Daily Archives: March 5, 2023

2023-03-05: News Headlines

Prabhat Patnaik (2023-03-04). Treating infrastructure as a Holy Cow. mronline.org THERE is an impression shared by even progressive intellectuals that the entity that goes by the name of "physical infrastructure" is an absolute necessity in each country, and that the actual amount of infrastructure that exists is always less than what is needed.

Ambedkar King Study Circle (2023-03-04). Saturday 3/4: India: The Modi Question (BBC documentary). indybay.org Roosevelt Community Center | 901 East Santa Clara Street | San José CA 95116 | Parking accessible from North 21st Street…

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-04). India's Education Market: The Next Neo-Colonial Frontier. dissidentvoice.org Over the last week or so, Australian politicians and representatives of the university sector got busy pressing flesh in India, hoping to open avenues that have largely remained aspirational. It was timed to coincide with G20 talks in New Delhi, which has seen a flurry of contentious meetings traversing security, economics and education, all taking …

Nitish Mondal (2023-03-04). [Correspondence] The resurgence of dengue epidemic and climate change in India. thelancet.com Climate change is influencing the incidence of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquito-borne dengue illnesses. More than half of the world's population is in danger, with an annual estimate of 100—400 million infections,1 96 million clinical symptoms, and 40‚Äà000 fatalities.2 Despite evidence of 30—50-fold increases in occurrences in tropical and subtropical regions in the past 50 years, and the fastest growing risk of dengue infection, an estimated 3 ∑97 billion people (in 129 countries) are vulnerable.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-04). India's Education Market: The Next Neo-Colonial Frontier. dissidentvoice.org Over the last week or so, Australian politicians and representatives of the university sector got busy pressing flesh in India, hoping to open avenues that have largely remained aspirational. It was timed to coincide with G20 talks in New Delhi, which has seen a flurry of contentious meetings traversing security, economics and education, all taking …

Nitish Mondal (2023-03-04). [Correspondence] The resurgence of dengue epidemic and climate change in India. thelancet.com Climate change is influencing the incidence of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquito-borne dengue illnesses. More than half of the world's population is in danger, with an annual estimate of 100—400 million infections,1 96 million clinical symptoms, and 40‚Äà000 fatalities.2 Despite evidence of 30—50-fold increases in occurrences in tropical and subtropical regions in the past 50 years, and the fastest growing risk of dengue infection, an estimated 3 ∑97 billion people (in 129 countries) are vulnerable.

People's Dispatch. (2023-03-04). G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting Ends Without A Joint Communique. popularresistance.org The G20 foreign ministers' meeting in New Delhi on Thursday, March 2, failed to release a joint statement due to the disagreements over the war in Ukraine, after representatives of both Russia and China objected to the draft. | As per Indian foreign minister S Jaishankar, both Russia and China had strong objections to the two paragraphs of the draft statement borrowed from last year's Bali conference, which demanded the unconditional withdrawal of all Russian troops from Ukrainian territory. Jaishankar instead released a 'Chair's Summary and Outcome Document' as an alternative to the joint statement.

People's Dispatch. (2023-03-04). US Renews 'National Emergency' Against Venezuela, Keeping Sanctions. popularresistance.org On Wednesday, March 1, US President Joe Biden renewed a directive declaring a state of national emergency "with respect to the situation in Venezuela." Titled Executive Order 13692, the measure was first implemented by former President Barack Obama in 2015 citing an "unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States." The EO was accompanied by sanctions against seven Venezuelan officials. | EO 13692, which has been renewed for another year, provides an expansive basis for the US to continue to impose illegal and brutal unilateral measures against the Bolivarian Repu…

Manlio Dinucci (2023-03-04). Guerre: La Storia Cancellata. globalresearch.ca La presidente Meloni, in visita a Nuova Delhi, ha dichiarato che "l'aggressione russa nei confronti dell'Ucraina" costituisce una "provocazione al cuore della Carta dell'ONU" e mina "l'ordine internazionale fondato sulle regole", concludendo che "non possiamo sottostare alla legge del più …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-04). West African People's Movements Call for Greater Unity as France Announces Military 'Reorganization'. libya360.wordpress.com Tanupriya Singh Mass protests held in Mali against the imposition of sanctions by ECOWAS following the military coup (Photo via @abdoulayekn1/Twitter) The West Africa Peoples Organisation has welcomed the proposal for greater collaboration between Burkina Faso, Mali, and Guinea, and has called for coordinating and planning production, trade, infrastructure, economic development, and defense The prime…

