2023-04-18: News Headlines

Staff (2023-04-18). Headlines for April 18, 2023. democracynow.org Sudan's Army Agrees to 24-Hour Ceasefire with Rival Faction as Civilian Toll Mounts, Kansas City Homeowner Charged for Shooting Black Teen Who Rang Wrong Doorbell, Grand Jury Won't Indict Akron, Ohio, Police Officers Who Shot Jayland Walker 46 Times, Two Indianapolis Cops Charged with Manslaughter for Killing Herman Whitfield in Parents' Home, Video Shows New Mexico Police Fatally Shooting Homeowner After Knocking on Wrong Door, Florida Gov. DeSantis to Sign Bill Allowing Divided Juries to Hand Down Death Sentences, DeSantis Proposes Building New Prison Near Disney World over Disney's LGBT…

Staff (2023-04-17). Headlines for April 17, 2023. democracynow.org Sudan's Civilian Deaths Near 100 After 3 Days of Fighting Between Rival Military Factions, SCOTUS Pauses Ban of Mifepristone to Review Case Ruled On by Anti-Abortion Judge, Colorado Enshrines Protections for Abortions and Gender-Affirming Care, Russian Missile Attack Kills 11 in Sloviansk Amid Intensifying Battles in Eastern Ukraine, Kremlin Critic Vladimir Kara-Murza Sentenced to 25 Years for Antiwar Activism, Brazil's Lula Calls on Nations Backing Peace in Ukraine to Form Group to Counter War Machine, 2 Indian Politicians Killed on Live TV While in Police Custody, Macron Signs Highly Unpopular Retir…

Editor (2023-04-17). India: Freak weather, heat waves and coming monsoons: Climate change. mronline.org SUMMER has well and truly set in all over India. Monthly average temperatures in February have been the hottest since 1901.

Juan Cole (2023-04-17). India lets 2 Gigawatt Solar Tender, as Solar soared 27% in 2022. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — India has invited bids on a 2 gigawatt solar power tender. The country has 64 gigawatts of installed solar capacity now. With other sources, especially wind, it has 169 gigawatts of renewable energy today. India's goal is to have 500 gigawatts from low-carbon sources by 2030. So it is about …

Kerry Smith (2023-04-17). Say no to militarism and war: Protest the Quad in Sydney. greenleft.org.au The Sydney Anti-AUKUS Coalition, with the support of anti-war, peace and environmental groups, is preparing to protest the Quad summit, which will include US president Joe Biden and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Kerry Smith reports.

Staff (2023-04-18). Headlines for April 18, 2023. democracynow.org Sudan's Army Agrees to 24-Hour Ceasefire with Rival Faction as Civilian Toll Mounts, Kansas City Homeowner Charged for Shooting Black Teen Who Rang Wrong Doorbell, Grand Jury Won't Indict Akron, Ohio, Police Officers Who Shot Jayland Walker 46 Times, Two Indianapolis Cops Charged with Manslaughter for Killing Herman Whitfield in Parents' Home, Video Shows New Mexico Police Fatally Shooting Homeowner After Knocking on Wrong Door, Florida Gov. DeSantis to Sign Bill Allowing Divided Juries to Hand Down Death Sentences, DeSantis Proposes Building New Prison Near Disney World over Disney's LGBT…

Staff (2023-04-17). Headlines for April 17, 2023. democracynow.org Sudan's Civilian Deaths Near 100 After 3 Days of Fighting Between Rival Military Factions, SCOTUS Pauses Ban of Mifepristone to Review Case Ruled On by Anti-Abortion Judge, Colorado Enshrines Protections for Abortions and Gender-Affirming Care, Russian Missile Attack Kills 11 in Sloviansk Amid Intensifying Battles in Eastern Ukraine, Kremlin Critic Vladimir Kara-Murza Sentenced to 25 Years for Antiwar Activism, Brazil's Lula Calls on Nations Backing Peace in Ukraine to Form Group to Counter War Machine, 2 Indian Politicians Killed on Live TV While in Police Custody, Macron Signs Highly Unpopular Retir…

Editor (2023-04-17). India: Freak weather, heat waves and coming monsoons: Climate change. mronline.org SUMMER has well and truly set in all over India. Monthly average temperatures in February have been the hottest since 1901.

