0605 WASHINGTON, D.C.—People's Action today released the following statement by Director of Federal Affairs Megan Essaheb as the Senate debates the FY 2022 National Defense Authorization Act: "It's rich that some senators will soon greenlight a bill, written and lobbied for by defense contractors and corporations who profit off forever wars, …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-02). Bolivia Has the Lowest Inflation in Latin America. Kawsachun News Bolivia's accumulated inflation for 2021 is just 0.54%, says a new report by the Bolivian Institute for Foreign Trade (IBCE), a private research center. Meanwhile, the regional average, according to the IMF, has reached 9.3% across Latin America. Bolivia's 0.54% is in stark contrast to Central Bank figures of its neighbors, such as…

_____ (2021-12-02). UNGA's Latest Resolution Illustrates the International Community's Complicity With Israel's Colonial Expansion. Israel's impunity has been crafted by the UN, in a parallel manner to how the UN facilitated Palestine's territorial loss, Ramona Wadi writes. | Yet another non-binding UN General Assembly has passed, granting Palestinians permanent sovereignty over their natural resources, even as Israel has absolute dominion over their territory. The draft resolution, titled "Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources," is a perfect example of how the UN glosses over Israel's…

teleSUR (2021-12-02). Latin America Must Get Rid Of Colonial Vestiges: Social Leaders. From Wednesday to Thursday, thousands of Latin American social leaders will gather in the Abya Yala Peoples International Meeting in Guatemala City to exchange experiences about their fight against injustice and violence against their peoples. | RELATED: | "We call our continent Abya Yala, which means 'Land in Full Maturity' in the Guna language, to avoid calling it by the terms given by the Spanish colonizers, who complete…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-02). American Express Goes on a Buying Spree in Argentina's Congress. Juan Grabois I was told that a man by the name of John Doe passed through the offices of Argentine congressmen. He wasn't carrying heavy bags of cash, but only had an American Express card on him. Doe was a well-groomed and well-dressed U.S. national who came on behalf of the American Chamber of Commerce…

WSWS (2021-12-02). New Zealand opposition picks new right-wing leader. The National Party's leadership turmoil reflects pressure from the ruling class to ditch all COVID-19 restrictions and conflicts over how closely to align with US war preparations against China.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-02). We Have to Stand on Our Ground, the Best Ground from Which to Reach the Stars. Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research Almost every single child on the planet (over 80% of them) had their education disrupted by the pandemic, according to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural (UNESCO) agency. Though this finding is startling, it was certainly necessary to close schools as the infectious COVID-19 virus tore through society. What has been…

Kim Petersen (2021-12-02). Have British Politicians No Shame? Members of the Devon Regiment round up local people in a search for Mau Mau fighters in Kenya in 1954. Photograph: Popperfoto/Popperfoto/Getty Images The UK government is considering boycotting China's winter Olympic Games to be held in Beijing. The British foreign office cites "international efforts to hold China to account for its human rights violations …

2021-12-03 22:38 | 18:38 EST | jz | 52 | 1 | 27 | 23 | 0 

2021-12-02: News Headlines

WSWS (2021-12-02). National Labor Relations Board orders new union election at Amazon warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama. The Biden administration is intervening not to defend workers' democratic rights, but to impose a labor police force over this decisive section of the working class…

Editor2 (2021-12-02). Honduras: 12 Years Later, Defeat of the Coup d'état Regime. By Ollantay Itzamná — Nov 29, 2021 | According to the preliminary computation of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal on the results of the 2021 general elections, after 40% of the vote tallies, Xiomara Castro, candidate of the Libre party, obtained more than 53% of the votes, followed by Nasry Asfura, of the National party, with 34%. Nearly 20 points difference that will be very difficult to reverse. | More than 5 million Hondurans were eligible to elect the President and 3 presidential appointees (vice presidents), 120 deputies, 20 representatives to PARLACEN and 298 municipal governments. More than 3 million Ho…

WSWS (2021-12-02). Washington hails victory of Honduran opposition candidate. The victory of Xiomara Castro brings to an end a dozen years of rule by the National Party, which consolidated its grip on power through a US-backed coup in 2009.