Revolution Books (2023-03-05). Wednesday 3/8: International Women's Day at Revolution Books, Break All the Chains! indybay.org

DXE (2023-03-05). Protesters Call for Closure of Primate Research Center at UC Davis. indybay.org The California National Primate Research Center's work has included studies with Neuralink, a company founded by Elon Musk that has been accused of violating the Animal Welfare Act…

CA Poor People's Campaign (2023-03-05). Wednesday 3/8: International Women's Day: End Women's Poverty – Invest in Caring, Not Killing w/ PPC. indybay.org Online rally for women's rights…

Jurgen Huebschen & Bernhard Trautvetter (2023-03-05). China's peace plan & It's about everything. indybay.org In times of crisis, right-wing populists, with the benevolent support of influential media, play the national card and pit disadvantaged groups of people against each other. Scapegoats, like Jews in the past and refugees today, are made responsible for the collapse of the welfare state and security.

International Rights of Nature Tribunal (2023-03-05). Saturday 3/11: Rights of Nature Tribunal: Dangers of Tren Maya Mega Project to Ecosystems & Indigenous. indybay.org Online via Zoom globally (in-person in Yucatan, Mexico)…

Alan MacLeod (2023-03-05). Openly Pro-Israel Tech Group Now Has Control Over UK's Most Sensitive National Security Data. orinocotribune.com

Fight Back (2023-03-05). Chicago: Police District Council elections outcome a historic win in fight to stop police crimes. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Executive Director Frank Chapman of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, on the results of the Police District Council elections in Chicago. | On the 28th of February, for the first time in the history of this country, the people of Chicago elected Police District Councils in 22 police districts to serve as community representatives with the power to hold police accountable for what they do and don't do. | We have been fighting for years to create the democratic option to say who polices our communities and how they ar…

mforinoco (2023-03-05). Political Repression Under Peruvian Coup Regime. orinocotribune.com By Clau O'Brien Moscoso — Mar 1, 2023 | The people of Peru continue to protest the coup which ousted President Pedro Castillo Terrones. Clau O'Brien Moscoso reports from Peru. | National Strike, Day 52 | As the coup against President Pedro Castillo continues into its third month, the political repression on the ground has been severe and growing. From a single mother who fundraised approximately 2000 soles (roughly under $500) to buy food, medicine, and other necessities for protesters coming to Lima from provincial regions, to community leaders from the FREDEPA (Front for the Defense of the People of Ayacu…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Winter safety tips from a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Weather Service says a massive winter storm is moving across the U.S., with high winds, icy conditions and up to 2 feet of heavy snow expected in parts of the Upper Midwest. If possible, limit travel or stay off the roads if you live in the affected areas. "If you don't have to go out, it's best not to go. But if you do, plan just in case something bad happens," says Dr….

Staff (2023-03-05). Colombia's Satena Airline Resumes Commercial Flights Between Bogotá and Caracas. orinocotribune.com On Friday, March 3, more than 40 passengers arrived at the Simón Bolívar de Maiquetía International Airport in Maiquetía, Venezuela, on an EMB145 aircraft belonging to the Colombian airline Satena. This was Satena's first commercial flight from Bogotá to Caracas in over five years. There was a short service disruption that, according to Colombian sources, was caused by aircraft deficiencies despite some analyst speculations that US sanctions were also part of the inconvenience. | Satena will have flights on this route twice a week. On Tuesdays and Fridays at 5 a.m., flights will depart from Bogotá to Caracas, ret…

Staff (2023-03-05). World Meeting on the Validity of Hugo Chávez's Bolivarian Thought Begins in Caracas. orinocotribune.com On Friday, March 3, the World Meeting for the Validity of Commander Hugo Chávez's Bolivarian Thought in the 21st century began to commemorate 10 years since Chávez's death. Over 140 international guests from 55 countries and several national intellectuals and writers are attending. From the José Félix Ribas room of the Teresa Carreño Theater in Caracas, a series of conversations were held aimed at extolling Hugo Chávez's historical legacy in the consolidation of socialist Venezuela and his vision of a new multicentric and multipolar world. | Among the invited intellectuals present at the event are Atilio Botón fr…