Juan Cole (2023-04-17). India lets 2 Gigawatt Solar Tender, as Solar soared 27% in 2022. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — India has invited bids on a 2 gigawatt solar power tender. The country has 64 gigawatts of installed solar capacity now. With other sources, especially wind, it has 169 gigawatts of renewable energy today. India's goal is to have 500 gigawatts from low-carbon sources by 2030. So it is about …

Kerry Smith (2023-04-17). Say no to militarism and war: Protest the Quad in Sydney. greenleft.org.au The Sydney Anti-AUKUS Coalition, with the support of anti-war, peace and environmental groups, is preparing to protest the Quad summit, which will include US president Joe Biden and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Kerry Smith reports.

Ramzy Baroud, Mintpress News. (2023-04-17). Can BRICS Triumph Over The IMF And World Bank? popularresistance.org Who would have expected that the BRICS nations could rise as the potential rival of the G7 countries, the World Bank and the IMF combined? But that once seemingly distant possibility now has real prospects which could change the political equilibrium of world politics. | BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. It was supposedly coined by the Chief Economist of Goldman Sachs in 2001 as a reference to the world's emerging economies. It was then known as BRIC, with the 'S' added later when South Africa formally joined the group in 2010. | BRIC's first official summit took place in 2009…

Tanupriya Singh (2023-04-17). Indian workers and farmers unite against Modi government's 'Corporate-Sectarian Nexus'. peoplesdispatch.org On April 5, 100,000 workers, farmers, and agricultural workers held a unity rally in Delhi in rejection of the pro-corporate, anti-poor policies and sectarian politics of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party…

WSWS (2023-04-17). Trump, Republicans venerate police, fascist Texas murderer at far-right NRA conference in Indianapolis. wsws.org Over a dozen Republicans touted their fealty to the gun lobby and policeat the annual convention.

Florence CGTN (2023-04-17). Potential Republican presidential candidates gather for NRA annual meeting. america.cgtn.com 2024 Republican hopefuls descended on Indianapolis, Indiana for the National Rifle Association's annual leadership summit, including former President Donald Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence. They were seeking the blessing of the oldest and most powerful gun association in America, and as Toni …

Pavan Kulkarni, People's Dispatch. (2023-04-17). Sudan: As Army And Forces Battle, Left Calls For Restoring The Revolution. popularresistance.org Tensions simmering between Sudan's army and the powerful paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) boiled over into armed clashes on the morning of Saturday, April 15, following disagreements over the integration of the autonomous RSF into the army's command chain. | The issue of integration was a key aspect of a deal that Sudan's ruling junta was to sign with right-wing civilian forces to share power with the latter. The left in Sudan has been critical of the proposed deal, questioning the sincerity of the parties. Speaking to Peoples Dispatch a few hours before the fighting broke out, the Sudanese Communist Party…

Kerry Smith (2023-04-17). Say no to militarism and war; protest the Quad in Sydney. greenleft.org.au The Sydney Anti-AUKUS Coalition, with the support of anti-war, peace, and environmental groups, is preparing to protest the Quad summit, which will include Joe Biden and Narendra Modi. Kerry Smith reports.

infobrics (2023-04-17). Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Opens Office in Delhi to Enhance Trade. infobrics.org The Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry opened its office in New Delhi with an intention to enhance trade and economic cooperation, according to the official statement…

WSWS (2023-04-17). How the Sri Lankan working class must fight IMF austerity and defend democratic rights. wsws.org Sri Lankan unions have refused to call any industrial action to fight IMF austerity and President Wickremsinghe's repressive Anti-Terrorism Bill.

Ariadna Eljuri (2023-04-18). President Maduro Supports Petro's International Conference on Venezuela. orinocotribune.com On Monday, Venezuela President Nicolás Maduro expressed his support for the International Conference on the Political Process in Venezuela, promoted by Colombian President Gustavo Petro. The conference will take place in Bogotá on April 25, and 19 countries from the international community are invited. | "I told the foreign minister to convey to Gustavo Petro all my support for this conference to be successful," said President Maduro during the broadcast of the first episode of his new television show Maduro+. | "There are great expectations about the conference," said Maduro. "We will closely follow all the even…