Gauri Gandbhir (2021-12-02). India: Victory for farmers protesting fascist farm laws. The Indian farmer's movement is a demonstration that people power can preserve the public sector and has become an inspiration for labourers around the world to take on neoliberalism and fascism, writes Gauri Gandbhir.

Anis Chowdhury (2021-12-02). Profiting from the carbon offset distraction. Carbon offset markets allow the rich to emit as financial intermediaries profit. By fostering the fiction that others can be paid to cut greenhouse gases (GHGs) instead, it undermines efforts to do so.

Editor (2021-12-02). How to picket stores that sell your employer's products. Note: Consumer picketing can be directed against all products that a struck employer manufactures, processes, distributes, transports, or otherwise enhances in value.

WSWS (2021-12-02). US-backed forces in Solomon Islands continue campaign to remove government after anti-Chinese riots. Washington's support for the anti-government forces is being suppressed in the Australian and Western media in the aftermath of last week's violent coup attempt.

Ana Perdigón (2021-12-02). CNE's Roberto Picón Issues Statement on Electoral Ruling in Barinas. One of the five rectors of Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE), Roberto Picón, issued a statement regarding the ruling that ordered new elections to be held in the state of Barinas. According to Picón, the electoral authority was not made aware of the disqualification of the opposition candidate Freddy Superlano at the time of his registration. | Through a statement published on his Twitter account, Picón wrote that the CNE was unaware of Freddy Superlano's ineligibility condition, pursuant to a resolution of the comptroller general dated August 17, 2021. | "I put on record that the disqualification of c…

It's Going Down (2021-12-02). Calling All Antifascist Bands! Call for submissions from antifascist bands for a compilation record benefiting prisoners and the Torch network. Do you dream of creating a culture of resistance to fascism — in the streets and every day? The Torch Antifascist Network is with you! We are a national network of antifascist crews in the US who have been…

NYC Anarchist Black Cross (2021-12-02). International Call For New Year's Eve Noise Demonstrations. Call from New York City Anarchist Black Cross for yearly New Year's Eve noise demonstrations outside of jails, detention centers and prisons. This is a call for a night of strong solidarity with those imprisoned by the state. Historically, New Year's Eve is one of the noisiest nights of the year. This year, most of…

WSWS (2021-12-02). SEP meeting discusses the socialist policies needed to fight Sri Lankan government's budget. The speakers urged workers to reject all nationalist programs and fight for international socialist policies in order to defeat the austerity budget.

Fra Hughes (2021-12-02). Sinn Fein from Revolutionary Party to Constitutional Nationalists. By Fra Hughes — Nov 28, 2021 | Sinn Fein went from being a revolutionary party supporting a legitimate armed struggle against Britain's illegal imperialist military occupation of Ireland and aiming to build a socialist republic, to becoming a business-oriented party, focused on acquiring more seats in the parliament. | Where did it all go wrong? | Once the vanguard of Irish republicanism and claiming to be fighting for a free sovereign socialist 32 county Irish republic SF is now a parody of its previous incarnation. | From a revolutionary party supporting a legitimate armed struggle against Britain's illega…

Kim Petersen (2021-12-02). Have British Politicians No Shame? Members of the Devon Regiment round up local people in a search for Mau Mau fighters in Kenya in 1954. Photograph: Popperfoto/Popperfoto/Getty Images The UK government is considering boycotting China's winter Olympic Games to be held in Beijing. The British foreign office cites "international efforts to hold China to account for its human rights violations …

WSWS (2021-12-02). New Zealand opposition picks new right-wing leader. The National Party's leadership turmoil reflects pressure from the ruling class to ditch all COVID-19 restrictions and conflicts over how closely to align with US war preparations against China.