_____ (2023-03-04). What unites and disunites Indonesia and Malaysia? journal-neo.org Indonesia, a country of 275 million people, and Malaysia, a country of 33 million, are neighbors with many similarities. Malaysia and Indonesia have a shared history, culture, and religion, Islam. Their national languages belong to the same language family, making communication between their citizens simple. Furthermore, both Southeast Asian states are founding members of major …

americanthinker (2023-03-04). China's Role in Black-Market Money Laundering. americanthinker.com China and its actors have become the world's most dominant ongoing transnational criminal and money laundering enterprise.

Chris Crass (2023-03-04). Good Analysis Is Not Enough: Jen Angel and Liberation Movement Organizing. truthout.org It's a beautiful moment when you meet a person and quickly realize you are in the presence of someone who is, and will be, making history. Making history because who they are, their ideas, their work, their contributions, are already shaping the present and will help shape the future, in significant, beautiful, meaningful ways. I first met Jen Angel in 2001 at the National Conference on Organized… |

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Agenda for 1st session of 14th National People's Congress. ecns.cn The preparatory meeting of the first session of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) on Saturday adopted the following agenda for the session:…

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Global financial bodies own more Africa debt than China. ecns.cn Multilateral financial institutions and commercial creditors, instead of China, account for the bulk of Africa's debt, said Wang Chao, the spokesman for the first session of the 14th National People's Congress, on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China's Belt and Road Initiative paves way for economic development. ecns.cn The Belt and Road Initiative has created new growth points for global economic development and provided fresh opportunities for international cooperation.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). NPC to provide stronger basis for whole-process democracy. ecns.cn The 14th National People's Congress will provide stronger legal basis for promoting the whole-process of people's democracy by improving relevant work platforms, a spokesman said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Ten perspectives to understand Chinese modernization. ecns.cn Chinese modernization has spurred discussions at home and abroad since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China delves into its love of reading. ecns.cn Promoting nationwide reading has positive implications for both individual progress and national development, said Meng Man, a member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, in Beijing on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Xi attends opening meeting of CPPCC annual session. ecns.cn Xi Jinping attended the opening meeting of the first session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China's top political advisory body, Saturday afternoon in Beijing.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). NPC deputies represent all sections of society. ecns.cn Deputies to the National People's Congress are broadly representative and is a good practice of China's whole-process democracy, said a spokesperson on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). CPPCC members interviewed before annual session. ecns.cn Members of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) are interviewed ahead of the opening of the first session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 4, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China's top political advisory body starts annual session. ecns.cn The opening meeting of the first session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) is held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 4, 2023.

Fight Back (2023-03-04). International anti-imperialist conference begins in Venezuela. fightbacknews.org Caracas, Venezuela — Friday, March 3 was the first day of an international anti-imperialist conference in Venezuela held to commemorate the legacy and continuing struggle of the late Venezuelan President and leader of the Bolivarian Revolution Hugo Chavez. A delegation of Chicano and Latino members of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), led by long time Chicano activist Carlos Montes, were invited to attend by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). | Chavez is not dead | The theme of the conference was carrying on the legacy of Hugo Chavez. The mood in the room was lively, with every se…

Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War. (2023-03-04). March 4 Demonstrations Against Sanctions. popularresistance.org In solidarity with the Syrian people, suffering the unjust and unilateral coercive economic measures taken by the US and its European allies, the End the Siege Campaign has been established in cooperation between different popular movements and activists in the Arab world, Europe, and North America. | The End The Siege Campaign launches its first international action this Saturday, March 4, 2023, in a series of synchronous protests in Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Canada, Morocco, Lebanon, UK, Slovakia, Ireland, and Germany. The event in Canada will take place at noon this Saturday in front of the US…

Hannah Gais, Creede Newton (2023-03-04). Nick Fuentes Holds Racist Conference Across From CPAC. splcenter.org White nationalist Nick Fuentes booked a hotel across the street from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the National Harbor for a racist, post-CPAC conference Saturday.