CA National Organization of Women (2023-04-18). Saturday 5/20: CA NOW Conference: Bridging the Gap for a Feminist Future. indybay.org Online / virtual – join from anywhere | In-person: West Hollywood Park ARC, 647 N San Vicente, | West Hollywood Blvd, CA 90069…

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China unleashes great economic momentum as expos recover. ecns.cn The third China International Consumer Products Expo (CICPE), which hosted more than 3,382 brands from 65 countries and regions, concluded on Saturday in Haikou, Hainan Province. As the conference and exhibition industry gradually recovers, China is unleashing great economic momentum.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China's retail sales up 5.8 pct in Q1. ecns.cn China's retail sales of consumer goods went up 5.8 percent year on year in the first quarter of this year, the National Bureau of Statistics said Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China's industrial output up 3 pct in Q1. ecns.cn China's value-added industrial output, an important economic indicator, went up 3 percent year on year in the first quarter of 2023, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China's GDP expands 4.5 pct year on year in Q1. ecns.cn China's gross domestic product grew 4.5 percent year on year in the first quarter of 2023, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China's fixed-asset investment up 5.1 pct in Q1. ecns.cn China's fixed-asset investment went up 5.1 percent year on year in the first quarter of this year, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China's resident nominal disposable income up 5.1 pct in Q1. ecns.cn China's per capita disposable income stood at 10,870 yuan (about 1,579.6 U.S. dollars) in the first quarter of 2023, up 5.1 percent year on year in nominal terms, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). National archaeological site parks receive 146 mln visits in 5 years. ecns.cn Over the five years between 2018 and 2022, more than 50 national archaeological site parks in China have received 146 million visits, according to sources from the National Cultural Heritage Administration Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). Tallest tree in karst area of China found in Guangxi. ecns.cn A 72.4-meter-tall Parashorea chinensis (Shorea wangtianshuea)"ÄÄtree was recently discovered at a karst peak cluster depression of Nonggang National Nature Reserve, Ningming County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, becoming the tallest tree found in the country's karst area. "ÄÄ…

Editor (2023-04-18). An African palenque: Cuba and Global Black Solidarity. mronline.org When Black nationalist and poet Amiri Baraka returned from Cuba in 1959, his life was completely transformed. While there he met Afro Cubans, Black Americans such as Robert Williams and Cuban President Fidel Castro.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-18). Consumer Health: Recognizing the signs of irritable bowel syndrome. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org April is IBS Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn about the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. Research suggests that about 12% of people in the U.S. have irritable bowel syndrome, and it's more common among women than men and in people younger than 50, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic condition that affects the large intestine. Even though the digestive…

Staff (2023-04-18). Venezuela: Authorities Arrest DEA Operative (+Valle del Cauca Cartel). orinocotribune.com Manuel Antonio Silva Jaramillo, a 68-year-old man allegedly linked to a Colombian drug trafficking cartel from Valle del Cauca, was detained in Lechería, Anzoátegui state, according to law enforcement sources. | Venezuela's Minister of Interior, Justice and Peace Remigio Ceballos confirmed the arrest on his social media. He added, "The Bolivarian National Police Corps (PNB) has dealt a strong blow to drug trafficking." | According to a report from PNB's…

WSWS (2023-04-18). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Members of Argentine unions and social organizations staged a protest in Buenos Aires while contract catering workers at the Los Angeles International Airport are striking over pay and other issues.

splcenter (2023-04-18). State of Black America: National Urban League partners with SPLC on signature report. splcenter.org

The Associated Press (2023-04-18). Mexican Man: National Guard Killed Pregnant Teen, Other Man. latinorebels.com A Mexican man said Monday that Mexico's quasi-military National Guard opened fire on his SUV in the border city of Nuevo Laredo, killing his pregnant 15-year-old girlfriend and a 54-year-old friend, and wounding two other people.

Anand Naidoo (2023-04-18). The Heat: U.S. Intelligence Leaks. america.cgtn.com Washington is trying to contain another national security breach. Why were the documents leaked? And, what happens next? The U.S. government is dealing with the fallout of yet another major leak of classified papers. Among the revelations: U.S. skepticism about Ukraine's military abilities in the …

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). International auto show kicks off in Shanghai. ecns.cn The 20th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition kicked off Tuesday at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai).