Peter Certo (2021-12-01). In OtherWords: December 1, 2021. Markets crashed again over the weekend as reports of a new COVID-19 variant cropped up first in South Africa and then in countries all over the world. Already it's been spotted in California. | By now the cycle of relief and uncertainty feels very familiar. We don't yet know how serious the Omicron variant will be, but one thing is for certain: The longer this virus circulates, the more variants we'll see. | In other words, the vast vaccination gaps between richer and poorer countries are putting all of us at risk — even those of us who are already vaccinated. This week, I explain how overcoming corporate g…

_____ (2021-12-01). WHO Stands With African Nations And Calls For Borders To Remain Open. As a growing number of countries impose flight bans on southern African nations due to concerns over the new Omicron variant, World Health Organization (WHO) urges countries to follow science and the International Health Regulations (2005). | Travel restrictions may play a role in slightly reducing the spread of COVID-19 but place a heavy burden on lives and livelihoods. If restrictions are implemented, they should not be unnecessarily invasive or intrusive, and should be scientifically based, according to the International Health Regulations which is a legally binding instrument of international law recognized b…

WSWS (2021-12-01). African National Congress rejects new measures to counter South Africa's Omicron variant surge. South Africa's third wave was the result of inadequate safety measures implemented by the governments around the world in the interest of reopening the economy. President Ramaphosa is now declaring that even those limited mitigation measures are unacceptable.

A Guest Author (2021-12-01). On Ethiopia: 'I've lost faith in everything "American"'. Displaced persons at a camp in Debarq, Ethiopia, Oct. 10 Ann Garrison is a Black Agenda Report contributing editor based in the San Francisco Bay Area. In 2014, she received the Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza Democracy and Peace Prize for promoting peace through her reporting on conflict in the African Great . . . |

Staff (2021-12-01). Amazon Workers in Alabama Get New Shot at Union After NLRB Rules Company Broke the Law in 1st Vote. Workers at an Amazon warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama may soon get another chance to decide whether to unionize. The National Labor Relations Board has ruled that Amazon violated U.S. labor law while waging an aggressive anti-unionization campaign against warehouse workers earlier this year in Bessemer, Alabama. This comes as Amazon workers worldwide from Bangladesh to Germany campaigned on Black Friday for fairer working conditions under the banner, "Make Amazon Pay." "If Amazon is trying to eat the world, it's also bringing many disparate sets of workers and activists and communities together to fight against the…

_____ (2021-12-01). Backed by AFRICOM, corporations plunder DR Congo for "climate-friendly" materials and blame China. Cobalt, a key metallic element used in lithium batteries and other "green" technology, is sourced from slave labor in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As the West points the finger at China, the US Africa Command is indirectly policing mining operations that profit US corporations. | TJ COLES | Ever since Belgium's King Leopold II (1835-1909) established the Congo Free State in 1885, international powers have exploited the region's vast resources. Leading a regime that went on to kill an

a guest author (2021-12-01). Workers of the world demand: MAKE AMAZON PAY! By Tony Murphy and John Catalinotto Strikes, protests and militant job actions marked the global day of actions Nov. 26, targeting the megamonopoly and superprofiteer Amazon in 20 countries. Chris Smalls, president of Amazon Labor Union, speaks at NYC rally Nov. 26, organized by Workers Assembly Against Racism. The day . . . |

_____ (2021-12-01). Leftist Castro's Victory In Honduras Vote Spells End Of US-Backed 'Narco-Politics, Neoliberalism'. Xiomara Castro, the presidential candidate for the leftist opposition party Libre, seems to have won a resounding victory in Honduras' presidential elections. Her victory comes in spite of attempts by the ruling National Party, which overthrew her husband, Manuel Zelaya, in 2009, to stifle voter turnout, as one Sputnik journalist observed.