International People's Tribunal on US Imperialism, Popular Resistance. (2023-03-04). March 4: Libya Hearing Of The International People's Tribunal. popularresistance.org Join the International People's Tribunal on US Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, Coercive Economic Measures for a hearing on the effects and impacts of these policies and practices on the people of Libya. We will hear testimony and reports from expert and direct witnesses, with questions and discussion from our jurors. | Around the world, U.S. sanctions and blockades have had a devastating impact on the lives of everyday people in countries targeted by these kinds of coercive economic measures. More broadly, they have served to push people into poverty and deny them self-determination.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-04). Identity Issues are Class Issues: How the Imperial Center's "Left" Opposes Workers Seizing Power. libya360.wordpress.com Rainer Shea RAWM's organizers are now working to turn their project into a permanent coalition, and that goal will be advanced by ANSWER's rally on the 18th. This rally represents a strengthening of anti-imperialist unity, especially among Marxists… The outcome of these developments could be the full breaking of the monopoly which the ABC left…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-04). Nicaragua: Reconciliation Does Not Mean Forgetting. libya360.wordpress.com Jill Clark-Gollub Opposition sniper firing from behind a roadblock in 2018. Photo by opposition activist Carl David Goette-Luciak. Hybrid warfare tactics, including information warfare and the co-opting of human rights groups, make it hard to tell the good guys from the bad in the US-backed coup attempt in Nicaragua in 2018. But it is important to note…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-04). The Valdai Meeting: Where West Asia Meets Multipolarity. libya360.wordpress.com Pepe Escobar At Russia's Valdai Club meeting — the east's answer to Davos — intellectuals and influencers gathered to frame West Asia's current and future developments. The 12th "Middle East Conference" at the Valdai Club in Moscow offered a more than welcome cornucopia of views on interconnected troubles and tribulations affecting the region. But first, an important…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-04). Ukraine: Bakhmut, Strategic or Not, is Falling. libya360.wordpress.com Moon of AlabamaWagner PMC chief Yevgeny Prigozhin © Concord Press Service. The Wagner Private Military Company has de-facto completely surrounded the key city of Artyomovsk, referred to as Bakhmut in Ukraine, the group's leader Yevgeny Prigozhin announced on Friday. 'Western' media can not decide if Bakhmut is a strategic city or has little strategic value….

JANET (2023-03-04). NYC: Sunday 3/5 Rally 4pm Commemorating Hugo Chávez U.S. Hands off Venezuela! Free Alex Saab! iacenter.org Join us in commemorating 10 years since the passing of Comandante Hugo Chávez. He strove to liberate the Venezuelan masses from poverty and US imperial domination, to serve the people, and to arm them politically & organizationally. Chávez nationalized Venezuela's natural resources to benefit the people and introduced medical and social programs for the poor. As we mourn our fallen hero, we also pledge to redouble our efforts to defend the socialist values that Comrade Hugo Chávez upheld. Comandante Hugo Chávez Presente! Our demands: * U.S. Hands OFF Venezuela! * NO Sanctions on the Venezuelan people! * FREE kidn…

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2023-03-04). Auto Workers Presidential Election A Nail-biter, Reformers Sweep Regionals. popularresistance.org In the first-ever rank-and-file direct election, as opposed to a vote of convention delegates, for the national leadership of the United Auto Workers, the presidential runoff is extremely close, with ballots still being counted. Challenges are expected no matter the outcome. | At stake is the direction of the union. Presidential challenger Shawn Fain and the Members United slate have run on a platform of "No Concessions, No Corruption, No Tiers." The slate was backed by the reform group Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD), which formed in 2019 to fight for members' right to vote on top officers.

Middle East Monitor (2023-03-04). No, Discussing Israel's 'Right to Exist' is not Antisemitic; States don't have Rights, People Do. juancole.com By Nasim Ahmed | — ( Middle East Monitor ) — "Israel's right to exist" has been challenged in expert testimonies by leading scholars Professor John Douglas and Professor Avi Shlaim. Dugard is an advocate of the High Court of South Africa. He has served intermittently as Judge of the International Court of Justice. His …

Nisreen A Alwan (2023-03-04). [Perspectives] Healing Long Covid: a marathon not a sprint. thelancet.com I have been immersed in Long Covid both personally and professionally since the summer of 2020. I experienced the condition myself, wrote and spoke about it on various national and international platforms, and did research trying to understand its features and effects. Now there is a handbook about the condition that I was eager to read, even though it is written mainly from the individual patient's point of view rather than the population-level perspective that I often see things through and advocate for as a public health professional.