_____ (2023-04-17). So Much Lying From the International Monetary Fund. strategic-culture.org Remarkably, during her visit to Ghana in late March 2023, US Vice President Kamala Harris announced that the US Treasury Department's Office of Technical Assistance will 'deploy a full-time resident advisor in 2023 to Accra to assist the Ministry of Finance in developing and executing medium- to long-term reforms needed to improve debt sustainability and support a competitive, dynamic government debt market'.

Anonymous103 (2023-04-17). The Incompetent Way That Putin Handled the Buildup to the Invasion of Ukraine. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by Under international law, any nation's right to self-defense is more fundamental than any other national right. When two nations are at war against each other, one — the one that starts the war — is called "the aggressor" and under international law is blamed for the war — and the other is called "the defender" or the victim of that aggressor, and…

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-04-17). Benjamin Ferencz, Champion of World Law, Leaves a Strong Heritage on Which to Build. transcend.org 14 Apr 2023 – World Citizen Benjamin Ferencz died on 7 Apr 2023 at the age of 103, leaving a strong heritage of action for world law on which we can build. He was particularly active in the creation of the International Criminal Court in the Hague.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-04-17). The IMF Has Just Unveiled a New Global Currency Known as the "Universal Monetary Unit" That Is Supposed to Revolutionize the World Economy. transcend.org 13 Apr 2023 – A new global currency just launched, but 99 percent of the global population has no idea. The "Universal Monetary Unit", also known as "Unicoin", is an "international central bank digital currency" that has been designed to work in conjunction with all existing national currencies.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-04-17). Who Is Jack Teixeira, the Man Arrested over Pentagon Files Leak? transcend.org 13 Apr 2023 – Jack Teixeira, the 21-year-old air national guardsman suspect in the leak of classified intelligence documents is youthful looking, like his teenage friends in the online group where the documents were leaked. Today the FBI arrested Teixeira and were searching his home.

Brett Wilkins (2023-04-17). Lockheed Martin Got $106 From the Average Taxpayer, While Renewables Got Just $6. truthout.org The average U.S. taxpayer in 2022 spent over four times as much on Pentagon contractors than on primary and secondary education, according to the annual Tax Day analysis published in recent days by the Institute for Policy Studies' National Priorities Project. NPP found that, on average, American taxpayers contributed $1,087 to Pentagon contractors, compared with $270 for K-12 education. |

Chris Walker (2023-04-17). Republicans Attend NRA Convention the Same Weekend as 9 Mass Shootings. truthout.org President Joe Biden has denounced Republicans' allegiance to the gun lobby in response to a spate of mass shootings over the weekend, noting that many GOP presidential contenders spent the weekend pushing for gun deregulation at a convention for the National Rifle Association (NRA). From the start of the year through April 16, there have been 163 mass shootings in the U.S., with an average of more… |

Dave DeCamp (2023-04-17). Leaked Document Reveals the US Spying on the UN Secretary-General. news.antiwar.com Classified documents allegedly leaked by Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira have revealed that the US is closely spying on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and is not happy with his engagement with Moscow. Several documents detail Guterres' communications, including one that accuses him of "undermining" efforts to take action against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. …

ecns.cn (2023-04-17). Optimism boosted by commercial recovery. ecns.cn China's commercial real estate market will see a recovery in 2023, with the logistics and industrial sectors being bright spots, according to Anthony Couse, CEO of JLL Asia Pacific, an international real estate services provider.

ecns.cn (2023-04-17). Wider opening-up to stabilize foreign trade, investment. ecns.cn China is expected to promote the high-quality development of foreign trade through expanding high-level opening-up and strengthening international economic and trade cooperation.

ecns.cn (2023-04-17). Shenzhen forum attracts overseas professionals. ecns.cn More than 7,600 middle- to high-end jobs were on offer at the 21st Conference on International Exchange of Professionals held in Shenzhen, Guangdong province over the weekend, an event that also emphasized scientific exchange and international collaboration.

ecns.cn (2023-04-17). China successfully conducts land-based, mid-course antiballistic missile test. ecns.cn On Friday evening, China carried out a land-based, mid-course ABM interception test within its borders, with the test achieving the expected goals, China's Ministry of National Defense said in a press release.