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2021-12-01). Libre Party and presidential candidate Xiomara Castro win big in Honduras elections. Xiomara Castro, candidate of the Freedom and Refoundation Party ("Libre") prevailed in presidential elections in Honduras on November 28. Her term begins in January 2022; she replaces two-term President Juan Orlando Hernández, who with ex-President Porfirio Lobo (2010-2014), account for 12 years of National Party rule following the June 2009 military coup that removed progressive …

Editor (2021-12-01). Anti-neoliberal candidate Xiomara Castro dominates Honduras' presidential election. With a significant advantage over the closest contender, Xiomara Castro has emerged as the likely next president of Honduras.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2021-12-01). 2021: Political Turning Point in Central America and the Caribbean. Mision Verdad No day is like the previous one in the Central American and Caribbean region (Photo: @minednicaragua / Twitter). With the background noise of migration to the United States and the recent victory of Xiomara Castro de Zelaya, Central America and the Caribbean are at a turning point that will play an important role…

A Guest Author (2021-12-01). President-elect Xiomara Castro de Zelaya of Honduras: 'We won!'. Xiomara Castro de Zelaya at a campaign rally, November. As of this writing, Xiomara Castro de Zelaya leads in the presidential election in Honduras, earning 54% of the vote with well over half of the ballots counted. She would be the first woman President of Honduras. Honduras Resists explains: "She . . . |

Ibrahim Tanner (2021-12-01). Opinion: We Not Canceling Thanksgiving I don't Care What Yello-Pain Or Any Confederate 5-Dollar Indian Thinks. Long before Cherokee Chief John Ross marched his Black slaves on the Trail of Tears heading west. Long before Native Americans fought with Confederates to keep the institution of slavery alive. Long before The Five Civilized Tribes were deeply committed to slavery, Blacks celebrated the end harvest season known as Thanksgiving. The first slaves from Africa arrived …

Mario Gaona (2021-12-01). Muncie, Indiana, students protest censorship of BLM in school. Students at Muncie Central High School marched from the school to Muncie City Hall Nov. 23 after their school's administration commanded a class to take down student posters that mention the Black Lives Matter social movement.

Coral Wynter (2021-12-01). State Bank of India must stop funding Adani, say protesters. Protesters took their cricket game to the foyer of the State Bank of India to demand it rule out loaning Adani almost $1 billion. Coral Wynter reports.

Badri Raina (2021-12-01). India's Farmers Have Shown the Way to the Long Democratic Pushback. Never forget that politics is the art of the possible, a reality that the farmer's movement has proved with emphatic assertion…

Jim Hightower (2021-12-01). Rethinking Work — And Life. As a writer, I get stuck every so often straining for the right words to tell my story. Over the years, though, I've learned when to quit tying myself into mental knots over sentence construction. Instead, I step back and rethink where my story is going. | This process is essentially what millions of American working families are going through this year as record numbers of them are shocking bosses, politicians, and economists by stepping back and declaring: "We quit!" | Most of the quits are tied to very real abuses that have become ingrained in our workplaces over the past couple of decades — poverty payc…

Peter Certo (2021-12-01). Greed Is Prolonging the Pandemic. Stop me if this sounds familiar. | It's been kind of a hard year, but I felt optimistic about the holidays. My wife and I had just scheduled our COVID-19 boosters. Even better, we'd been able to get our young child vaccinated. | We imagined a cautious return to simple family pleasures like indoor dining — and maybe playdates at indoor play centers during the long Midwestern winter. Maybe we'd even test our kid's appetite for air travel and visit relatives in different parts of the country. | Then — another COVID-19 variant. Possible breakthrough infections. Travel bans and tumbling stock markets. And…

Robert P. Alvarez (2021-12-01). Prison Gerrymandering: The Modern 'Three-Fifths Compromise'. Are free and fair elections too much to ask for? Thanks to partisan gerrymandering — and its ugly cousin, prison gerrymandering — the answer is often yes. | High-stakes redistricting battles now underway will help determine next year's midterm elections. In a perfect world, parties would work together to ensure fair representation for their various constituencies. In the real world, the party in power usually redraws district maps to favor itself. | This dirty little trick is called partisan gerrymandering. Both parties do it, but Republicans are taking it to extremes that their own voters don't even…

Editor (2021-12-01). Algorithms of injustice: Artificial intelligence in policing and surveillance. If anything, the use of computer algorithms to guide police appears only to entrench and exacerbate existing biased policing practices.