Revolution Club (2023-03-04). Wednesday 3/8: International Women's Day. indybay.org 24th and Mission, San Francisco…

Staff (2023-03-04). Russian Foreign Minister Pays Tribute to Commander Hugo Chávez. orinocotribune.com Within hours for the beginning of a series of activities to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the physical departure of Commander Hugo Chávez, the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, paid him an emotional tribute through a video. | In the message, broadcast by Telesur, Lavrov highlighted the charisma of the revolutionary leader and his firm position in the speeches before the United Nations. | "He was a charismatic personality, a constant defender of equality in international affairs," said the top Russian diplomat. | pic.twitter.com/5Cuhhj66Sg | — teleSUR English (@telesurenglish) Staff (2023-03-04). Venezuela: Jorge Rodríguez Criticizes Inadequate Infrastructure for Disabled People. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, March 2, the president of Venezuela's National Assembly, Deputy Jorge Rodríguez, urged the deputies to exercise the function of comptroller of the laws enacted for the benefit of all the Venezuelan people. | Rodríguez entered the Federal Legislative Palace's session chamber in a wheelchair due to a temporary disability in his left leg. He shared on social media that he was there to "do his job," but no further information was provided about the cause of his temporary disability. | Rodríguez called on the members of the National Assembly in the absence of ramps and other measures and devices that allo…

Staff (2023-03-04). Venezuela's Peasant Movement Demands Justice for Assassination of Carlos Bolívar (+Los Tramojos). orinocotribune.com At approximately 5: 30 a.m. on Thursday, March 2, Carlos Bolívar, a member of the Peasant Platform in Guárico state, was assassinated. Since 2018, he had been fighting to rescue Los Tramojos, a plot of land disputed with a landowner. The Platform for Peasant Struggle and the National Peasant Movement reported in a statement that Bolívar was assassinated while beginning his work in Puerto Carrizalero-Camaguán, Guárico. | "Bolívar was a historic leader in the struggle to rescue the Los Tramojos ranch, an emblematic case of the Admirable Peasant March, national leader of the Platform for Peasant Struggle and the Nati…

Stephen A Hoption Cann (2023-03-04). [Correspondence] When was mpox a public health emergency? thelancet.com Clare Wenham and Mark Eccleston-Turner1 discussed challenges faced by WHO over when to declare an outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). They state the PHEIC declaration for mpox (previously known as monkeypox) could reclaim WHO's "authority in global disease control and demonstrate to states and the global health community that WHO can act in this central role and is not afraid to use the powers it has been endowed with".1 Yet, with the disease now probably endemic in many regions outside of Africa, was an earlier declaration warranted?

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental Institute For Social Research. (2023-03-04). Who Die For Life — Like Hugo Chávez — Cannot Be Called Dead. popularresistance.org On 28 October 2005, a special event was held in Caracas at the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. At this gathering, held on the birthday of Simón Rodríguez (Simón Bolívar's teacher), the Venezuelan government announced that nearly 1.5 million adults had learned to read through Mission Robinson, a mass literacy programme that it initiated two years earlier. The mission was named after Rodríguez (who was also known by the pseudonym Samuel Robinson). | One of those adults, María Eugenia Túa (age 70), stood beside President Hugo Chávez Frías and said, 'We are no longer poor. We are rich in kn…

Jacob Horwitz (2023-03-04). Garment Workers Take on Wall Street and Wage Theft. truthout.org Dilhani worked for six years in a Sri Lankan factory that makes clothes for Nike. She is one of millions of South and Southeast Asian garment workers in Big Fashion companies' supply chains who saw their income dramatically reduced during the Covid-19 pandemic through layoffs, wage cuts, and wage theft. As an outspoken member of her factory's employee council, Dilhani pushed for repayment of lost… |

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