ecns.cn (2023-04-17). Int'l community calls for immediate ceasefire in Sudan. ecns.cn Sudan's military conflict between the Sudanese Army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) is sparking a wide range of concerns from the international community, with many countries and international organizations calling for an immediate ceasefire.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-17). Enslavement of African Migrants 'Big Business' in Libya Thanks to EU Funding. libya360.wordpress.com Alexander Rubinstein An investigation by the United Nations has concluded that money provided by the European Union to state entities in Libya has facilitated crimes against humanity ranging from forced labor and sexual slavery to torture. Through its financial support of the Libyan Coast Guard and the Libyan Directorate for Combating Illegal Migration (DCIM), the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-17). Nicaragua 2018: The Triumph of a Sovereign Future. libya360.wordpress.com Stephen Sefton When reflecting on the significance of the defeat of the coup attempt in Nicaragua in 2018, it is easy to forget the regional context at that fateful moment and focus only on the terrible events in the national context. But it is also important to remember always that the ruling elites in the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-17). Sudan: Struggle for Power and Control May Lead to Civil War. libya360.wordpress.com Steven Sahiounie Sudan's capital Khartoum has turned into a war zone with a split in the military forces. The Sudanese army is battling the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) which is a paramilitary force, and the 10 million residents are taking cover to avoid the artillery exchanges, and air force operations against the RSF. Hospitals are reporting…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-17). TikTok: Chinese "Trojan Horse" is Run by U.S. State Department Officials. libya360.wordpress.com Alan Macleod Amid a national hysteria claiming the popular video-sharing app is a Chinese Trojan Horse, a MintPress News investigation has found dozens of ex-U.S. State Department officials working in key positions at TikTok. Many more individuals with backgrounds in the FBI, CIA and other departments of the national security state also hold influential posts at the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-17). U.S.-NATO Involvement in the 2014 Ukraine Coup and Maidan Massacre: The Soft Power Ecosystem and Beyond. libya360.wordpress.com Jim Cole Part I: Ukraine 2014: The Tipping Point of Terror [Source: youtube.com] The Psychology of Color Revolutions Color revolutions are U.S.-funded regime-change operations utilizing a sophisticated understanding of psychology, sociology and political organizing to foment and precipitate an "electoral revolution" resulting in a U.S. client state or one that meets other geopolitical purposes. They require…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-17). Ukraine 2014: The Tipping Point of Terror. libya360.wordpress.com Jim Cole Part II: U.S.-NATO Involvement in the 2014 Ukraine Coup and Maidan Massacre: The Soft Power Ecosystem and Beyond Anti-government protesters clash with police in Kyiv on February 20, 2014. [Source: nbcnews.com] The origins of the Ukraine War: U.S. and NATO involvement in the February 2014 Coup and Maidan Massacre, and their historical antecedents….

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-17). Ukraine: There is No Peace in Sight. libya360.wordpress.com Yevgeny Primakov and Dragan Vujicic I cannot guess the dates when the "old peace" will return and when the colonial leadership of the golden billion will end. I am not even sure that we will live to see that new world. I am afraid that even more difficult times are coming because the so-called golden billion will…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-17). US Rushes to Provoke War w/Growing Chinese Army: Admits Taiwan Will Be Destroyed. libya360.wordpress.com — US continues push for war with China over Taiwan's status; — Officially the US (and the UN) recognizes Taiwan as part of China, unofficially the US promotes separatism; — China's attempts to preserve its territorial integrity are depicted by Western governments and the media as "aggression;" — China's military capabilities continue to grow, matching…

Jeremy Loffredo, Max Blumenthal, The Grayzone. (2023-04-17). ICC's Putin Arrest Warrant Based On State Department-Funded Report. popularresistance.org On March 17, the Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, introduced an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Commissioner for Children's Rights, Maria Llova-Belova. The warrant, which accused Putin and Lolva-Belova of conducting the "unlawful deportation" of Ukrainian children to a "network of camps" across the Russian Federation, inspired a wave of incendiary commentary in the West. | US Sen. Lindsey Graham, perhaps the most aggressive cheerleader in Congress for war with Russia, proclaimed: "The ICC has an arrest warrant for Putin because he has organized the ki…