Editor (2021-12-01). Some striking Kellogg's workers call for boycott of company products in U.S. Union negotiators said they were prepared to meet the company for another round of negotiations next week but their offer was rebuffed by bosses, who claimed they were left with no choice but to permanently replace those on strike.

Editor (2021-12-01). In Kerala, a street food festival takes on communal forces. The DYFI took on the Sangh Parivar's attempts to polarise people with misinformation on halal by serving beef, pork, chicken and mutton in most towns of the state.

Moderator (2021-12-01). Reproductive Rights Defenders Rally as SCOTUS Hears Challenge to Roe. By Andrea Germanos / Common Dreams Reproductive rights advocates rallied Wednesday outside the U.S. Supreme Court as justices heard oral arguments in a case directly challenging the constitutional right to abortion affirmed in Roe v. Wade. At issue before the conservative-leaning court is a challenge to Mississippi's ban on nearly all abortions after 15 weeks. Thus far blocked by lower courts, the law, …

Maxximilian Seijo (2021-12-01). The Metaphysics of Accounting with Paolo Quattrone. Paolo Quattrone (@PaoloQuattrone) joins Money on the Left to discuss the metaphysics of accounting and the significance of accounting's repressed history for political economy today. Professor of Accounting, Governance & Society at The University of Manchester, Quattrone insists that, while often seen as a positivist and merely technical skill for recording extant data, accounting in truth represents a rhetorical and quite generative engagement with the "mystery of value."

Jayati Ghosh (2021-12-01). The feminist building-blocks of a just, sustainable economy. Jayati Ghosh finds in a UN Women report a blueprint for an economy which serves the public—rather than the other way around.

_____ (2021-12-01). Amid Overdose Crisis, 260+ Public Health Groups Urge Congress To Pass Life-Saving Bills. Led by the Drug Policy Alliance, People's Action, the National Harm Reduction Coalition, and VOCAL-NY, the organizations said the unprecedented number of overdoses in the 12-month period ending in April 2021 was "grim, but not unexpected" considering the criminalization of drug use in the United States and lack of resources for people with drug use disorders. "Criminalization has perpetuated stigma against people who use drugs, creating an environment where individuals have a more difficult time accessing the health services and support they need," wrote the groups in a letter to House and Senate leaders.

_____ (2021-12-01). Amid Overdose Crisis, Public Health Groups Urge Congress To Pass Life-Saving Bills. Two weeks after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released sobering statistics showing a record-breaking number of drug overdoses in the U.S. in the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, more than 260 advocacy groups called on lawmakers Tuesday to urgently pass public health proposals to mitigate the crisis. | Led by the Drug Policy Alliance, People's Action, the National Harm Reduction Coalition, and VOCAL-NY, the organizations said the unprecedented number of overdoses in the 12-month period ending in April 2021 was "grim, but not unexpected" considering the criminalization of drug use in the Uni…

_____ (2021-12-01). Castro's Victory Spells End Of US-Backed 'Narco-Politics, Neoliberalism'. Castro's victory is just the latest in a year of leftist victories in Latin America, including Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua, Pedro Castillo in Peru, and Luis Arce in Bolivia, all of which represent significant setbacks for the US' agenda in the region. | "There will be no more abuse of power in this country," Castro said in an unofficial victory speech on Sunday. "Today, the people have made justice. We have reversed authoritarianism." | With 40% of votes counted, she held a commanding lead of 53.3% over her chief rival, National Party candidate Nasry Asfura, who Sputnik News journalist Wyatt Reed described as the…