June 11th (2023-04-17). June 11, 2023: Against Oblivion, Against Despair. itsgoingdown.org Call for June 11th, and international day of solidarity with Marius Mason and long-term anarchist prisoners. For more information on June 11th, go here. Another year passes, and another June 11th is upon us. Once again we're appreciating all that has unfolded in anarchist struggle over this period, both triumphs and hardships, outside the prison…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-17). Is tinnitus making you miserable? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Tinnitus is a frequently reported symptom for audiology patients. It's commonly referred to as ringing in the ears, but it can be different sounds like buzzing, roaring, clicking, hissing or humming. Tinnitus is the sensation or perception of sounds that other people can't hear, and it doesn't have an external source. It lasts longer than five minutes and occurs more than once per week. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, about…

Staff (2023-04-17). Ansarullah, Saudi-Backed Presidential Council Complete Yemen Prisoner Swap. orinocotribune.com Yemen's Ansarullah resistance movement and the Saudi-backed Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) have freed scores of prisoners on the last of a three-day exchange of nearly 900 detainees, raising prospects for nationwide peace in a country embroiled in a devastating Saudi-led war. | The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which is managing the prisoner exchange, said on Sunday that planes carrying released detainees took off at the same time from the capital city of Sana'a and the energy-rich northern city of Ma'rib. | "The first flight from Ma'rib and the first flight from Sana'a have left," ICRC…

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2023-04-17). Thanks to China and Brazil, U.S. dollar's power over world economy weakens. peoplesworld.org The United States proclaimed the Monroe Doctrine 200 years ago and ever since has arranged Latin American and Caribbean affairs to its advantage. Nevertheless, struggles for national and regional independence did continue, and the poor and marginalized classes did resist. Eventually there would be indigenous movements, labor mobilizations, and progressive and socialist-inclined governments. Cuba's revolutionary …

WSWS (2023-04-17). Scottish National Party in meltdown. wsws.org The SNP's funding crisis is rooted in a membership decline flowing from the fact that in national and local government, it has imposed brutal cuts on every area of social spending, while also supporting NATO's war with Russia.

ecns.cn (2023-04-17). The largest-ever Canton Fair opens in Guangzhou. ecns.cn The largest-ever China Import and Export Fair, the 133rd, was opened offline in Guangzhou on April 15, with the exhibition area and the number of exhibitors hitting a record high, National Business Daily reported on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-17). AIIB head calls climate change 'wolf' at door. ecns.cn A prominent participant in the recent World Bank/International Monetary Fund meeting used an analogy to describe the challenges to secure funding to fight climate change.

ecns.cn (2023-04-17). Putin meets Chinese defense minister on ties. ecns.cn Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Li Shangfu here on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-17). PLA fully monitors and keeps high-level alert on U.S. warship sailing through the Taiwan Straits. ecns.cn The Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese PLA fully monitored the U.S. warship's passing operations, maintaining a high-level alert at all times and resolutely defending national sovereignty and security: spokesperson on USS Milius sailing through the Taiwan Straits.

Fight Back (2023-04-17). Minnesotans defend medical abortion. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – On Saturday, April 15, 30 protesters gathered to oppose a recent Texas court ruling that threatens to revoke FDA approval for mifepristone, a drug used in more than half of U.S. abortions. The protest was organized by the Minnesota Abortion Action Committee (MNAAC) in response to the call put out by Women's March for a National Day of Action defending medical abortion. | MNAAC member Sarah Murphy was first to address the crowd, as she explained the impact of the recent ruling, "Currently, mifepristone is still available in the 17 states where abortion is still legal. However, these lawsuits have…

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-17). NATO, Pentagon escalate Baltic-Black Seas military integration. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMultinational Corps NortheastApril 17, 2023 British and Romanian troops rotate within NATO eFP Battlegroup Poland On April 11 and 12, NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroup Poland saw the British and Romanian contingents Hand Over, Take Over ceremonies, which both took place at the Battlegroup's headquarters in Bemowo Piskie, Poland. The British and Romanian armies …

WSWS (2023-04-18). Sri Lankan pseudo-left FSP promotes "people's councils" and class collaboration. wsws.org In opposition to the FSP's appeals to the capitalist opposition parties to join "people's councils," the SEP calls on workers to form action committees in every workplace and suburb independent of all bourgeois parties and their trade unions.

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