_____ (2021-12-01). Sandinistas Won A Landslide Victory Because They Uplifted Nicaragua's Poor. As predicted by multiple polls, the Sandinistas, led by Daniel Ortega, won a resounding victory on the November 7th elections in Nicaragua. The elections were a referendum on the path that the Sandinista government has taken the country, which is grounded on large investments in social programs that have benefited people, especially the most disadvantaged, in every nook and cranny of the national territory. | Support for the reelection of the Sandinista government was astounding. Of the entire patron electoral (eligible voters), about 65% came out to vote and, of those, about 75.9% voted for the FLSN (Sandinista…

_____ (2021-12-01). Sandinistas Won A Landslide Victory Because They Uplifted The Poor. As predicted by multiple polls, the Sandinistas, led by Daniel Ortega, won a resounding victory on the November 7th elections in Nicaragua. The elections were a referendum on the path that the Sandinista government has taken the country, which is grounded on large investments in social programs that have benefited people, especially the most disadvantaged, in every nook and cranny of the national territory. | Support for the reelection of the Sandinista government was astounding. Of the entire patron electoral (eligible voters), about 65% came out to vote and, of those, about 75.9% voted for the FLSN (Sandinista…

Clodovaldo Hernandez (2021-12-01). Isaías Rodríguez: Barinas Case Could Harm the Credibility of the Elections. Isaías Rodríguez, former attorney general and former vice president of Venezuela, warned that with the intervention of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court in the Barinas governorship case, Venezuela may lose the credibility that it has been able to build though the elections, both nationally and internationally. | In the opinion of Rodríguez, who was also a member of the constituent assemblies of 1999 and 2017, the Electoral Chamber does not have competence to decide on an electoral result such as that of Barinas, since it is a matter that should be decided by the Constitutional Court. | "I speak fundament…

Jenny Pierson (2021-12-01). American Express Goes on a Buying Spree in Argentina's Congress. I was told that a man by the name of John Doe passed through the offices of Argentine congressmen. He wasn't carrying heavy bags of cash, but only had an American Express card on him. Doe was a well-groomed and well-dressed U.S. national who came on behalf of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham). He …

Staff (2021-12-01). Jorge Rodríguez: We Are Not and Will Not Be Anyone's Colony. On Tuesday, November 30, the plenary of the Venezuelan National Assembly (AN) approved an Agreement of Support and Congratulations for the Brave People of Venezuela for their participation in the November 21 elections. | The president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, emphasized that on November 21 peace won, "the people of Venezuela won. What we are experiencing is a second struggle for our independence. What they [the right] wanted for Venezuela was the dissolution of the Republic and they supported all that by those who claim to be representatives of the opposition in Venezuela and now they want the p…

This Week in Fascism (2021-12-01). This Week in Fascism #123: Proud Boys, Patriots and White Nationalists See Rittenhouse Verdict as Signal From State for More Murder. cover: @GraffitiRadical Welcome fellow antifascists! Anarchists in #Olympia made short work of banners from neo-Nazi group, Patriot Front, a re-brand of Vanguard America, which marched in Charlottesville and calls for a fascist, all-white America. Recently the group has attempted to capitalize on the Kyle Rittehouse verdict. — It's Going Down (@IGD_News) November 23, 2021 So…

Isheka N. Harrison (2021-12-01). NAASD Calls For Slavery Remembrance Day, $1.25B Budget For Active Federal Atonement. The National Assembly of American Slavery Descendants (NAASD) has come out in support of the Slavery Remembrance Day resolution introduced by U.S. Rep. Al Green of Texas and Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. The bill proposes that August 20 be designated Slavery Remembrance Day to "serve as a reminder of the evils of slavery." The …

Coral Wynter (2021-12-01). Student-led Fossil Fool Fiesta targets NAB. Climate protesters are targeting National Australia Bank for lending billions of dollars to fossil fuel corporations. Coral Wynter reports.

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